What's Outside the Walls

After the coronation of Queen Historia, people's hearts gradually calmed down and everything is on the right track.

Half a month later, the Central Gendarmerie has completed its recruitment and is now complete. Today is the day Ymir announces the information about what she knows outside the wall.

Takashi actually knows a lot, but not in detail, all his discoveries were by conjecture, he also learned by Ymir's words the odd detail, but there was really no better person than Ymir to explain this. 

At nine o'clock in the morning, half a month after all that had happened about the coup d'état, it was a good day.

In the conference room of the Royal Palace, the queen was sitting in the main seat, and in the front row were the commanders like Pixis, Erwin and Nile, there was also the supreme commander of the three corps Darius Zackly and in the second row the most prominent captains of each army corps like Levi and the others.       

The recruits of the 104th batch of the Inspection Corps, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha and Connie, were also present and, because of the queen, they had the honor of being at this meeting in the last seat.

Takashi was seated in the second row, just to the left of Hange Zoe. He was still a member of Hange Zoe's squadron, but he was also a member of the Central Gendarmerie Corps, with the same military rank as her, maybe a little higher but that's something no one concretely noticed. 

Before the meeting started, Takashi picked up his cup and took a sip of water absentmindedly, after talking to Mikasa that day, he realized some of his conscience. 

Everyone hadn't seen Takashi for a while. Hange Zoe, stretched out her left arm to wrap her arms around his neck and said with a smile, "Isn't this the captain of the Royal guard Takashi? It's amazing, you are now on equal footing with me so soon. In a few years, maybe I should even address you with honors." 

Calmly withdrawing Hange Zoe's hand, Takashi asked quietly, "How is the research on those reagents going?"

When it came to business, Hange Zoe became serious, "Once the reagent that can turn a person into a titan is exposed to the air, it will volatilize immediately, making it difficult to study." 

"However, after drinking the potion that says "armor", Eren successfully mastered the hardening ability. A few days ago, Ymir asked me to take a bottle. She should have taken it too, but I don't know how effective it is, and testing should start in a few days." 

"So, have you thought about passing the power of the female titan to a competent soldier within our side? If we pick a good soldier, the power of the female titan would be great." Takashi asked without much thought. 

As soon as the words fell, the eyes on Hange Zoe's face became very excited and she said, "That's an amazing thing we've thought about, Nanaba might inherit the power of the female titan but we're still thinking about it a lot."

"Also, the technical department is developing a completely new weapon, which is a bit similar to the grenade you mentioned!" 

"Not only that, using Eren's hardening ability, we can use him as a test model to test that new toy. As long as his defenses are breached, it will be a success!"   

Hange Zoe's voice was getting louder and louder, Takashi looked at her and said quietly, "Squad Leader, pay attention to the situation."        

Seeing that many people's eyes were attracted, especially Captain Levi's disdainful eyes, Hange Zoe realized that she had lost her composure, so she scoffed and stopped talking.

After a while, the meeting officially began. Ymir, who was sitting in the front row, stood up. After thinking for a moment, she said slowly: "I am an orphan born in Marley, since I was a child I lived in a shelter, like you I am an Eldian, who we are categorized as the descendants of demons. Marley is a vast country..." 

Ymir is not her original name, she was originally an orphan, stealing and begging for a living with some friends in the shelter, in her own words, like a rat in a dead-end darkness. 

One night, several unidentified men said they would adopt her, she hesitated for a while, left several companions behind and left, only to be blessed later.   

Because she looked a bit like the portrait of the ancestor Ymir in the book, she was packaged as the "goddess" Ymir of the Eldians. 

She slept in a comfortable bed and accepted the adoration of the people. She forgets the hard times, she forgets the previous life, she believes that the feeling of this kind of life is not bad.  

But the place he belonged to is similar to a cult, and is actually manipulated by people with ulterior motives to cripple and rule others and gain benefits in return. 

Later, the cult was eliminated by Marley's Security Bureau. As a "goddess," the unnamed girl admitted that she was "Ymir." She was willing to be exiled to Paradis Island, trying to sacrifice herself to save the believers, but still could not save them all.

After she was injected with reagents and turned into a titan without consciousness, she wandered in a daze all over Paradis Island for many years, and by chance or with the help of fate she successfully ate an intelligent titan, i.e. one of the four warriors sent by Marley to Paradis Island.

Therefore, she regained his life and had another chance to live a new life inside Paradis Island. 

Five years ago, when the colossal titan destroyed the Shiganshina district gate she entered the walls pretending to be a survivor and mingled with the fleeing crowd.

Relying on the instinct of being a religious leader, she sneaked into the church to eat and drink secretly, and accidentally heard about History, took pity on this poor girl and decided to join the training regiment to protect that fate similar to that of her girl years ago. 

After hearing this, everyone was a bit silent. After a while, someone asked about Marley, the shelter and the titan's ancestor. Ymir told the whole story. However, she didn't know much after all, and it was only information from more than 60 years ago.

Now she has a part of Marcel's memory, but perhaps the time for the other part to inherit the titan's power is too short, in short, Ymir didn't get much from her memory.

Regarding the ancestor Ymir, she said that the real Ymir had contacted the demons of the earth and signed a contract. This is actually Marley's official version, and the restorationist's version is the power granted by the gods.

"I can understand that Ymir hid information to protect himself, but Takashi knew he had the power of an intelligent titan but kept hiding it. don't you need to explain?" Nile Dok turned his head and looked at Takashi.       

Takashi, who was a bit distracted at the moment, opened his eyes wide and suddenly became angry, "Yes, when I knew it first hand I wanted to tell the Survey Corps, but I remembered that I am smarter and there were many things you guys should take into account." 

"But Major Nile Dok doesn't seem to get it, three years ago would you believe me if I told you that suddenly a human could be a titan? Regardless of that, what are you throwing in my face for now Nile Dok? I have sacrificed far more than anyone at this table for the future of humanity and I will make sure to win this war in the reconquest operation." 

Takashi every time he wonders if sacrificing so much for humanity is really worth it, every time he sees a noble or a senior officer like Nile Dok open his mouth to speak, he wonders. However, then he remembers the other things and ends up ignoring some idiots he meets along the way. 

"It's okay to think of it that way, no one in this room could have imagined something like this three or two years ago."

Takashi's answer may be a bit harsh with many meanings. Nile Dok wanted to question him further, but Erwin interrupted him, "This result is not bad. If I had done it at that time, the consequences would be hard to imagine."  


"The consequences are hard to imagine..." These words kept echoing in Takashi's head and he suddenly became entranced. 

"Takashi, what's wrong with you?" You are very strange today." Hange Zoe asked quietly.

Takashi, whose thoughts were interrupted, startled and looked at Hange Zoe beside him, "Well, I wondered what my life would be like after eliminating all the enemies, now we have the power of three titans in our ranks, we stole two titans from the enemies successfully." 

"You're right, we now have the powers of three completely different titans." Hange Zoe said with a bright smile.  


Takashi remained silent, Ymir basically finished talking and will write down the rest of the information, whether it's useful or not, but today's meeting is not over yet. 

"So, do you want to announce everything?" Commander Pixis asked.

Nile Dok frowned, hesitating slightly, "This is likely to cause panic, and the order has just stabilized. This is definitely not the time to announce all this." 

Darius folded his hands and looked at Erwin, "What do you think?"

"We already know something about the situation outside the wall. The secrets in the basement of Eren's hometown may not be so important. I think it's necessary to announce all of this so that everyone inside the Wall can know the true nature of the world." 

"But in terms of timing, it can be placed after the battle to recover the Wall of Mary. If it succeeds, we can get more detailed information. If it fails, it will also let the public know who our enemy is." Erwin said very calmly. He was actually in a good mood because his father's guess had been verified.

Darius pondered for a moment, "Only the Queen can make a decision on this matter." 

Historia's tone was very firm: "After Mary's wall is recaptured, regardless of whether it succeeded or failed, all the people inside the wall will be told everything, they have the right to know everything." 

After the meeting ended, everyone got up and left. Takashi walked alone to a lawn, looked up at the blue sky and showed a smile of unknown meaning.