The keen observation of Erwin Smith

After eight o'clock in the evening, the sky had darkened, the place that until recently seemed like hell itself, rested in tranquility.  

On the second floor of a small building near the Rose Wall, the lights were on at this moment. 

At a long table, Erwin Smith, Commander of the Survey Corps and Commander Pixis' escorts sat facing each other.    

Captain Levi was looking slightly at Takashi before sitting down with his arms crossed. The squad leaders Hange, Mike, all had taken seats after Commander Erwin had entered, there were also some other elites who were only one rank lower than the Survey Corps captains. On the spot, everyone had arrived.

Eren and Takashi are sitting around Gustav, Rita and Anka. As for the majority, they were not yet in any corps. Originally, they were not qualified to participate in this meeting, let alone sit, but considering they were the key soldiers in the operation, their presence was important. Many had to report what happened, even so some captains were standing. 

"So they relied on the untapped power of Cadet Eren Jaeger and with the help of his titan, they were able to block the gate that was suddenly destroyed by the colossal titan..." Commander Erwin's voice was serene and he looked at Eren throughout. 

"Yes, that was basically the operation." Gustav said with slight discomfort.    

After a few light words, everyone had presented the situation of the operation in more detail. The people in the Survey Corps had basically understood what happened. 

Takashi also pointed specifically to the female titan that had appeared at the end of the operation. Everyone should pay attention to that female titan, after all, she would be the main enemy of all mankind. 

Captain Mike asked curiously, "Can we then use the power of Eren's titan in tomorrow's battle? If so, we might be able to decrease casualties." 

Hange, who was sitting on Commander Erwin's left side, was immediately excited and her enthusiasm could not be hidden on her face. 

"A human who can become a titan, my God, I'm really looking forward to being able to study him in depth!" Hange thought with anticipation. 

However, Hange's fantasy was quickly shattered. 

"I'm afraid that won't work. The news that Eren may become a titan can no longer be hidden. The order from the high command has been sent. Therefore, Eren will be detained in a special prison pending the decision which will be taken at a high level."

After saying that, Erwin looked Eren towards and remarked, "Although it is a pity, there is nothing we can do. So after today, Cadet Eren Jaeger will be under our care." 

"Sighed..." Gustav poured himself a glass of water.

Hearing that, Eren's face darkened, no one in this room would be happy if after making a great contribution to humanity, he ended up in jail. Hearing the commander's words, he could only feel a little pity.

"It's like this... A pity." Captain Mike became silent again. His nose from time to time twitched strangely. 

Erwin, he felt a bit regretful that he couldn't study Takashi a bit more, now he had to make some preparations for the trial, Eren should definitely be in the Survey Corps!

"That's all for now, Cadet Eren Jaeger, from now on you will be under the care of the Survey Corps." 

After those words were said, Eren stood up with a gloomy face and was led away by two soldiers of the Survey Corps. From now on, Eren no longer had the right to move freely. According to his situation, he will be sent to jail and then sent to another place after the military police arrive. 

Commander Erwin watched Eren leave and then looked at Armin, "This plan was proposed by you, how to be sure that Eren could move the rock after becoming a titan? And most importantly, stay in control. It was said that he was not in control the first time he became a titan."    

Commander Erwin wanted to test the people closest to Eren, he wanted to be sure that no one else but him was someone with the same abilities. 

Armin then looked at all the soldiers in the Survey Corps and said nervously, "As I told Commander Pixis, I wasn't sure but at the time it was worth a try."  

Erwin nodded and said nothing, he turned his head to look at Takashi, his eyes sharpened and asked, "It is said that the wooden poles you suggested were very useful, did you know that the titans would attack the Trost district gate?" 

In fact, I was very curious about this cadet who was possibly someone related to Levi. I wanted to evaluate him and find out if Takashi knew something else that they did not.  

It's really hard for some people inside this room to fool him. It was really curious how someone suggested increasing the defenses of the city of Trost and a year later it was destroyed. So Erwin wanted to know what was going on inside Takashi's mind.

The wooden poles were useful in this morning's operation. After all, in the original situation, everyone would have a hard time moving in the open space to confront the titans. This time, many people had survived in addition to Rico. 

This question might be a bit dangerous, so everyone looked at Takashi waiting to hear his answer.   

Takashi's expression remained the same. After having been worried about being exposed, his mind stabilized and now he didn't care much about how this would all end. "Well, intuition."   

"Intuition?" Mike frowned. 

After saying that, Takashi said quietly, "Yeah, I guess we're surrounded by trustworthy people now. So I'll say what I think, the titans that have knocked down the walls of our territories are titans with the ability to turn into humans." 

"That's..." Hange showed a shocked expression. 

"If they were normal titans, why would they wait five years to tear down the next wall? I just don't get it, their purpose is to get to the heart of humanity?" 

Moblit Berner shouted, "Hey little guy, what are you saying?" 

Levi was puzzled and asked, "Kid, do you even know what you are talking about?" 

"Sure I know, I'm sure they launched a hunting operation when they found out about the special titans that took down the Shiganshina and Maria wall, right? What did they find?" Takashi didn't know who the titans attacking humanity were, but he knew they were changeling humans. 

In fact, the people in the Survey Corps were more sentient than average people. After listening to the detailed process of the incident, Commander Erwin felt that Takashi's performance was prescient and a bit suspicious.

For example, during the exercise a year ago, Commander Pixis suggested placing dozens of wooden poles on both sides of the main street near the Trost district gate. This helped the vanguard squads a lot, at least preventing them from being completely massacred. 

And then, before Armin could tell his plan, Takashi made the decision to threaten a senior officer with a knife to defend Eren and soon after decisively ordered to continue the operation when Eren remained stunned.   

Although Takashi also described in detail how he woke Eren up. All these decisions turned out to be correct, every movement and dialogue seemed to be taken from a story full of success   

"Is he really smart or a complete mess, doesn't he realize the situation he's in?" Erwin thought Takashi was someone really special, but very visible. 

Even if he was someone related to Levi, he would have to evaluate him personally before having a conversation with Levi about this guy. 

Hange looked at Takashi and said, "You decisively threatened Kitz to save Eren before, was it out of friendship or did you think you could use the titan's power to seal the door?" 

Erwin thinks Takashi is really someone very sharp and clairvoyant, or maybe he knows something, but Takashi is unlikely to be an enemy. When he met with Commander Pixis, the commander had already expressed his thoughts about Takashi. He trusted Takashi's vision, so it only took a few words to know what kind of person that cadet was. 

Takashi looked at everyone and didn't know why he felt questioned, so he answered with everything he knew: "Part of it was to save some friends. I didn't think about Armin's words very well. I just wanted to make sure Eren wasn't harmed because of his courage. Come to think of it, he's someone very special." 

Captain Mike, on Commander Erwin's right, said, "Mmm, how can you be so sure that the colossal titan and the battleship are not related to Eren? Just because he attacked some ordinary titans?" 

In fact, there was now a doubt whether the titans that attacked the Mary Wall were changeling humans and more importantly, whether they are related to Eren. 

And considering the fear that many people have of Eren, even classmates with whom they once participated in the same training corps dare not get too close to him, as if Eren would suddenly become an enemy of humanity. 

Even if Eren sealed the door and saved the Trost district, still the vast majority fear him and truly doubt Eren. 

Even the elites of the Survey Corps look at Eren with vigilance, suspicion and fear in their eyes. But that's not half really, they all survived thanks to his careful observations and precautions.    

And speaking more harshly, they have all been risking their lives to fight the titans and create a better future for all mankind. So it is still somewhat unacceptable for a titan to appear and become a companion. Of course, the only one who could accept Eren was Hange Zoe.

Fear has kept many soldiers in the Survey Corps alive. In the original story, Eren once became a titan and that action was not under his control. Several soldiers who were protecting him, lost their composure and were ready to cut him to pieces.  

It is hard for people who are not in this world to understand the desperation and fear of being chewed to pieces by a titan. 

Looking at Mike, the second strongest man second only to Captain Levi, he said, "I guess it's easy to think, if Eren really was an enemy, why would he help humanity win? If it wasn't for him, the Trost district would have been lost." 

"I have been training alongside Eren for three years, we share a room and I can say I know him better than all of you. If someone had his determination to be a soldier and kill all the titans, would you suspect him? Eren has lost a lot to the titans, of that there is no doubt." 

Miaksa and Armin were silent when they heard those words, Eren was now imprisoned and there was no telling what the outcome of his trial would be.   

"We are still baffled as to what is going on, I see it impossible for that cadet to be someone who would support humanity." Nanaba, the officer under Mike, said. 

Takashi looked at Nanaba, who was a really attractive woman. Feeling that they were not getting to a point, Takashi said, "I am willing to bet my life that Eren can offer a great change to humanity, now it is really hard to see, but I am sure that someday they will understand my vision about the future." 

"I really thought about how all of this right now is baffling, but I focused only on winning and of course we succeeded. I lost friends and comrades, and I'm sure they would accept this victory even if it was with the help of a titan." 

Takashi pointed to Armin and Miaksa: "They are childhood friends, they can know Eren better than anyone else. We really just need to understand Eren's power and discover everything around him in order to accept him."   

This time, Eren didn't lose control of his movements and didn't attack Mikasa when he became a titan, so Takashi was able to share his thoughts.