Without holding back

Everyone was silent seeing Takashi's sudden arrival, no one could see him clearly, his speed was out of this world. 

Takashi's eyes glowed crimson, looking at the female titan with a fury growing inside him. This female titan was about to kill him together with Sasha in the last war. 

When Annie looked at Takashi's sudden arrival, she felt a strange feeling inside her body, now looking at those glowing eyes of Takashi, she knew he was not someone normal. 

"Commander, I think I can bring out the human inside the inside of the female titan!" Takashi looked at Commander Erwin Smith and made eye contact with him. 

Erwin Smith was a little surprised, but then nodded and said, "You may proceed!" 

Having a confirmation, Takashi moved to the female titan's back and unsheathed the sword on her back. This was the first time he made use of his sword, he had not encountered the opportunity to cut titans with this sword. 

Closing his eyes slightly, Takashi concentrated the Chakra on the edge of the entire sword. Every breath he took increased the power within the sword, aiming for the back of the female titan's neck, he was ready to see who was inside this intelligent titan. 

"Sir, do you think you can cut the back of the neck with the hardened skin of that female titan? We couldn't, I honestly don't expect much." Mike said in a deep voice. 

Just as Erwin was about to answer, a soldier arrived from the front. "Commander, multiple titans are approaching in our direction, it seems they were alerted by the female titan!" 

The commander frowned, apparently some titans were still alerted by the female titan's shout. Looking at Mike, Erwin said, "Mike, take over!" 

"Roger that!" 

Turning his gaze to Takashi, he suddenly opened his eyes and swung the edge of his sword at high speed towards the female titan. 


With a quick slash, the female titan had stiffened her skin on her hands while covering the back of her neck. However, this did not stop Takashi's slash and it broke much of the female titan's hardened skin. Without stopping, Takashi continuously attacked the nape of the female titan's neck. 


Everyone felt cold at the sight of Takashi's crazed attacks, Levi even thought his nephew had gone completely insane. 

"It's working!" shouted Hange Zoe excitedly as she saw the female titan's skin being damaged more and more. 

"This is for Aldous, you damned bastards!" Takashi felt he was getting closer and closer to completely counting the hardened skin of the female titan. "This is for Mina and all those who died!" 


The female titan let out a desperate cry, she never thought anyone had a method to cut her hardened skin, it had no logic. Only now, Annie remembered Marco Bott's words. 

"Takashi will cut you bastards to pieces!" 

Feeling the fury of Takashi's every attack, Annie thought those words might be real. And at last, in an instant the female titan's hands were completely severed. 


"That took a lot longer than I thought..." Takashi muttered under his breath. Just now the cuts were truly dangerous, but the hardened skin of the female titan was much tougher than he thought. 

Seeing that the female titan's hands were cut off, everyone was stunned. "So fierce!" 

"Well done, Takashi, now be careful not to kill her by mistake." Hange Zoe said with concern. 

Mike had already gone to hold back the abnormal titans that were approaching towards the female titan at high speed. They had all been called out by the female titan's roar, but there weren't many due to Takashi cutting her jaw just before she screamed much more. 

Looking towards Commander Erwin, Takashi waited for his response. Erwin on his side, nodded slightly for Takashi to continue. 

"Deaf Noise!" 

Emanating a large amount of steam from the back of her neck, the female titan felt desperate. There was nothing she could do, the titans had been called but not many were approaching. More importantly, however, she couldn't heal her jaw even if she concentrated all her energy on recovering that area of her body. 

"Keep it up!" 

"Come on!" 

The shouts of the soldiers were heard with excitement, just now they were about to find out who was hiding behind the back of that intelligent titan's neck. 

"Commander Erwin, this is urgent!" 

The same soldier who called Takashi and took it upon himself to help Thomas, came to the tree where Erwin was.

"What's the situation?" Erwin asked with a frown. 

"A new intelligent titan... Quite possibly another intelligent titan appeared on the left flank of the formation." The soldier was out of breath and said, "It got out of sight, quite possibly it is close to our position." 

As if his words held magic, a burst of orange lightning completely illuminated the forest from the front of the female titan. 


Due to the great commotion, Takashi stopped his movements in amazement that the explosion had happened not far from his position. 

"Not again!" Takashi couldn't believe it, this wasn't the original story, everything was constantly changing. 

Focusing his sight as much as he could, Takashi couldn't differentiate what was happening in the distance, but it wasn't good. 

In the distance, outside even the forest of giant trees, a titan was forming from his feet to his head. Standing over seventeen meters tall, a titan with light gray skin looked in the direction where the female titan stood. 

Reaching forward, a whitish mass began to emerge from her hand and slowly form an arc. To many connoisseurs, the warhammer titan had mysteriously appeared in this place. 

Aimed at the center of the forest, the warhammer titan fired the first arrow. 


A series of trees were knocked down before the warhammer titan fired the second arrow. 


Seeing the arrows slowly knocking all the trees down to his direction, Erwin Smith frowned, a new titan had appeared. 

"Commander, this is not good!" Mike had a grim expression on his face. This whole situation was outside of his predictions, something like this was not supposed to happen. 

"So another titan showed up!" Takashi sheathed his sword and felt the waves of attacks reach his face. 

"Erwin, we must reorganize!" Levi said in frustration, he like everyone else had not expected something like this. 

"We don't have any more time, everyone move behind me as soon as possible!" As Takashi's voice came, an arrow hit very close to their position. 

Raising a curtain of dust and rocks, many soldiers lost sight of their surroundings. Although Takashi couldn't do much, he had a way out of this situation. 

Everyone, move behind Takashi!" shouted Erwin as he analyzed the situation. At this rate, the arrows could hit them all. 

"Looks like someone came to rescue you, don't get too excited, I also have a much darker power than you could ever imagine!" As Takashi's voice finished, a burst of purple Chakra began to form around his body. 

Those closest didn't have time to react as they watched as half of a skeleton's body slowly formed. 

"Fear not, this is the Survey Corps' hidden card!" Erwin's shout woke everyone from their thoughts, decisively they all moved towards Takashi's back. 

Releasing his Susanoo, Takashi was furious, it seems as if everything that happened in this world was against him. This is the second time he is backed into a corner. 

"I have arrows too!" Saying this, Takashi's Susanoo created a crossbow and with a quick movement, aimed towards the source of the arrows. 

Right now he was determined to kill that intelligent titan with the most powerful weapon this world has ever had the honor to witness. 

The surroundings tensed up, everyone looked at the skeletal body of Chakra strangely, it didn't seem to be the power of a titan, but it just seemed much darker than any other power. 

The heavy air made everyone shiver unconsciously, Levi looked at his nephew with a dark expression, this was the power that hid his body and by which his life was getting shorter and shorter. 

Takashi wasted no time, the large crossbow in his Susanoo's hands pointed towards the warhammer titan. 

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" 

Three arrows were fired at high speed, completely ignoring the surroundings, the damage was disastrous. Trees were cut down, the air burst with force. 

In the blink of an eye, the warhammer titan was directly attacked by three purple arrows. 


The first arrow completely destroyed its head. The second and third arrows went into its body. 

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" 

The shockwave made everyone close their eyes, they felt the terror of the power that Takashi's Susanoo had just unleashed. 

"You're dead, no one is a match for Susanoo's power, but to be sure I won't leave even a trace of your body." Takashi didn't stop and launched two more arrows towards the warhammer titan. 

"Boom! Boom!" 

"What incredible explosive power, so this is the power hidden in Takashi's body, he definitely finished off the enemy." Erwin was shocked, Takashi's power was not a joke at all. 

How is it possible that a human could create such devastating power? And more importantly, all within a human body. 

When the movements stopped, Takashi sighed with relief. Just now, he had given everything with the last attacks, he couldn't hold back due to the dangerous situation. Feeling that the Susanoo's Chakra was getting weaker and weaker, he looked towards the female titan. 

Now the noises were too big and most likely the titans from all directions were approaching his position. 


"Commander, multiple titans are approaching our direction." Mike shouted with a cold sweat running down his face. 

"Takashi, we must retreat, you've already sacrificed far more than you should have." Erwin made a decision and ordered everyone to stand down. 

Rising into the sky, Takashi watched as the titans ate the female titan's body. 

"Damn!" Takashi gritted his teeth in fury, he had lost over ten years of life and had only been able to resolve one intelligent titan in the distance. 

However, unbeknownst to anyone, the destroyed body of the warhammer titan had not moved. But in the distance, a person smiled in fascination. 

"What incredible power, no doubt you are a demon!" The voice teased excitedly, "We will meet once more, I look forward to seeing how high your power can go, he should be very proud..."

Sensing a group of soldiers approaching in his direction, the person controlling the warhammer titan ran from the spot. 

His work here was done.