Commander's question

Commander Pixis slowly approached and smiled at Takashi, who had already had a little interaction with him, "Young cadet, lower the blades of your swords, it shouldn't be a good habit to hold the knife to the officer's neck. Save the edge for more meaningful things like titans!"  

Takashi pulled the edge of his blade away from Kitz Weilman's neck, inserted it back into the three-dimensional maneuvering gear, fixed the captain's shirt and patted a non-existent powder on his shoulders, smiling he said, "Captain Kitz, all is well." 

"Humph!" Kitz Wellman snorted coldly, if it wasn't for the commander here, he would have scolded him. 

Captain Kitz: Young man, I thought you were highly motivated to protect me, I believed in you and you broke my heart. 

Commander Pixis looked at Takashi with interest, "I understand the overall situation, it was good that you stopped Captain Kitz but don't expect to get away with your actions." 

"Soldier, I will personally listen to your battle plan later. I hope it will be worth it, it would be unfortunate if all that wit went with the salute and that amazing speech you made." Commander Pixis said as he looked at Armin.

Armin looked at Eren and Mikasa when he heard the words, hesitating a bit as they approached Commander Pixis. 

Pixis then looked at Takashi and said, "Even if your actions were good, you also violated the military rules. You are the second strongest soldier in the training corps. Now you are deprived of your qualifications to enter the military police corps, and in the upcoming combat actions do you have any problem in undertaking the most dangerous tasks?" 

Takashi replied, "I have no problem, sir!" 

"Wilman, what do you think?" Commander Pixis looked to Kitz for answers. 

Kitz gave Takashi a fierce look and said, "All right." 

In his opinion, this punishment is already too heavy, not being able to join the military police regiment means the future is gone, and being a combat vanguard means the probability of death is extremely high. 

Pixis nodded with satisfaction, "Wilman, go organize the reinforcements and I want everyone to assemble under the Rose wall. I want to hear what these cadets have to say." 

"Yes!" Kitz saluted and ran to gather the staff. 

"Everyone stand down immediately, Rita, Gustav, you also help organize all the personnel." Commander Pixis wanted everyone to leave. 

Rita, the female soldier of the garrison corps hesitated, "But commander, your safety..." 

Looking at Eren who could turn into a titan, she was not convinced of such absurd orders. 

Pixis smiled very calmly, "No problem, won't young Ackerman be there? Don't worry, he shouldn't put the knife to my neck like he did to Captain Kitz." 

Takashi kept a reserved smile, he thanked the commander secretly that he could trust him to maintain his safety. 

"I will maintain the commander's safety, you must not worry." Takashi uttered a few small words. 

With a hesitant expression on their faces, Rita and Gustav looked at Takashi wordlessly, they had seen Takashi last time, but they did not expect him to be so bold as to threaten a senior officer. 

In the end, they all left to undertake the task Commander Pixis ordered. Pixis was in no hurry to strike up a conversation with Armin and all that he had planned, but walked towards Eren first, without any fear of Eren turning into a titan. 

"Unimaginable things have happened in just twenty-four hours, I never thought there would be humans with the ability to become titans." Pixis said lightly. 

Without hesitation, the commander walked over, stood a few feet in front of Eren, looked at him carefully and then smiled at Mikasa, who was holding a knife at his side, "Child, don't worry, no one here will threaten your partner's life." 

Mikasa hesitated for a moment, then sheathed her two knives. She too was an Ackerman, Pixis was intrigued that this girl and young Takashi had no relation. 

Commander Pixis looked towards Rose's Wall, "Eren Jaeger, well, come on, we need to talk about whatever they have to say on the wall." 

Eren was stunned for a moment, then reacted, "Yes, Commander..." 

Takashi didn't talk to Eren or express his thoughts, he was so hurt that they thought he was someone bad. 

Half an hour later, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. It was early summer and the sun was shining. If the Trost district hadn't been raped, today would have been a good day. 

"I'm still out of luck, I wouldn't mind being devoured by a titan female with nice hips and a big ass." Pixis said with an indescribable grin. 

At that moment, Pixis, Takashi and the others listened to Eren's story, who explained that the questions about the titans and the secrets outside the walls were hidden in the basement of his hometown and where he could also explain his newfound power. 

Takashi also knew about that unknown in the original story, too bad he didn't know about what was hidden in the basement of Eren's house.   

Seeing no response from Pixis, Eren couldn't help but ask, "Do you believe me, sir?" 

Commander Pixis smiled and asked Takashi, who was standing next to him, "Takashi, do you believe it?" 

Takashi looked at Eren and said, "True, this may be incomprehensible, but what we are certain of is Eren's ability to be able to transform into a titan. Therefore, his home might hide something much more than just a few simple secrets." 

After saying that, Takashi pointed out, "When we get the Maria wall back, we'll see if there's something hidden in that basement." 

"Haha, you've got quite a nerve. Of course, this kind of indeterminate stuff can only be solved in the head first." Commander Pixis pointed to his large bald head.  

"Well, since even you yourself are not so sure about it, all I can promise you is that I'll think about it. However, I have always prided myself on being able to recognize the truth when I see it. For now, I personally guarantee your safety." 

After saying that, Pixis turned his attention to Armin and asked, "Your name is Armin Arlert, is it not?" 

"Yes, sir." Armin replied. 

"Earlier you mentioned that through the power of that titan, it would be possible to regain control of the city? Is that something you really believe? Or were you just saying that out of desperation?" Pixis asked lightly.

Then, Armin talked about the plan to use Eren's giant power to lift the large stone not far from Trost's district gate to block the broken gate. 

Commander Pixis looked at Armin silently, feeling that his words could trigger a victory fast. 

Of course, Commander Pixis had already made up his mind even before hearing Armin's words. 

"Survive no matter what, haha! Those words have more value than anything." Pixis said. 

Knowing that the armored titan can appear at any time to destroy the Rose wall. After losing the Trost district, the Rose wall gate was completely exposed to the titans eyes. 

"I guess you tried to stop the captain with those words, right?" Commander Pixis nodded with understanding, this Armin boy was going to consider it in the future.   

"I came up with that idea while he was talking. But it still failed. If it wasn't for Takashi who stopped Captain Kitz in time, we might have died." Armin was an outspoken one. He, Eren and Miaksa had survived thanks to him, they had already thanked him for this gesture a while ago. 

Mikasa even thought Takashi was not as his actions made him out to be. 

Pixis smiled and looked at Takashi, "Looks like you don't just want to listen to this plan, do you?" 

Takashi nodded and solemnly explained, "I just want to explain my observations, Eren has had difficulty blocking the cannonball earlier, he couldn't manifest his full body like he had before." 

"Considering he was in a coma when he came out of the back of the titan's neck, the transformation from human to titan should put a great burden on his body. I suggest that Eren should eat something and drink some water now, and take a break to replenish his strength." 

Armin looked at Takashi with surprise, he also wondered why Takashi was indifferent during the first bombardment and admired his observation. 

Commander Pixis' eyes lit up slightly, "Is there anything else to add?" 

After a moment's thought, Takashi said, "The big stone idea seems good. However, considering that the titans will attack Eren it would be smart if instead of carrying the rock sphere, he tried to push it through the streets. With this we will be sure to protect Eren more easily and if we even fail, he could try to defend himself as well." 

Pixis smiled, "Very well, we could take that into consideration. It looks like the tall wooden poles you suggested last time we talked are useful. At least we'll have better mobility in the open space where this operation will be run."

Takashi wasn't too happy, "I hope less people die, you might consider leaving me in charge of an elite squad to lead it." Remembering how elite soldiers sacrificed themselves without a fight, it was something he wanted to avoid at any cost. 

Hearing those words, Pixis and the others were shocked. Even they themselves couldn't handle a burden as important as defending Eren, but Takashi even wants to lead a squad himself. 

"Well, you seem to have character." With a serious expression, Pixis nodded. 

He also knew that no matter how good the plan was, sacrifices were inevitable. Many people would die in the battle of reconquest, but some things had to be done! 

Not just do it, it had to be done immediately! Eren could become a giant, which meant something in itself, and he couldn't give the enemy time to react! 

Commander Pixis approached Eren and squatted down, Eren was sitting on the ground due to weakness. 

The commander's eyes sharpened, "You heard him, take a break and eat something later. Now, answer me, can you plug that hole?" 

"Well... I... I'm not sure." With a hesitant expression on his face, Eren wasn't sure if he could do it or not, and now he was under a lot of pressure. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. It seems I asked you the wrong question." After saying that, Pixis' smile was erased and he asked directly, "The question is, will you or won't you do it, Eren?" 

Then, Pixis stopped Eren's backward glance. Eren looked back at the Trost district now occupied by titans, the damaged houses and the smoke of defeat billowing. 

Eren remained silent. 

Unconsciously clenching his fists, Eren was adamant, "I'll do it! I don't know if I can do it, but I definitely will!"