The truth

The board was set, Takashi together with the others entered the Rose wall near the Sina wall and to be more precise in the vicinity of the Orvud district. 

Under Kenny's concern and Takashi's observation, the latter was leaving small traces with needles in the fenced trees. His movements were so precise and fast, and with the help of his Chakra, no one could notice him. 

Takashi didn't expect much in doing this, he just wanted to at least let his allies know where they were going. 

Time passed and soon it was getting dark, under everyone's gaze, a shrine looked off in the distance. As they arrived, a man had already been waiting for them, Takashi and Ymir immediately identified that man as Historia's father, the king of the walls. 

"Rod Reiss..." Takashi thought to himself with an indescribable look. 

"Hey, Eren." Kenny said as he opened the box Eren was in. "The trip went faster than expected." 

"History." Rod Reiss said as he held his daughter. "I've always been so sorry." 

Looking at the hug a father was giving his daughter, Takashi was really puzzled as to what was going on in that person's mind. 

Takashi averted his gaze to Ymir and said, "You remember that dish I prepared, it took at least fifteen minutes for it to be ready.... Stay and keep a close eye on the entrance, nothing should be ruled out." 

"I understand..." Ymir said as she walked along with the others in the vicinity. 

According to the plan, she was to transform to indicate where they were, with her large lightning bolt illuminating these walls, it will be very easy for the others to identify the place. 

Half of the soldiers entered the chapel and the others stayed to defend the entrance, walking beside Kenny no longer saying a word, while Rod talked to his daughter about what his family was doing and what their plans were now. 

He told her the way the Reiss family protected the walls, he also shared the affection and the will that was in their purpose inside the walls. 

Takashi, who was at Kenny's side, listened as Kenny told Rod Reiss that the coup d'état outside had been a success. Therefore, everything depended on what would happen here. 

He then approached the imprisoned Eren and explained why this place was familiar to Eren and when he and Historia touched his back, memories of Eren flooded his memory. 

Eren remembered how he ate his father and gained titan power, Takashi didn't know but he could more or less interpret what was happening. 

Looking at all the drama and the expression on Historia's face, he couldn't help but frown, if she deviated from the plan, he had to interfere and personally take care of everyone in this place. 

If Ymir, who is at the entrance of the church interferes, Takashi will have no choice but to eliminate Ymir and make his plans come to fruition without much delay. 

"This idiot pig..." Kenny couldn't take it anymore and walked forward. 

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Are you guys going to keep chatting?" 

Kenny pointed out, "Haven't I explained it before already? Out there the military coup has succeeded, it's not going to be long before they discover this place." 

"Get it over with, what we came here to do in this place!" 

"Yes! This was my original plan." Rod Reiss replied with an impassive expression. 

"I have already told you several times, the anti-human suppression team and yourself must withdraw from this place." Kenny asked, "Why are you still here?" 

"Your majesty, are you angry? I only came to help." 

"I trust you, Kenny." 

"The feeling is mutual, my king." Kenny said with a grim expression. "Come on, Takashi!" 

"Yes!" Takashi said as he frowned. 

As they retreated, Rod Reiss pulled out a suitcase and set it on the floor. "Finally all the distractions are gone, sorry to keep you waiting, Historia." 

"Father?" Historia was puzzled as she watched her father take an injection with an unknown liquid out of the box. 

Eren, who had regained the memories he had lost, knew that this injection contained a special liquid to turn people into titans. Thus, as long as a titan unconsciously eats a human with the possibility of transforming into a titan, the titan will receive the ability of the one who was eaten. 

While Rod Reiss washed Historia's mind, Takashi listened carefully to the conversation in the distance. With the Chakra in his ears, his hearing was greater as long as he was concentrating. 

"Just a few more seconds and we'll act, that idiot is about to reveal the truth..." Kenny muttered under his breath. 

Just as everything was about to end, a loud boom was heard at the entrance. 


"Looks like Ymir has already acted..." Takashi thought with a comforting expression. 

"Looks like the enemy is getting closer, hurry up Historia..." Rod Reiss said as he handed the syringe to Historia. 

In the meantime, Rod told him the complete history of the Reiss family, the duty and responsibility of the Royal family. 

Kenny had moved to where Rod and the others were, Takashi also moved ready to act. 

"If that power is possessed by someone who does not possess the Royal blood of the Reiss family, the true power of the founding titan cannot unleash his true power, as long as he remains the recipient of that power, all this hell will remain the same." 

After saying that, Takashi prepared himself, ready to attack the enemies. He didn't really care about Historia's mentality right now, if she tried to do something that wasn't planned, he didn't mind making sacrifices. 

"So if someone outside the Reiss family gets that power, I won't be able to be equal to the king?" 

"What's wrong?" Rod Reiss asked, Kenny should now be with the others holding off enemies. 

"Even if I turn into a titan and eat Eren, it will all be useless..." Kenny said with a crazed grin. 

"This is extremely funny, aren't you believing that idiot's words, History?" Takashi asked with scarlet eyes. 

Takashi's voice startled both Kenny and the others, walking to the front, Takashi removed the equipment on his body and said, "Historia, wake up now! Your father who has been controlled until now, the will of the founding titan will prevent you from being able to destroy the titans." 

"Your father already said it, no matter what your will is before inheriting the founder's power, you will be controlled by that power and will never achieve anything meaningful." Takashi said with a cold smile on his face. 

"I don't need your help or sacrifice, I don't give a shit if you think you have a chance to save humanity now, all Ymir and I want is to see you be yourself, choose what you want to do with your name." 

Takashi's words refreshed Historia's mind in an instant, she slowly stepped back and looked at everyone with shocked eyes. 

"The Survey Corps is already on its way, as long as everyone surrenders and does nothing else, you won't have to die under my sword." After saying that, Takashi drew his sword and prepared to end this farce. 

"Kenny Ackerman, your targets have collapsed, make a decision now. Now it's my turn to find my targets!" 

"Haha! Brat, you're pretty smart!" Kenny smirked. 

He now knew that his suspicions about Takashi were real, he didn't mind at first because he believed that he would have obtained Eren's titan power by then, but things now went way off course. 

Just now he discovered that he was tricked by more than one person. The royal family's titan power can't be used by others, you must have the blood of the royal family to make full use of its abilities!

Although he now wanted to take revenge and make this much more fun, it seems that the demon in front of him won't let him. 

His dream ended without knowing what it felt like to look at the world through that person's eyes, now Takashi's eyes looked completely the opposite of Uri Reiss. 

"Kenny, we all pursue our goals and I really still don't understand why you decided to make me a part of yours..." 

Kenny smiled and shrugged, pulled out a dagger with a cold light and walked slowly towards Takashi.     

Several soldiers had already arrived along with Ymir in his titan form and wanted to help, Takashi raised his hand and pointed, "Take care of helping the others, take care of the contents of that suitcase."     

Kenny smiled and said, "Boy, even though I never trained you, I'm happy that you're so smart and determined." 

"Let me go and slit your throat!" 

Takashi looked at the knife in Kenny's hands, he just smiled and unsheathed his sword and walked towards Kenny, "I have to thank you, thanks to you I could understand the real mystery of these walls and what I now have to do." 

"Haha! Your tone is strong, brat, let me show you why everyone respects me." Kenny seemed to think of something, moistened his dry lips and burst out laughing.

She's never been afraid of anyone in hand-to-hand combat, and he taught her all of Levi's fighting skills. 

"Even though you have my last name, if I were you, I'd rather fight as many outside forces as possible." Kenny said expectantly. 

An important fight was about to happen, Takashi and Kenny didn't hate each other, but they both knew that this confrontation couldn't be avoided.