It's him

It has been one week since I started working at Fenghuang Corporate. It has been a normal week. I sent boys to kindergarten then I went to the company. We all spent holiday together. Then again it was the day to go office.



"Why all strange things are happening in the morning?"

"Why? What happened girl? Why are you in such a bad mood?

"Right after I woke up my little toe finger was banged at bed side, now the milk is spilled!"

"Oh my it's okay just clean it up."



At Office

"Si Qian Jin, Are you going to make coffee?"

"Yes Shua"

"Please make me some coffee. I stayed up all night playing games I am going to shut down if I don't drink coffee."

"okay okay."

While making coffee...

" water spilled in my hand." Let's just make coffee to Shua then go to put ointment.

"Shua your coffee!"

"Thank you...What happened to your hand?"

"Oh just hot water spilled in my hands."

"What! Just hot water! It is going to leave a mark if you leave it like that, go and put ointment it is in first aid box."

"Oh yes I was going to put."

"Go..go...I can't bear to see a scalded mark in your beautiful hand."


Si Qian Jin was peacefully putting ointment in her hand when numbers of ladies came to wash room and started doing their makeup.

'Why are they all coming to washroom for makeup?'

"What happened Shua why are all running to washroom."

"Inspection team are coming!"

"Inspection team?"

"They come every month to see condition of every department.",...Jing jing

"What? Do they see cleanliness?"

"Yes, he has mysophobia.",...Jing Jing

"Is it very bad that he has to do whole office inspection."

" (whisper) I heard actually once president found out dead mouse in one of the worker's desk. So, he does this but they are early this month.(looks in mirror) Oh my I also have to do makeup how can I go like this.",...Shua

"But what does this inspection thing has any relation with doing makeup?"

"Oh I forgot to tell you! They select one person from each department to give him report personally."


"He asks if there is any problem in office and if there is something that needs to be renewed or changed."

"Really! That's surprising. President's usually don't do this type of things."

"Yes we are very lucky. Only we employees get to see him. It would be nice if we could see his photo for good health but he hasn't made himself public. Now shut up both of you I have to go and do makeup."

"You are not going to do makeup Jing jing?"

"I am not interested I have a boyfriend and its not like president is going to see them."


"But how do they choose?"

"They just choose randomly."

After a while inspection team came. They checked our office and sprayed something. After a while one of the team member came with report.

"For the report this time, You will go."


I was shocked. I didn't expected I would get chosen.

"Then go to president's office now."



I took the report and when I was about to go I saw other colleagues were getting disappointed that they were not selected. I tapped top floor in elevator and went to president's floor.

When I saw President's floor I was in a awe for a while. It deserved to be president's floor. It was totally different from other floors. As if all the things were saying they are luxurious and elegant.

I didn't know which one was President's office since there were many rooms. So I asked one of the staff.

"Excuse me, where is President's office?"

"Oh, Take right turn from here then go to the last room."

"Yes thank you."


I went in like a curious child seeing the things I have never seen. I finally reached President's room.

"(knock...knock) President, May I come in."


"Good afternoon Preside..nt?".

It's him.

Why is he here?

He is the same man I spent night with that year and father of my babies. He is the president of Fenghuang Corporate!

What should I do now?