Memories of the future

Seven years later, the Shiganshina Wall. 

In the center of the city, many people were looking with admiration at a huge statue of a warrior with a sword. This warrior saved humanity from the titans and gave them all the power of six titans. 

"Mom, is it true that the sword demon was the man who created the warriors who now defend humanity from invaders?" A little boy looked curiously at the statue. 

"Yes, son, Mr. Ackerman fought a hard battle seven years ago, he took it upon himself to defeat those titans who until recently are the ones defending us from the enemies." Mom looked at her son with a smile. 

"So, can I inherit the power of a warrior?" The boy was really intrigued about the power of the titans. 

"Well, if you are an outstanding soldier, you might have a chance to be a famous warrior. But first remember to have my permission to be a soldier, remember to follow and try your father's business first." 

"Yes mom..." The boy looked at the name on the plaque of that grandiose statue. 

"Mama, is the sword demon really dead?" A little girl's curious eyes searched her mother for the answer. 

"No one knows, many say he is just living calmly and that when mankind needs him, he will emerge with his sharp sword to drive out the invaders. After all, nothing was said about his condition after the war, everyone says he is alive." 

The news of the reconquest was not long in coming seven years ago, everyone remembers being elated to regain humanity's territory five years after losing it. 

However, discouraging news also came hand in hand, many soldiers died and most importantly, the sword demon had supposedly disappeared on the battlefield. Not many agreed that news could not be fully accepted because there was never a funeral or a farewell ceremony for that warrior who gave so much to mankind. 

With that in mind and considering that everything seemed to be moving forward without much delay, they wanted to believe that the sword demon did not die, but disappeared from the battlefield to live a quiet life. 

Maybe some called them fanciful dreams, but that doesn't make it any less ridiculous. Now, after the reconquest, the truth that everyone had been ignoring emerged. 

Humanity was not alone in this world, the humans inside the walls were considered by outsiders to be Eldians, and the outside world labeled the humans inside the walls as demons for being descendants of the ancient Eldian kingdom. 

The attack that resulted in the loss of the Shiganshina and Maria territory was due to the warriors with the ability to transform into titans that the aliens sent to wipe out all humanity within the walls. 

However, five years later, mankind won and were able to steal the power of six titans that belonged to the enemy, now mankind inside the wall have in their ranks the power of eight titans, ready to defend the island against the enemies. 

Some time later, Marley sent ships to investigate the island and because his warriors never returned, none of those ships ever returned to Marley. 

The eight warriors of Paradis Island were sent to different points of the island to defend the territory of humanity, it was suspected that Marley had more intelligent titans, but it seems that it is not so, announcing victory within the walls. 

The years passed and very advanced technological inventions were appearing inside the walls, new equipment such as aerostatic balloons, new cannons, firearms and even the principles of electricity. 

Invention after invention began to emerge and quickly mankind within the walls was preparing to be able to hold off enemies much more easily in the future. 

Now Paradis mankind had twenty warships, Marley had sent over thirty but many were damaged before he knew how valuable they were to mankind. With such naval power, the power protecting the island was increasing greatly. 

Now the battle style has changed, now you don't train to kill titans, you train to defend humanity against humans who have evil intentions than the people of Paradis. 

It can be said that the change was significant, no one would expect this result if asked ten years earlier, it can be said that humanity is more prosperous than ever. 

The army, taxes, orders and information was shared among all mankind within the walls, everyone was informed of what was going on and they were more united than ever. 

Everyone understood that they were nobody's enemy, but it seems that many want to see them ruined, so there is no choice but to return the stone that is thrown at them with the same force. 



An arrow was launched at high speed from a bowstring, such an arrow hit the body of a rabbit with precision. 

"Well done mom, today is the fifth rabbit we caught!" A girl with wheat skin, black eyes and reddish brown hair tied into two pigtails ran towards the rabbit that was hit by an arrow. 

"Don't go so far away from me Zoe, remember this forest is full of animals." A woman caught up with the naughty girl and looked at her pulling the arrow away from the prey. 

"Come on mom, we have other prey to hunt, you always finish eating the delicacies daddy cooks." Said the little girl named Zoe with her cheeks puffed out. 

"Hahaha! He promised me that he would always cook delicious food for me after the war, remember to be quick and ask him to prepare more food." Said the woman with a happy smile. 

After a while, mother and daughter returned home with six prey ready to be cleaned and cooked. 

In a house in the middle of the forest, there was a house big enough for a family of six to live in peace, it had a small stable and a workshop away from the main house. 

The little girl named Zoe ran home at great speed, when she got to the yard, she looked at a horse that was sitting in a very strange way. 

"Babas, mommy told you not to sit like that, last time daddy and you had to sleep in the living room because you took a bath together." Zoe said with a worried expression. 

"Psh!" Babas let out a snort before lying down and pretending to be asleep. 

"Again you are so special with the age that you are, old man." A man with a shock of black hair, came out of the workshop where he worked. 

"Daddy!" shouted Zoe before running out to hug her father. 

"Oh, my little daughter, did you run away from your mother again?" the man asked with a smile. 

"No." Zoe didn't admit to her antics. 

"She's so fast, it's getting harder and harder to keep up with her." 

The man looked at the woman and smiled, "Looks like you've caught a fair amount of prey this time, Sasha." 

"Hmm, more work for you." Sasha smiled slightly. 

Just as the man was about to respond, the hooves of a horse approached from a distance and these were heard by the man long before they came. 

"Go with Mom." Said the man before moving a little closer towards the road that led to his house. 

The horse and rider arrived a few minutes later, "Mr. Ackerman, this week's report." 

"I thought it would arrive tomorrow, how is everything on the ramparts?" 

"All well sir, your inventions are truly miraculous, even if you are no longer on the battlefield, your mark is always present everywhere." Said the man with shining eyes. 

"Don't use honorifics, just call me Takashi." Takashi said after receiving the report and noted, "Give this letter to Commander Erwin, although it is not a priority, I would like him to receive it as soon as possible." 

"Understood, sir." Said the man with a military salute before withdrawing. 

"My father sure is famous, whenever a different man comes they greet them with respect, my grandfather said they all loved him." Zoe said with curious eyes. 

"Yes, your father is very famous, he did great things in the past." Said Sasha with a wry smile. 

"Let's go to the kitchen, we have several guests coming today!" 

"Yes father." Zoe jumped up and down excitedly as she walked into the house. 

Some time later her guests arrived, her in-laws, Thomas, Eren, Mikasa, Annie, Connie, Jean Ymir and Levi. 

They all had a nice dinner, ate their fill and then started chatting about past stories. 

There was nothing but joy on the table, everyone smiled and felt that this day would be unforgettable. After a while, everyone began to leave their home. 

"Thank you for dinner, your recipes just keep getting better." Connie said with a friendly smile. 

"You say that all the time, but we all know you can't resist my food." Takashi replied with a small angry expression. 

"Take care Takashi, don't make Sasha mad." Ymir pointed out as he walked out of his house. 

"And you don't make Historia mad, witch." 

One after another they said goodbye, then Takashi said goodbye to his in-laws. "Go home quietly, see you next time." 

"Take good care of my girl." Said Mr. Blouse. 

"Thank you for dinner, it was delicious." Mrs. Blouse held Takashi's hands with a forced smile, her hands trembling slightly. 

"I'm glad to make my mother-in-law happy." Takashi said ignoring this little detail.

"Be careful mom, I'll visit them later." Sasha smiled and said goodbye to her mother. 

When they all left, Takashi looked at Sasha and closed the door to his house. 

Not far from his house, Levi along with the others stopped. They looked towards Takashi's house with unfamiliar thoughts. 

"Well, I guess it's today..." Levi said with a somber expression. 

"That idiot..." Ymir muttered in a weak voice. 


At night, Takashi was looking at the stars in the sky while holding his daughter. It had been so many years since he came into this world that he never thought he could have a life like now. 

A daughter, a wife and the peace of mind of having saved this world from the eternal war with the titans. From the beginning he felt guilty about spending the rest of his life with Sasha, knowing that he only had very little time left. 

Even so, she never left him and wanted to stay by his side, which he really appreciated, he didn't want to die alone in this world where he had nothing when he arrived. 

"Sasha... Can I lay on your legs?" Takashi looked at his wife and smiled waiting for her answer. 

"Don't ask me..." Sasha said in a light tone. 

Takashi held his daughter and laid her down on the floor next to the pillows, then slowly laid her body on Sasha's legs. 

"My wife Batata... Can I sleep now? I'm really sleepy, I can't take it anymore." Takashi said in an increasingly weak voice. 

Today, a star that illuminated this world was coming to an end, he knew there were other ways to change his end, but he believes deep in his heart that this is the end of his story. 

Takashi felt the strength inside his body slowly fading, his eyesight was closing more and more and his breathing was slowing down. His heartbeat slowed down and his breathing became weaker. 

Holding his wife's hand, Takashi really regretted leaving her alone in this world, at least what comforts him is that she is strong and will make it through. 

Looking at Takashi who had closed his eyes, Sasha cried silently. "Don't worry, I will take good care of our daughter." 

Her tears hushed like a waterfall, venting all those feelings that tormented her for days now, today she finally couldn't hold back anymore. 

Takashi had died. 

A warrior who only sought the good, forged of unsurpassed values and dignities, his determination and desire slowly turned him into a peerless Warrior. 

Under the moonlight, everyone felt his death. 

The chimes rang throughout the walls, the warriors drew their weapons and a sword reached the Queen's hands. 

Today, as had been foreseen, the sword demon was dead. 

In the days that followed, everyone mourned his death, everyone felt his absence, his funeral had all the honors a man could have, his friends, companions and relatives witnessed the ceremony. 

Soon, a large monument was created in his name, everyone offered a rose, feeling his loss. In a corner, Kitz held a bottle of wine between his hands, looked at the monument of the warrior Takashi and smiled, inevitably some tears escaped from his eyes. 

Sasha together with the support of her parents and the strength of her daughter gave her the strength to witness the ceremony to its end. 

The Queen of the Walls, gave a short speech: "Today we mourn the death of not only a man, but a Warrior, Takashi Ackerman was an excellent Warrior who taught us to never give up, and also showed us the way for evolution, today we say goodbye to him with all the honors that can be given to him, but we know that it is not enough." 

"May you rest in peace, Takashi Ackerman!" 


[Timbre... Next World Selected "The Walking Dead"]