
The Best

Wrath knelt down beside the corpse of the former Patience, she was deep in thought, all of this information said a lot about the nature of the sins and virtues.

Had the name of Edwind replaced that of Patience upon his 'death'? Was that why no one seemed to be able to pinpoint the actions of those of the previous generation? Losing the title had had the same effect of gaining it, erasing the knowledge linked to their former name and restoring it under their true name?

Even then, Edwind had spoken of patience until his very end, saying that she would have to be patient, was he literally telling her to live her life and die to regain her identity or was he pointing at something else? Their was also his strange advice after telling her that her own memory loss had nothing to do with Wrath, he told her to fly away, where did he want her to go?

Her train of thought was interrupted as the whole place shook violently, prompting Wrath to stand up.

Before she could however, she spotted something that had fallen on the ground before the body of Edwind, kneeling down to grab it and she was met with a charm attached to a necklace, very similar in appearance to the one the blind cleric had given her.

'So he was never able to bring it back to the surface huh?' she thought, deciding to leave where it was, leaving it with the only one who had been able to wear it.

As she ascended back to the temple, she noticed that the staircase leading up was different than when she had come down, everything was much more crack and filthy.

The two doors opened by themselves, letting her out and free to witness what had become of the temple, it was broken in many places, everything was covered in thick layers of dust and cobwebs.

Walking for a little bit and she once again encountered the blind cleric, sitting in the same position he had been when she had first entered, his robes where left seemingly intact, he too was covered in dust and cobwebs, his body remained in a natural state of preservation.

It appeared as though he would sprung up at any moment but he didn't, he was dead through and through, dried up in his endless await of someone capable of defeating Edwind, he had been patient and now that it was done, he had nothing to wait for anymore.

She put down the fake charm on the table in front of him and walked away, the only thing she was taking out of here was the sword that was hanging on her back for she had no sheath to put it in, leaving it tied up to her chest.

She took the same path in the opposite direction, witnessing the dead forest that now replaced the patient trees, indeed, Edwind, The Former Patience must have been a legend to even inspire normal trees to wait alongside him.


While Wrath was busy searching for her truth and fighting, Pride was casually visiting Heilig.

She had heard that this little piece of land had an elite force comparable to heroes and as the one who would one day rule over everything, she had to pay a little visit to her most notable subjects.

Pride couldn't go unnoticed due to the fact that she was pretty much a walking source of light and that she easily towered over everyone she ran into due to her being two meters and ten centimeters tall.

She exagerated her steps and stomped the ground, putting her muscles mass behind it to make herself even more noticeable, she had no need to be stealthy after all so she might as well let everyone know that she was here.

She wasn't waking anywhere either, she had made her way in the capital, passing the checkpoint at the gate easily by just walking through, nobody could stop her from exercising her right and liberty to break the law.

Eventually, as expected, someone of interest showed up.

"Holy shit guys" said Malamn, The Holy Roadblock as he saw who the guards had been talking about.

"A woman you say? That should count as more than one, she is fucking radiating and you only got me?" he complained as he looked up at Pride.

It was unusual for him to meet anyone his height and taller was a first.

Being the diplomat that he was, he approached her peacefully and inquired on what business she may have here.

Instead of answering, she just asked him who he was while pointing her finger at his face, which wasn't hidden behind in heavy armor as he had simply been walking around the city to find flowers to buy for his mom.

Leaving his very angular face out and allowing people to see how jacked he was, still, he felt like that beneath those priestly clothes, that woman was somehow even more so.

"Well, I am Malamn, The Holy Roadblock and who are you mam?" he asked, slightly pressured since she was letting out an enormous amount of holy energy in its purest form, she seemed to have even more than the king himself.

"I am god but you may call me Pride for now" she said, realising what she had just said, Malamn bore a shocked expression as he reeled her fist back and punched him in the distance.

While everyone was wondering what had just happened and where The Holy Roadblock had went, Pride simply looked at her fist which was nearly fully covered in white bandages, only leaving a few strands of lights out.

'That was good, he wasn't turned into jelly' she nodded as she thought those words, appreaciative that he hadn't been a scam and could actually work as a roadblock, the lack of holy energy from him was a bit suspicious though.

Nobody tried to stop her as she went in search of the next person to punch, that was all she had come here for, punch each of the elites once, that was how she was going to test if they were good or not, for every single one of them, no specific tests at all, just them and her right fist.

The way she intended.