Two different forces

Kenny Ackerman had been waiting for Takashi all this time on a simple whim, he owed his father something and seeing him fight with that female titan on the wall, Sina wanted to include him in his plan. 

If Takashi was someone smart, his words alone would be enough for her to join him and together they would search for the true secret of these walls and the titans. 

As he did with the soldiers now following him, they were all convinced by his words and goals. Knowing that there were still Ackermans alive, he planned to regain the glory of that clan and somehow seek his own goal. 

Seeing the Ackerman boy in front of him, Kenny smiled and couldn't help but say, "When you mentioned that you had powerful allies on your side, did you mean your girlfriend?" 

Takashi looked at Ymir and smiled, "If I were you, I would have at least a little respect for her, she might surprise you." 

After saying that, Takashi jumped out of the carriage and walked a few steps towards Kenny. Holding the sword in his hands, Takashi looked at Kenny and said, "I am Takashi Ackerman, it will be a pleasure to work together with you." 

"Good, I like your eyes, they have made a significant change since the last time we met." Kenny said as he looked at Takashi. 

"After knowing that a powerful Ackerman opened my eyes, it awakened a hatred inside me and now I'm in search of the truth to know what to do in this world." Takashi gave a small compliment to Kenny, he didn't want to stand out or feel superior in front of this old fox. 

"It's okay, this place is not good for talking, let's go." Kenny gave the orders and they all retreated. 

Looking at those soldiers with completely different equipment, Takashi was interested in this three-dimensional maneuvering team that instead of swords carried guns. 

Returning to the carriage, Takashi climbed in and drove down the slightly cobblestone road. He looked at Ymir and gestured for him to get in. Kenny didn't use his equipment to travel with the others, opting instead to climb into Takashi's carriage to chat. 

"Well, as I told you, I need to find that girl Christa and the titan Eren, once you bring them to me we will take them to that man and then wait for the time to hear the answers to their words." Kenny said as he looked at Ymir. 

"Mmm, it seems you are sure that man knows everything that we don't, my only importance is to know the secrets of the titans, lately more people with the ability to become titans have appeared." Takashi said in a cold voice. 

Kenny's eyes lit up and he said, "What are those people like? The news is slow in coming and many times they are manipulated which is hard to believe lately." 

"Well, so far three more intelligent titans have appeared, according to my speculation there shouldn't be more than ten people with the abilities to become a titan." Takashi said after some hesitation. 

Ymir was surprised that Takashi shared information so easily, if he didn't know Takashi he would think that this man named Kenny would be from his family. 

"Kenny, how many Ackermans are left on these walls?" Takashi asked as he drove the carriage. 

"Not many, besides the boy Levi, that girl, you and I are the last, there might be more but they are all in hiding." Kenny's voice was disinterested. 

Takashi pulled the carriage to the end of the road, the place was quiet and there seemed to be a small cabin with horses stabled nearby. 

Apparently Kenny was waiting for the right time to kidnap Eren and Historia, so it was a good idea to come many days in advance. 

Traute Caven, a woman with blonde hair and a serene and sad expression, looking at Takashi and Ymir, said, "I still don't understand the usefulness of these two children, I still think the plan would be successful even without their help." 

"And I still think you're underestimating me a bit, I don't care what you think about me, I can be more useful than anyone below Kenny." Takashi said with a cold stare. 

He didn't have to stand out much, but he had to assert his authority so he wouldn't be trampled by any idiot in this place. But he knew that for being a member of Kenny's squad, things weren't that simple. 

Kenny smiled and looked at Takashi, "Well, let's keep calm for a few moments, are you sure you'll join me and be willing to assassinate your former comrades?" 

"I think something is unclear, I am here to find out the truth about the titans and then clean up this shitty government that controls the walls..." 

After saying that, Takashi looked at the members of the anti people squad and remarked, "I have no attachment to any of you, I am here to accomplish my goals and know who I fight for, you have no idea how much I have sacrificed for these walls." 

Kenny scoffed and looked at Traute Caven, he didn't know why Takashi was trying so hard with killing titans, such a responsible life is foreign to what he has experienced. 

"Well, that doesn't matter anymore, you and that girl follow me, I will tell you about the plan and what we will do in the next few days." Said Kenny was entering the cabin. 

Takashi followed him and Ymir too, if things had gone wrong, he would have made sure to at least eliminate half of the people in this place. But it seems he thought too much, not everything went out of control as he thought. 

All people think for themselves, that makes us human, while Kenny was pursuing his personal goals, Takashi was rushing to solve the remaining doubts and if the power of those titans could somehow be taken away. 

"The atmosphere is very exciting, no one trusts you two so I'll be clear, play your part and there will be no problems." Kenny said lightly. He wasn't scared of two not yet matured kids, Takashi might cause him some trouble but he was sure he could work it out. 

"I have to thank you for looking me up, to be honest I thought it would take me longer to figure out all the mysteries of this wall." Takashi looked at Kenny and expressed his sincerity. 

"Don't thank me, I knew your father years ago and I thought you deserved to know this." Kenny took off his hat and said, "By the way, where is your father?" 

"He died years ago, they say he was killed by a bear but who knows, a lot of things can happen." The mystery of his father's death is a mystery, because of the situation he never really knew the way his father died. 

Kenny, although he seems to be affected, Takashi knew that he didn't care, his stay in this place is a mystery, but he knew that he needed to do whatever it took to solve his doubts.

After that, Kenny shared with him what would happen in the last few days and the first option in which Eren and history would be kidnapped. 

In Kenny's words, Dimo Reeves would be in charge of kidnapping Eren and Historia and then they would be handed over to him to take him to that person. When the Survey Corps showed up in the Trost district, it would be the right time to start the operation. 

However, Kenny was especially careful and believed that things could get out of hand if Levi were to intervene directly. If this is the case, Takashi will have to interfere directly.

When the explanation was over, Kenny showed two boxes and said, "There is the equipment you two will be carrying, the use may be similar to the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment you use, but instead of swords we have guns." 

"I never thought the central government would have this kind of equipment, I don't think I will use it much but it will be interesting for moving around." Takashi said as he looked at the three dimensional anti people maneuvering equipment. 

"Okay, we'll move at night and wait for the time when Dimo will fulfill the plan." Kenny took the hat and left the room. 

Takashi looked at Ymir and said, "Take your gear and put it on, we don't know when we will act." 

Ymir nodded, "I understand."