wanna join?

I knew for the sure that the old man has some kind of relationship with Gu Zheng Tai. Gu Zheng Tai has always been wary of his so called family and I don't want to disturb his plan for his revenge as he told.

For the whole time I stayed far from that old man and made sure that Yu Chen and Yi Chen were always in my sight so that before they do anything I can take the necessary step.

As I was sticking around Nan Shi, an unknown old man showed up to give new couple a blessing. He looked at me swiftly and told me something.

"I didn't knew you looked like this in real. It feels nostalgic.",...Shen Fan

"Excuse me?"

"Oh nothing!",...Shen Fan

What a weird old man? I am meeting all sorts of old man today.

Overall, Nan Shi's wedding was finished nicely. Shen Mei didn't bother me that much and I didn't see her at the end. It was nice and I was relieved that Nan Shi's partner was non other than secretary Yifan.