Squad Seven

Seven people from Takashi's squadron arrived at a building not far from the twelve-meter-tall titan. 

"What big teeth!" 

Looking at the titan's large mouth, Nelson took a deep breath, suppressed the fear that was rising in his heart, and thought of his father, who died in the battle to take back Mary's Wall four years ago. 

When his father looked at the titan with a simple weapon in his hands, he must have been desperate, right? 

Holding the handle of his knives tightly, Nelson gradually calmed down. 

"This is a big guy. You can sense that with one slap he can kill us." Thomas's hands holding his knives shook with desperation. 

Christa was nervous, but she didn't flinch. 

Ymir's face was expressionless. She had seen many titans. She didn't remember how turned back into a human, but before he snuck into the wall, she had seen all kinds of titans, and had also killed some titans with her jaw. 

Seeing that everyone calmed down, Takashi began to order, "Christa and Daz will make use of their equipment to draw the titan's attention to a more open part, they must pay attention not to be caught by the titan's hand." 

"Nelson will be cooperating. If the titan catches someone, he will cut the titan's arm tendon from the side to save the person or slow down his movements. Ymir will circle around and attack the titan's neck on cue." 

"Me and Thomas will keep an eye on the surroundings so as not to be surprised by other titans in the meantime, understood?" 


No one had any complaints, this is a tactic used by recruits and soldiers in general if the soldiers are strong enough and experienced enough in the future, the whole squad could act with certain roles without the need to order. 

For example, one person attracts the titan's attention and another person is responsible for killing. 

Distract him, subdue him, cut him down and kill him. Precise moves at the right times, all as a result of a good special forces squad. 

Nelson and Christa snuck up to the roof in front of the titan with the help of their three-dimensional maneuvering equipment and ran up to the titan to get its attention with the sound of their equipment. 

"Here! Look here!" 

Ordinary titans have limited intelligence and cannot understand human words, but voices can also attract the attention of titans in general. 

And sure enough, the twelve-meter-tall yellow-haired Titan looked at the two, reached out his hand and tried to grab them violently. 


The tense Nelson and Christa used the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment to jump quickly, avoiding the grab and flying left and right. 

For a moment, the titan didn't know who to try to grab first. That's why less experienced squads need two people to attract the attention of the titans, because if there is one person, the titans will chase directly to a single target. 

It is much more dangerous to play a bait alone than to do it together with two people, if two people do not bring bad luck, at least one person will survive for sure. 

''This way!" 

The moment the titan was about to take the two of them, Ymir, who was circling around, flew behind the titan with the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment and slashed the back of the titan's neck with her blades. 

Blood splattered and the titan fell to the ground causing a billow of smoke. 

At this point, Nelson at the titan's side relaxed, and his task was actually not an easy one. If Daz or Christa are caught, he would be responsible for cutting off the titan's arm to save his teammates or interfere directly in extreme cases.

If no one is caught and Ymir fails to kill the titan, Nelson must attack the titan's neck a second time. 

This type of cooperation is actually quite perfect. It has been proposed a long time ago, but apart from the Survey corps, it is not really used in many places, because it is not common for the garrison corps to engage directly with titans. 

However, the situation inside the battlefield is always complex and changing. The squad may be surrounded by titans and while locking onto an enemy, they may be attacked by other titans. Even more dangerous, they may encounter abnormal titans that behave unpredictably, lose team mobility or run out of fuel. 

Therefore, even if it is the Survey corps, every time a titan is fought, many people will be killed and injured. After all, humans are still too weak compared to titans.

Even a monster like Takashi thinks he can kill a titan with the help of his Chakra and a sword without making use of his three-dimensional maneuvering equipment. 

Not to mention the power of a Susanoo, which quite possibly has no rival in this world. After dealing with the titan, Takashi discovered that there were about four more titans not far from his position. Now, he could sense that the garrison corps attack squad had either been wiped out or fled their position. 

Takashi's squadron was under the direction of the garrison corps and their position was the central area of the Trost district, their task was to defend the central area and only that. 

"What about the attack squads?" 

Takashi asked, in fact, they had already heard the retreat bell a moment ago, which showed that the civilians had already evacuated. Perhaps the veterans of the attack squads fled long before they heard the retreat bell. 

In fact, if it were not for the delays at the retreat gate, the civilians would have already left much earlier and many deaths would have been avoided. 

However, the retreat is relatively quick, proving that the last exercise in the Trost district for this situation was not entirely useless. 

"The seniors got away early..." Thomas said in a complicated voice. 

Indeed, those old men were a bunch of sneaky foxes, in the blink of an eye, you couldn't even see their shadow.

"Now that you have enough compressed gas, retreat to the wall and go to the Rose Wall to await instructions." Takashi said to his squad. 

"Takashi, I don't understand.... You're not even going to evacuate with us?" asked Nelson suspiciously. 

"Possibly there are many comrades in the middle who ran out of compressed gas. I'll take them to the nearest supply station." Takashi knew that not everyone was having a quiet time like the seventh squad.

There were many people who fled when they saw a titan. After the garrison corps squads retreated, many inexperienced people hid helplessly. 

There were also people who were originally defending the city center. But quite possibly now they had no fuel to return. Therefore, there were many people who needed Takashi's help. 

"You are courting death, you will most likely run out of fuel if you rush to help them now. Do you want to risk your life playing at being a hero?" Ymir said unceremoniously. 

She couldn't help it, she thought Takashi was taking a lot of unnecessary risks. 

Seeing what Christa and the others meant, Takashi ordered decisively, "Now, stand down immediately, this is an order!" 

"Ymir, you are left in command of the squadron." Takashi looked at Ymir and smiled. 

"As you wish." Ymir replied. 

He wasn't aware of much, but if the story goes as it was originally, Eren was most likely swallowed by a titan. 

He has to go there and see what's going on, plus Sasha should also be in the center of the city. He couldn't just leave her alone and wait for her to survive her fate. 

Takashi had somewhat forgotten how Eren became a titan before, but now that he was there, he remembered that Eren's whole squadron might have died. 

At this point, Takashi looked at Thomas who was originally supposed to be with Eren. 

After a few more words, Takashi's squad withdrew from the place. 


Takashi was galloping on the rooftops and slashed the back of a ten meter tall titan's neck with both knives, blood flew and the titan fell to the ground. 

Without looking back, he ran all the way and the Chakra in his body activated. If the distance between the roofs did not exceed ten meters, he would jump straight up to save fuel. At the same time, he also reinforced his blades with Chakra to increase their sharpness and durability. 

In the case of maintaining a high-speed movement, it is often easier to kill the titans passing by. Of course, this is because the titans do not notice Takashi passing by them at high speed. 

But this kind of speed is also very dangerous. Ordinary soldiers not only use up more compressed gas quickly, but they can also easily lose their balance and crash into a wall. 

The most dangerous thing is to be attacked by a titan in a blind spot in a gap between two houses. Originally, this was how Eren lost his leg and many of his companions died. 

Takashi was running fast all the way and suddenly came across Armin, who was standing next to a girl soldier with a look of bewilderment. 

The female soldier was giving first aid to a soldier lying on the ground.   

"Armin, what happened?" Takashi asked the lost Armin. 

Armin's eyes were dull, "Everyone is dead, Daniel and Mina are all dead, Franz is dead too, this is hell..." Armin was still able to survive, his good friend Eren is now quite possibly passing through the streets of the Trost district killing titans. 

His hands were shaking slightly and Takashi took a deep breath. As soon as he arrived, he received news of the death of several friends. 

"Mina died..." Takashi sighed with an indescribable feeling. That girl was someone very kind, he originally thought he could survive with some extra advice he shared on many occasions. 

Walking beside Hannah, who was still giving artificial respiration to Franz, who had already died. Hannah and Fraz were one of the potential couples within the training corps, their relationship was really very good.... 

Takashi grabbed the clothes on the back of Hannah's neck and lifted her up. 

"Franz is dead and can't be saved." Takashi showed no weakness on his face and didn't comfort Hannah, but stated the fact directly. 

Hannah burst into tears, "No, I can still wake up..." 

Takashi shouted, "He's already dead! His death was to save you and all the civilians who now escaped safely. If you die here, Franz's death will not be avenged, do you understand?" 

"If you really want to do something worth his death, stand up this instant and clear your mind. The titans are still here and it's our job to eliminate them, but first we must find a way out of this place." 

Hannah lowered her head and couldn't see his expression clearly, "I... understand." 

Takashi picked up Franz's body and placed it in the corner, he looked at it deeply and wrote down his name on his body and saved the place where it was. 

"Armin, follow us!" Takashi shouted to Armin. 

Armin's body shook and he finally reacted. 

Takashi took Hannah and Armin to meet the people trapped in the middle of the city, they could already be seen from here, they were about forty people.