Interview #1

"What happened girl you look tired. And why are you late today?",...Nan Shi

"I got promoted so. Babies I brought you chocolate today too."

"Thank you mommy "...Yu Chen

"(muah) I will make dinner fast ok wait a bit."

In a kitchen

"Hey what are you saying you got promoted?"

"Yes Now I am president's secretary."

"Huh, Did he forced you to be..."

"Salary is twice than before haha(devil's laugh)."

"Then it's okay. You have to tolerate a little bit ok. You are a bit hot headed."


"But you may need to watch the boys now from time to time okay. Sometimes it may be late for me."

"Okay I love seeing them but what happened to you huh. Yesterday you were crying your eyes out saying he might take your children from you and now you are happy as if nothing happened yesterday."

"Don't you know Nan Shi, safest place to hide is right under the nose of enemy."

" really are something."

"Aren't I ? I will never let him know about the boys."


Since I accepted being his secretary I will earn money also and keep the boys away from him.

For a while I learned about secretary duties from Bei Tia and started working as secretary. My regular work was also going on that was giving coffee to president but...

He is just too much annoying.

"Coffee is too hot give it to me when it is drinkable."

"(ugh) yes sir.'


"It is too cold coffee needs to be little bit hot. Go make it again."

"(annoyed) YES sir."

Control Qian Jin Control. Think of your salary and smile.


"I don't want this coffee today bring me cappuccino with no sugar."

"(sigh) Yes sir."

Ugh my daily life consists of listening to his complain. Like what does he want! If I bring hot coffee he will say he needs cold one and when I bring cold one he says he needs it hot. I am only here due to salary otherwise I would have thrown shoes in his face.

Then few days later when I arrived at office all the secretaries were busy. That's the moment that I had a bad feeling.

"Why are you all busy in this early hours?"

"There is going to be interview."


"Yes it is his first interview so we have to prepare many things and most importantly we can't show his face."

"Is it really his first interview?"

"Yes have you ever seen his face in any magazines or media?"

Come to think of it, I had never seen him in media before. Otherwise I would have recognized him that he was Fenghuang's president. Why is he so full of secrets?


"Since our company's has been receiving best records in past years we pressurized president to do an interview. It's just that he said at last moment yesterday that he will take interview today otherwise he will not take it so we are rushing it. You also get busy now go."


Interview was scheduled at the evening. Today was little different from regular busy day we all secretary and many employees from different department were busy all day

but one thing was same as other day.

That was coffee of president.

"Knock...knock May I come in president?"

"Come in."

"Here is your tea sir."

"Hmm nice...What do you think of my interview?"

"Your Interview?"

"Yes, Don't you have any questions that you want to ask me?"

"Yes? Me?" Why is he even asking me?

"Yes you!"

"If it is okay to ask then, Why are you so secretive? You are not even showing your face in interview. "

"(smirk) You are quite daring to ask that."


You are the one who said to ask you!

"That is because I have set one milestone and until I reach it I will not reveal myself to outer world."

"Oh...Then I hope you will reach your milestone soon."

"If you are saying then I think I will reach sooner."

"..." What! is he flirting with me?

"Then I will go now sir." What is wrong with him.


"Hello, Nan Shi "


"Today I will come late so take care of boys."

"Okay anything else."

"Nothing I am calling you from inside the washroom so I will end the call now"

"Okay okay."

"Knock... knock Qian Jin are you done . Let's go."

"Yes yes Let's go."

"Who were you calling? I listened you accidentally when you were talking in washroom.",...Shi Zing (colleague)

"My friend, She is taking care of my boys."

"Your boys?"

"My sons."

"Wait a minute are you saying you have a child."

"You look so young and you are already married and already have sons. Can I see their photo?"

What ! Photos! If see she Xiao Yu and Xiao Yi the she will definitely see familiar image in them.

"Ah...that...I recently changed the phone so currently I do not have there photo here. I will show them when I have ."

"Ok ok now let's go to canteen. It's lunch time."



At evening

"Everyone interview is about to start get ready.",...Li Yifan

"Hah I am really excited to see president's first interview.",...Fu Shua

"Shua How come you are here?"

"I came here with an excuse to give document."

"Wow many employees are here to see president's interview."

"Of course even though it is for magazine only it is worth it, he is a genius who build this big Fenghuang empire himself in short period of time."

"..." She is all time fan of Gu Zheng Tai.

"Do you know it took him only about 7 years to reach here? Now we are only second to Jiang family's business. If we launch our new product this year then we will surpass them soon."

"Really! I didn't know that."

" I am telling you he is really talented once in a while genius. I am his number one fan. I wish I was in your place so that I could also see him everyday like you."

"I also wish I was in your place so that I hadn't had to see him everyday day(inner thought)"

"Huh did you said anything?"

"No Nothing."


Next chapter(preview)

"Is there anyone you love or are you already in relationship president Gu ?",...Interviewer

"I am currently not in any relationship but I do have someone I like.",...Gu Zheng Tai

Why is he looking at me!!!!