Abmormal Titan


As Takashi moved forward at high speed, a fourteen-meter-tall titan suddenly jumped up and crashed into the roof of a building in the far distance. 

"Ah! Damn." 

Due to the great impact, many tiles splattered and the roof was crushed. 

"No! Another abnormal titan on the right, be careful it's too fast!" 

"Not again..." Armin remembered the titans that attacked his class. 

Takashi looked at the species strangely and knew immediately that this was an abnormal titan, he knew that these titans are a species that behaves abnormally and quite possibly they are more intelligent than the rest. 

Carefully watching its movements, the abnormal titan rushed towards directly in front of the team from the right fringe.


Braking, Takashi came to an abrupt halt, leaving a trail on the roof tiles of a building. This time his concern increased as he saw the yellow-haired titan about to move in his direction. 

"Keep moving forward, I'll take care of killing that grotesque titan!" Takashi stared at the titan not too far away. If he let the abnormal titan rush in from the right, he knew the formation would break up.   

"This time I can't just suppress it and keep moving forward, its speed is too great and it will possibly catch up with us sooner or later." Takashi thought as he headed towards the abnormal titan. 

"Be careful!" 

Having a cold sweat on his forehead, he knew that this time the situation was much more complicated and urgent than before, this was a group of more than thirty people so it was easy to attract the titans attention. Even if he hesitated, he had the power to release a Susanoo and at least it would not be seen by others. 

The people who were far behind his speed noticed that Takashi had stopped and then swerved to the right of the group. When they looked in the direction Takashi was heading, they saw the strange titan jumping not far to the right. 

"No, I'm going to help him!" Mikasa, who was staying in the middle of the formation, wanted to swerve to help Takashi. 

Armin who was behind hurriedly stopped her, "Mikasa, you too have spent more compressed gas than the others and you won't have enough to go back, you can't help Takashi like that, trust him! He has already killed many titans, he is very strong." 

Armin stared at the grotesque yellow-haired titan. It was that titan who suddenly jumped up and ate one of his classmates, so Eren accordingly ran towards him recklessly, but was suddenly bitten by a titan that was subdued by Takashi on the way. That titan was the beginning of all the tragedies of his class! But Armin firmly believed that Takashi could kill it and cut it into pieces. 

Running all the way, Takashi soon reached the fourteen-meter tall abnormal titan. 

The yellow-haired abnormal titan lying on the roof of a building looked at him with its huge eyes, its mouth was slightly open and its teeth were exposed showing a gruesome appearance. 

Takashi's Chakra tensed, he knew that strange shaped movements by abnormal titans are very hard to dodge, especially now that he is standing facing one, even the elites of the Exploration corps if they are in his situation, they can easily die. 

"What a horrible thing!" muttered Takashi as he switched the blades of his swords.


Without warning, the yellow-haired abnormal titan violently exerted force on its four limbs and with a loud bang on the roof of the building, it jumped as high as a frog and tried to bite Takashi's body. 

"Be careful!" Behind Takashi, Sasha, who quickly followed them, shouted in desperation. 


Pressing the trigger on the handle of his blade, Takashi advanced forward instead of backing away. The injector was anchored to the ground and moved sliding across the roof of the building, its blades slashing the titan's stomach at the same time. 

Blood splattered on its face, Takashi could have sworn it had swallowed a mouthful of blood directly. As his body shot forward, he propelled himself with the strength of his legs upward.

He momentarily pressed the switch on the handle to release as much gas as possible. 

"Tastes like salt water..." 

The gas from the pipe at the waist of his three-dimensional maneuvering equipment was quickly expelled and Takashi's body rose slightly. 


The abnormal titan who tried to take a bite out of Takashi crashed through the ceiling and slid forward off the building falling straight down. 

Takashi, who at that moment was in the air, fixed on the titan's body and advanced quickly. 

Without quick turns, with the anchor of the injector fixed on the titan's body, he flew to the back of the neck and swung his swords.    


The blades sliced into the back of the titan's neck, directly cutting off a chunk of flesh!" 


The abnormal titan, which was about to propel itself again to attack Takashi, its strength and momentum slowly faded and it collapsed to the ground, heating up and then began to evaporate. 

Attack power and defense strength are almost on the same level, executing Chakra artfully in his body can make Takashi perform many actions that to others may be unreasonable. 

Even so, there were many who could do unreasonable things without being able to make use of Chakra. 

Without much thought, Takashi turned his head and ran towards the center of the team again, advancing with the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment towards the target. 

He still didn't know that this titan he just killed ate Mina Carolina, otherwise he wouldn't have let him die so quickly. 

"Takashi, you were too reckless, you took the initiative to run into the titan's mouth just now!"    

Sasha in the back looked at Takashi with concern. 

"Takashi, just now I thought you were so scared that you ran straight into the titan's mouth." Connie said. 

"We don't have much time to waste, I can only take risks to increase our speed." Takashi also knew that his actions were dangerous at that time, so he might have become titan food if he had made a mistake. At the same time also his gas has been almost completely consumed, so he could only take quick risks to solve that problem as soon as possible. 

"Broken glass!" 



Many entered directly through the broken windows, and others broke glass to enter the second floor and then crouched on the ground. 

The titans hovering around the building were eliminated by Mikasa who still had gas reserves. 

Reiner, Annie, Bertholdt and Marco had entered first and smashed several windows, then Takashi, Mikasa, Sasha and Connie entered.   

"It's so dangerous, I almost ran out of gas!" Connie patted the gas pipe, he was lucky, his gas had run out just at the end of getting here. 

"How many people are left?" looking around, Takashi, who was covered in blood, asked directly. 

Even if he and Mikasa had killed titans along the way, there were still losses from titans that suddenly appeared, others died because they lost all of their gas and fell to the ground. 

"There were 39 of us when we started our journey, now there are only 33 of us left!" Jean, who was one of those who arrived first, had already counted the number of soldiers who survived.

Suddenly, Jean discovered the 2 people from the supply class hiding underneath the table. 

"Are they from the resupply team?" Jean asked with a cold expression and pulled them straight out. 

Hiding in this room is not necessarily safe. Titans have eyes. If they are found, the titans will either destroy this building or reach out to get them. That's why they hide under the desks, at least that's safer.

"Damn, you guys really hid all this time, we almost died without supplies!" The cadet held by Jean was knocked down with a thud. 

Marco went over to hug him, and although he was angry, hitting them wouldn't help either. 

"Stop, don't make noise or you'll attract the other titans in the vicinity. It was hard to take out the ones near the building, we can't take risks." 

After saying that, Takashi approached the resupply cadets and asked them directly. "What is the situation on the lower floors?" 

In fact, these cadets are also from corps 104 training soldiers. 

Because both the gas and the blades were on the first floor, they would have to go downstairs to get supplies. Takashi's gas ran out, only two blades were left, and everyone's gas was almost completely used up.

The resupply soldier who was knocked to the ground with a punch covered his face and said in a crying voice, "Captain Kitz escaped and then two 4 meter tall titans came in. Some of the others escaped and others were eaten. Now, we are trapped on the second floor." 

After pondering for a while, Takashi looked at Marco, "Marco, take some people to look for something useful upstairs. Renner, look how many titans under 5 meters are now wandering around, remember to be careful." 

The taller titans can't get into the supplementary room on the second floor, so it wasn't that dangerous. 


No one has any objections, Takashi was the one who brought them to safety in the first place, not only his orders are appropriate, but also his methods. He had originally been the second best graduating cadet in the training corps, but his strength and judgment have been recognized by everyone here as the best of all. 

Takashi leaned against the wall without saying a word, thinking that Eren should have already become a titan at least 15 meters tall, but because he brought everyone to the supply station ahead of time, Mikasa stabilized emotionally and followed the rest safely without carrying any danger. 

However, Eren should not be difficult to find. After all, having become a titan in the original story, he was killing other titans like a madman right about now 

"That, Takashi, what about the rest of your class?" Armin suddenly asked. 

Armin had been immersed in the pain of his teammates being annihilated. It wasn't until Mikasa comforted him with a few words that he recovered. Now he has regained his aura and his sharp thinking. 

Seeing everyone looking at him, Takashi explained, "After our squad killed two titans, we heard the bell to retreat. I asked them to retreat to Rose's Wall first." 

"So, you actually could have retreated, then why did you come to the city center?" Jean reacted and looked at Ren strangely. 

Takashi said carelessly: "I just wanted to know if they were dead, at least as friends that we are, I thought I could collect their corpses."

Sasha expressed her disbelief and looked moved, "Are you here to save us?" 

Others also looked at him gratefully. 

With a smile, Takashi looked at Sasha and said, "Don't just thank me with a thank you, give me your dinner too." 

Hearing this, the emotion on Sasha's face disappeared, his face was full of pain and he said, "Hey, at most, I'll give you half a piece of bread." 


Everyone couldn't help but laugh, and the depressed atmosphere eased a little. 

Running to the supply station is only safe temporarily. If they can't clear the titans under the building, it would be all over.