Taking Risky Actions


The armored titan who was kicked and fell to the ground, rolled a few times before getting up. There was a lot of steam in his body and Reiner was a bit dazed. 

Eren didn't give him a chance to breathe he rushed and grabbed his arms tightly, Takashi who was staying alert moved immediately. 


He slashed the left arm and then the armored titan's elbow, taking advantage of his immobility, he slashed and made some more wounds. 


Blood splattered, and several consecutive precision cuts had broken the armor, and Eren took the advantage to throw Reiner hard. 


With Takashi's slashes and Eren's strength the armored titan's arm was ripping off, and Eren threw the following blow to the enemy's face without pausing. 

Reiner, who had a broken arm, felt worried, he didn't know why Takashi was able to break his defense, but if he continued to fight like this, not to mention that it would be impossible to take Eren, he wouldn't be able to protect himself. 

At the city wall, Connie, who had already heard about the situation, was very confused, "You say Reiner is the armored titan and Bertholdt is the colossal titan." 

"Yes, it is somewhat unexpected, but it is true that they are the enemies." Christa whispered, also finding it very unexpected.

There was no response, Connie was now very disturbed. He thought of the titan lying on top of his house, and Reiner's "abnormal'' behavior in the village when he tried to comfort him. 

He didn't think much about it at the time, but the more she thought about it now, the worse she felt. It turns out that the training corps he graduated from was full of titans.... 

Ymir covered his forehead with his hands and stared at the armored titan and Eren in his titan form, as if remembering something. 

"Are you okay?" Christa asked worriedly. 

Ymir forced a smile and said casually, "I'm fine." 

This incident exceeded his expectations, remembering Reiner's performance at the castle pretending not to know Marley's language, he probably knew his origins. 

As for Jean and Sasha, they were not in Hange Zoe's squadron and were in Trost's district with the other soldiers. 

The armored titan turned his head slightly and looked at Bertholdt, who was lying on the ground, and just when he thought he couldn't wake up, the colossal titan slightly wagged his finger. 


The armored titan rushed towards Eren in his titan form, and Takashi slashed at his neck again, leaving a not so deep or shallow cut. 

He can break through the defense, but he needs to hit two or three times in the same place. 

This would at least interfere with the armored titan's movements, making it difficult for him to do his best to worry and give Eren the upper hand. 

As he was usually doing, Eren blocked the advance of the armored titan that was attacking him, but Reiner's behavior this time was abnormal and he hugged Eren tightly. 


Metallic noise! 

Another slash was launched, but this time Takashi's knife shattered and his expression changed. 

This time he felt something was different, there was a slight change from the battle. 


The armored titan let out a stiff, which seemed to be a signal, and the colossal titan who in all this time had been motionless on the ground, neighborhood with his hand the surface of the ground, causing a wave of air and a large amount of dust with stones was formed immediately. 

Eren, who embraced the armored titan and Reiner hugged each other tightly, and Takashi who was beside him was blown away by the huge wind. 

"Be careful!" shouted Hange Zoe with her eyelids trembling. 

Looking at the huge red arm that held her body tightly, Eren in his titan form tried to break free, but Reiner intervened and this time it was Eren's turn to suffer. 

Bertholdt, who lay on the ground, with the sudden movement of his hands, squeezed Eren and Reiner with his palms. 


Eren in his titan form whose ribs were being pressed hard could not escape and let out a painful roar, Reiner on the other hand was fine due to his armor. 

Mikasa, Auruo and the others tried to step forward to help when they saw Eren and Takashi's unfavorable situation. 


A large amount of hot steam shot out from the long red arms with exposed muscles, and all those who wanted to get close were thrown to the side and many of them were burned. 

Eren in his titan form was directly exposed to the hot steam and was burned to the point where he was completely weakened, but the armored titan withstood it. He was just waiting for the moment, to bite Eren and get out of this place. 

Berthold made a sudden attack and the situation suddenly became complicated. Although many people were guarding against the colossal titan earlier, its incomparable strength and the hot steam it spewed out were very different, and everyone did not have a solution to approach for the time being. 

In addition, the colossal titan was lying on the ground, and it was too difficult to attack without the slightest chance of injuring it. 

At the critical moment, Takashi took a deep breath and decided to take a chance. 

He circulated his Chakra on the surface of his body, his black hair fluttered and, most importantly, he shielded his head, not because he was afraid of deforming his face, but because vision was a very important thing. 

He flew towards Eren in his titan form like an arrow and against the surge of steam, he flew towards Eren's shoulder, which was being pressed by the armored titan and slashed above his neck decisively. 


Exposed to the hot steam, Eren let out a painful scream. Takashi's right arm was also burning. Without hesitation, he pulled Eren off and retreated at full speed with the help of his three-dimensional maneuvering equipment. 

Reiner was surprised and his reaction movements were a bit more slow, because at that moment he was also being squeezed by the palm of the colossal titan and could not stop Takashi in time. 

He couldn't understand why Takashi could withstand the hot steam so well at close range, most people would definitely be burned to the point of death if they were at such a close distance.

However, Takashi was no ordinary person and his Chakra was able to help him resist most of the steam for a few short seconds. 

When he picked Eren up, Takashi flew towards the wall without looking back. He was taken by surprise at this point and the enemies were very close to accomplishing their goal. The battle is now lost, at least it's not bad to be able to keep Eren on their side. 

The Survey Corps soldiers reacted quickly and also flew towards the wall with their three-dimensional maneuvering equipment. 

At the Rose wall fifty meters up, Takashi lowered Eren down and Mikasa rushed to check his condition. 

Eren had his body completely burned, his body was full of burns and his limbs were severed, and slowly he could heal and get arms again. 

"Are you okay?" Christa looked worriedly at Takashi who had his arms shaking. 

Takashi was severely injured. The Chakra in his body is not a vapor insulator. It covered most of his power on his face, but his arms and legs were naturally severely burned. 

Blood stained his arms and legs, and even due to the high temperature the fabric of his clothes stuck to his skin and Takashi now felt a stabbing pain, without changing his face he replied, "It's okay, I won't be able to die with just these wounds..." 

This time he didn't want to lose years of his useful life, he thought he could do it without losing more years and without depending on the power of his eyes.

Christa was speechless, she looked at Takashi's arm and frowned. 

"You're trying to be a hero again, you really don't appreciate your life, you idiot..." Ymir found that Takashi was seriously injured. 

After all, to retrieve Eren, he almost stood in the palm of the colossal titan and endured a large amount of hot steam with willpower. 

"Takashi, you were too impulsive this time, but it's also thanks to you that Eren is on our side." Hange Zoe looked at Takashi, whose hands and feet were badly burned, and motioned for someone to come over and tend to his wounds. 

Below the city wall, Bertholdt, who was unable to take Eren, emerged from the back of the titan's neck, and the armored titan put him on his shoulders and Reiner himself stood silently. 

His expressions and feelings were very negative. Now that Eren had climbed up to the wall, they could retreat at any time to the inside of the Rose wall. 

Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Takashi and Hange Zoe were somewhat relieved at the city wall and also observed the two people below the wall. 

They both looked at each other with gloomy eyes and for a moment, the atmosphere was silent with no one speaking. 

Hange Zoe thought for a moment and just as she was about to make some comments, Eren, who could no longer contain himself moved. With difficulty he stood up and looked towards the armored titan and Bertholdt. "They are bastards, traitors, they talk about responsibility and they were the enemy all this time?" 

"Why are they doing this, do they even know how many people have died because of them?" 

Bertholdt's face was grim and Reiner, who could not speak, looked on silently at the situation. Bertholdt who looked at this shouted, "Eren, it is not what you think, we did not want to do this, no one wants their hands stained with blood. You don't know how much we suffered, he couldn't even sleep at night." 

Berthold had tears in his eyes, "Eren, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry I was the one who killed your mother and destroyed your hometown. We have our own difficulties." 

"Now, as long as you are willing to come with us, you can end this." 

Reiner thought so too, "Eren, as long as you go with us, we will never have to destroy the wall again." 

"Think about it for everyone, as long as you stand alone, everyone can be saved." 

In fact, they also know that it is impossible for Eren to obediently accompany them by persuasion alone. Takashi didn't understand in whose head such an idiotic idea could fit. 

Eren was surprised, before he could answer, Mikasa refused directly with a cold face, "This is impossible." 

Bertholdt said anxiously, "Eren, we didn't lie to you, really, as long as you..." 

His words were interrupted, and Connie looked at him in dismay and asked, "Hey, Bertholdt, do you know what happened in my village?" 

Bertholdt, who was trying to convince Eren, fell silent at Connie's unexpected question.