Nan Shi

When I saw who Gu Zheng Tai I was shocked. He was someone I knew.

I, Nan Shi is the daughter of Nan family. Nan family is the family with long history. Nan family business is well known to all. Even though I was daughter of Nan family I am an illegitimate child.

Since I was illegitimate child I didn't know who my father was until my mother left this world. I thought I was going to be orphan but my grandfather came to find me. Later I knew my mother informed him before she died.

In Nan House only grandfather cared for me. When he was not in house I was bullied by my step siblings.

Since that place didn't hold anything dear to me except for grandfather I left the house as soon as I got independent. Then in college I met Si Qian Jin.

Si Qian Jin was the excellent student. I knew she had relationship with Chi Tian but after finishing college I couldn't contact her due to busy schedule. One day after many years she called me.