Clues and future

Takashi and Commander Erwin Smith talked until late, this time he shared everything he knew after hearing the commander's story. According to the main idea, it was to take Eren and Historia after he was sure to get the information together with that person he contacted. 

Knowing this, Takashi was to meet once again with Kenny to accelerate the plans and get everything they wanted. 

After the discovery that Historia's father might be the real King inside the walls, Erwin would take it upon himself to formulate a plan that would consist of the overthrow of this man and the subsequent ascension of Historia to the throne, all to ensure the recovery of Wall Maria. 

Takashi agreed with that, so his job now was to protect Christa and Eren with the help of Ymir, no one besides the commander knew that Ymir had the power of a titan. 

This time he wanted to make sure to win and for the future of humanity, Erwin and Takashi agree that sacrifice is needed to win this war and start preparing. 

Therefore, he had to share all this with Ymir and agree on what will happen next. As friends of History, Takashi and Ymir could only bet and respect the decision she wanted to make with the name she would use from now on. 

This time, Ymir had decided to fight for the people inside the wall and once Historia decides what she wants to fight for, a new path will begin for all humans inside the walls. 

Erwin knew it too, he didn't have the right to judge Takashi's actions, he could accept his mistakes and take responsibility for them, but he couldn't be a hypocrite. 

The next morning when some rays of light jumped through the window of Takashi's room, he was sitting on the edge of the bed, the back of his body was naked next to his well defined abs next to his strong muscles. 

Takashi removed the bandage from his chest and arms, he had to renew the bandage and reapply that ointment that was prescribed for him. At first, Takashi did not feel much pain, but it was evident that in some parts of his body he had third degree burns. 

His right leg and arm were the most affected, some areas had third-degree burns and other less affected areas had second-degree burns. Even so, he was able to withstand the pain after circulating the Chakra. 

The excellent control of his Chakra made his wounds heal slowly, although the speed is not inhuman like Eren's, he now had second degree burns. The skin on his body that had bled was now healed. Although the red color did not diminish, his skin was much better than yesterday. 

"It does hurt, it was fortunate to have meditated all night, I couldn't have any other way to be more or less recovered now." Takashi muttered with a cold expression. 

Just as he was about to apply the ointment, the door to his bedroom suddenly opened. Sasha, with a loaf of bread in her mouth and apples in her hands, entered the room with an expression of joy and concern. 

"What's wrong?" Takashi asked in surprise. 

"I heard you're hurt..." Sasha muttered with the bread in his mouth. 

"Yes, I almost died, it was terrible..." Takashi started to apply the ointment on his reddish skin. Maybe it was foolish to have retrieved Eren like that, but he knew he couldn't give the enemy the chance to take Eren away knowing his importance. 

After saying that, the room went silent and Takashi could have sworn Sasha was gone, but when he looked towards the door he saw the sweet potato girl crying with bread in her mouth. 

"What... What's wrong?" Takashi asked with a somewhat unnatural expression. 

Sasha chewed the bread until she swallowed it and after having nothing in her mouth said, "I don't want you to die..." 

Takashi smiled reassuringly, at least someone cared about him like that. However, Sasha's next words made him change his mind. 

"You told me you would teach me how to prepare more delicious meals, no matter how I prepare the meat, it never comes out the same as your food." Sasha wiped the tears from her eyes. 

The slight smile on Takashi's face was wiped off immediately, he knew that many gentlemen experts in love said that to conquer a woman's heart you should first conquer her palate, but Sasha would possibly abandon him if he found an even better Chef than him. 

"Well... That makes me feel better, help me with the bandages on my back, support your friend who is hurt and stop eating." Takashi said as he turned around. 

"Okay..." Sasha approached Takashi and looked at his back with curious eyes. This was the first time she was so close to a man, she still remembered Ymir's words about her relationship with Takashi. 

"What's wrong, does it look that bad?" Takashi with his back turned couldn't help but ask. 

"No, everything is fine!" said Sasha with a slight blush on her face. Just now her mind flew, she had to concentrate on bandaging Takashi's body very well. 

As Sasha helped him bandage his back, footsteps were heard coming in from outside and Takashi looked away. 

Connie, who looked at the burns on Takashi's body, hesitated for a moment and finally entered. "Takashi, I want you to help me avenge my mother." 

There was a long silence in the room and after consideration, Takashi nodded and said, "Okay, but you should consider putting revenge aside." 

"That monkey killed everyone in my village! I must cut him to pieces, don't tell me not to seek revenge!" Connie said with a grim expression on his face. 

"And I must take care of a friend!" shouted Takashi as he looked at Connie. Once the bandage on his body was done, he stood up and approached Connie. 

"Friend, I can't imagine the pain and hatred that now oppresses your heart, I will find a way to return your mother to her original state." Takashi touched Connie's head as he tried to understand her pain. 

Takashi added, "The mystery of the titans is closer than ever, if there is any way to help your mother don't you dare think I will forget." 

"Thank you Takashi, you don't know how much I miss my parents..." Connie said as she shed her tears in a broken voice. 

"Today you should just rest, I'll have to check the wall Rose and I'll make sure to supervise what's left of your village." Takashi patted Connie's back as he looked at Sasha. 

"There will be a way Connie, we will work hard on it to reverse your mother's body." Sasha said with a sad smile. 

"Thank you friends, I don't know how to thank you for your attention..." 

"Everything will be fine..." 

No one can imagine what it feels like to lose a loved one, it can be a turtle or a depression, but if you truly love that person and spend time in your thoughts, the inner pain will spread like a poison when they are already with us. 

Now imagine that the cause of our agony is outside and is an enemy of humanity. Pain, revenge, hatred and a thirst to finish off that person who took everything from us would be the only thing that would feed us for a long time. 

There had to be a way, Takashi was determined to help his friend in this problem and try to reverse the state Connie's mother was in. 

Takashi and Sasha arrived at the garrison corps station to find out the situation. 

Takashi entered the command room and saw several acquaintances, Captain Kitz, Ian, and Rico were present. 

After not seeing each other for over a month, Captain Kitz nodded his head towards Takashi. Although the two had misunderstandings and grievances in the past, everything was now behind them.

"Long time no see." Ian greeted Takashi with a smile. He had a good impression of Takashi and admired them for deciding to join the Survey Corps. 

Without too much politeness, Rico, a shrewd and capable silver-haired female soldier, adjusted her glasses, spread out the map and pointed to the red dots on it, "These are the places where the titans have appeared, if the information is correct there shouldn't be many titans left." 

"There shouldn't be many, me and my squad killed about thirty, Mike's squad should have killed a lot more." Takashi said as he looked at the map. 

Ian's expression was a bit serious, "The number is really too small, but the distribution is too scattered. It's not easy to patrol the whole Rose area, especially in the forest. If a single titan is lost, it can cause a lot of trouble and by the time we realize it many people will have died." 

"The food reserves in the inner walls are running low and we really don't have much time. Within a week we must make sure there are no titans left in Rose territory." Rico said earnestly. 

All the captains fell silent. 

Takashi rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Time is too limited, we are responsible for the territory in the south, so there must be no mistakes." 

Ian was silent for a moment and whispered, "Actually, those people don't care about the lives of some ordinary people." 

Everyone in the room knew this, but no one said a word about it, it would be a waste of breath and time, so Rico divided the areas.

The Survey Corps was responsible for the area around Utgard, covering the first Dauper villages and where Connie's mother was, where the most titans were at that point. 

Takashi, who had received the assignment, was about to leave when Rico casually said, "You know, many people now call you the sword demon. This nickname doesn't have a good reputation, the things said about you in the battle hood generate a lot of negative talk..." 

After pausing, Takashi smiled and said, "Thank you for mentioning it, I heard something along those lines, I hope sometime to hear my name and be praised as the man who finished off the titans." 

Takashi said goodbye to everyone in the room and left without another word. 

Some time after reporting what happened in the meeting, Hange Zoe divided several teams, this time the remaining titans were very few. The hard part will really be to find the titans and it would be efficient to search for them separately.   

Takashi led two squads, the same squads he led last time. Viktor and another soldier who led another squad.  

Two hours later, the group reached a grassland with slightly undulating terrain without encountering any accidents. 

The interior of the wall is generally a subtropical monsoon climate. The scenery is beautiful and at times very quiet and this was because the place was a huge Island.

The day before yesterday according to the report, Mike's group, Sasha and the others were suddenly chased by the titans and that was when Mike made a decision to eliminate them alone. 

However, Mike never returned. He was never heard from again and that was when Takashi announced that he had died. 

Of course, there must be more than just a single death behind what happened, we are talking about one of the strongest soldiers of mankind. 

Before Takashi and Mikasa joined the Survey Corps, Mike was the second strongest soldier in the legion. There was nothing special about him. His accomplishments were credited to his hard work. 

Arriving at the place where Mike fought the titans, they all got off their horses. On the grass in front of a courtyard, there was a dried piece of meat, which was very obvious. 

Takashi and the others approached and found a pale palm in the grass stained with blood. Surrounded by several footprints of different types of titans, Viktor, who was the leader of the first squad, took out a white cloth and carefully wrapped his palm. 

"So it's true, Captain Mike is dead." Viktor, who had a somber face, wanted to say something but suddenly it stopped.

Mike had joined Survey Corps for more than 10 years and, although relatively taciturn, was very reliable, which could be seen in the fact that he died alone. 

"He died a terrible death and was dismembered by several titans." Takashi, who was not in a good mood, said coolly. 

"According to the recruits, there were nine titans chasing them at the time. Although the terrain is unfavorable, with Captain Mike's strength, it shouldn't have been difficult to escape." 

"In fact, it's a little strange. Search this place carefully, maybe there might be some clues." Takashi ordered. 

He didn't expect to find anything, he wanted to be alone and think quietly. Takashi looked around the surroundings. The monkey-like titan should have surprised Captain Mike. 

Subsequently, they discovered 5 slightly sunken grasslands, that is, Mike should have killed 5 titans. 

"Here's a dead horse!" A soldier shouted from behind the courtyard. 

This finish seemed to have been thrown at a great speed, just like the rocks that killed Lynne and another soldier. There was no doubt, it had now been confirmed that another intelligent titan had appeared. 

Knowing all that, Takashi muttered, "This is another intelligent titan, that strange titan from the reports is an intelligent titan. That titan let Captain Mike's energy, gas and swords run out and then appeared in front of Mike, there was no chance for him to run away." 

And it wasn't just that, each titan had a unique characteristic. Annie's titan was crystallized, Bertholdt was very large and that steam in his deadly body, Reiner had strong armor and apparently this new titan seemed to have some control over the titans and besides, he likes to lasso things.