Going against the current

We have all learned that we humans are terrible creatures, but within all that violence, we can find acts so beautiful that they leave us speechless and those moments are the ones that every single human being has left in our memories. 

Happy families, children who want to stand out and people who just want to live peacefully. Worries and desires are only influenced by the moment, every human can be good in some way. 

The next morning, it seemed like a good day to make a natural change.

Inside the Stohess district of the Sina Wall, inside the Gendarmerie branch, Annie slowly got out of bed, feeling very depressed. 

She has been in a bad state since the goal of capturing Eren failed a few days ago, and now she feels that she may never be able to return home.    

After cleaning herself up, Annie hurried out of her room, her companions should already be waiting for her. When she arrived, she lined up and waited in silence. 

Soon after, an officer of the Gendarmerie regiment began assigning tasks to the new members of the Gendarmerie regiment, saying that they were to use three-dimensional maneuvering equipment to monitor the Survey Corps that was summoned by the King. 

A young man who did not quite understand the content of the report named Marlowe, asked for some more details and the superior officer answered him.The officer generously handed Marlowe the command and duties, then turned away to continue wasting time.    

Annie looked at all this with indignation, to be honest, she didn't care for the gendarmerie and her colleagues here bored her. 

If she didn't want to investigate the royal family and the power of the coordinates inside the wall, she would have wanted to leave this island directly, but unfortunately, she still hasn't found anything so far. 

Since the Reiss family was beaten by Eren's father, Rod Reiss, a good brother, a good husband and a good father, was consumed by wrong ideas. 

A group of gendarmerie recruits complained in the front yard after the officer blamed them for everything. 

Marlowe, a young man full of wild ideas and noble aspirations, was so baffled by the corrupt and lazy behavior of the Gendarmerie's senior officers, he couldn't help but complain loudly, "Fuck, these bastards do nothing but waste time!" 

A female soldier named Hitch also sighed: "In fact, the gendarmerie is more rotten than I thought."

Another recruit also said, "That's right, all the work is done by us newcomers, but aren't we here just for the good treatment in the future?" 

Marlowe was very dissatisfied, "I'm different from you, I came here to fulfill my dream." 

Hitch asked, "But what's he saying, aren't you here to live a comfortable life, aren't you also of his class?"    

Marlowe, a young man with ideals, aspirations and a conscience, said passionately, "No, I came here to change the Gendarmerie situation!" 

With a hint of disdain on her face, Hitch didn't take  seriously, "How to change?" 

Marlowe said with a firm expression, "Of course I climb to a higher position first. When I am in a higher position, I will rectify the discipline and punish those who commit illegal activities." 

"Hahahaha! Marlowe, are you serious? I didn't expect you to have that idea, I used to think you were a very boring person!" Hitch mocked Marlowe. 

Marlowe, who was being laughed at, was a little annoyed. Annie looked at Marlowe and said to the odd person in the gendarmerie who liked her, "If the power is in the hands of a good person like you, then it really is all over for the future for us." 

Marlowe was stunned, "What, it seems that if you can communicate with people normally." 

Annie continued, "You are a righteous man and everything you say is right. I know two such people who dare to swim against the current. I admire them. Of course, it's possible they're just two fools trying to survive in this decaying world." 

Marlowe said haughtily, "Don't buy me with two idiots I don't know.... Anyway, we've wasted too much time, let's go!" 

A group of gendarmerie recruits went out to prepare for the mission, and happened to find two senior officers selling equipment privately at the port. 

Marlowe stepped forward to ask, but the old police smiled and handed him a coin he had just earned. 

Wanting to insist, Marlowe took a beating for trying to play nobleman in front of the old foxes.    

They wanted to dedicate this wrong-thinking kid inside the gendarmerie.   

In the end, it was Annie and Hitch who rescued him. Marlowe looked at the two old men who had pocketed the money and wanted to take the gun on the ground. 

Annie said coolly, "Shoot, if you dare to back up your words, I wouldn't mind helping you!" 

After hesitating for a moment, Marlowe hit the ground and realized he didn't have that kind of determination and courage. 

Annie sighed, "Before I came here, one of the idiots told me that being in the gendarmerie for the first time, I would have to be obedient, help the elders do their jobs, stay out of other people's business, not have a stupid sense of justice, see and shut up everything I look at inside this place." 

"If there are people who make a profit, I can try to get a cut, only after a few years new recruits will come and we will be the elders, after giving our job to the recruits we could do whatever we want." 

Marlowe scoffed bitterly, "He really knows the Gendarmerie, so he didn't come?" 

"That idiot said he was fighting his own fight and had no intention of backing down, after that he joined the Survey Corps." Annie shook her head, this reason seemed silly to her. 

With his head down, Marlowe asked in a cracked voice, "So there are still idiots like that. If either of those two you mentioned were in my situation, would they have done it without hesitation?" 


Thinking of Eren and Takashi, Annie's headache grew stronger, the Survey Corps was going to come through here, for some reason she was a little uneasy.

Marlowe burst into tears and pounded her fist on the ground, "Looks like I'm the kind of scum that goes with the flow too!" 

Annie said slowly, "Aren't you just an ordinary person? There is nothing wrong with your behavior." 

She turned and walked away, if she had any other choice, she just wanted to be an ordinary person in this world. 

Annie believed that human life had no value for a long time, and she was abandoned at birth and adopted by a man who had a similar experience. 

She grew up to be a warrior, that was not the life she wanted, but now, there is no way out of her position. 

People are like weeds in the wind, fate has a sickle in her hand and cuts into small pieces of us without considering our pain. 


Unbeknownst to anyone, Takashi had now infiltrated the Sina wall, today something was about to happen that would change many things. 

To be honest, Takashi no longer remembered anything that happened from this point on. Everything that was about to happen he had no knowledge of, so now his decisions will have a radical change for everything that will happen later on. 

"No matter what, I will be myself." Takashi said in a cold voice.