
Sea Food

"What's the matter man?" asked one of the guards as he moved next to his friend.

"Look there" said the guard pointing at a small figure that was just standing still, a bit far away from the walls.

"Is that a kid?" said a third one as he tried to see better.

"Yeah, that looks like a little girl dressed in... Burlap? What? Who the hell would willingly put that on themselves?" spoke a fourth one.

"What are you all waiting for? I'll go get her" said one of the guards as he got down from the wall.

One of the guards finally decided to pull a spyglass to get a better look at the stationary figure.

"Hum, that doesn't look like a kid, I think she is just short" he said before passing the spyglass to the one next to him.

"Well, I agree that doesn't look like a child, I have one at home and she certainly not look like that" he said, once again passing it to another guard.

"Are humans supposed to be this short? That's clearly not a dwarf or halfling, dwarves are much wider and halfling have enormous feet, mmh? Is she not wearing anything other than that burlap? In this cold?" remarked the third guard before givinbg the spyglass to the fourth.

He didn't look through it though and only chose to comment on something.

"Well then, that's clearly a suspicious individual but she isn't coming here or anything, just standing, surely, standing, as menacing as it may be, is not an infraction, right?" he said and the four guards looked at each other while thinking deeply, completely missing the moment as the guard that had got down arrived in front of what he still believed to be a little girl.

When he got close though, just like the other guards, he quickly realised that he had been mistaken, she was very small, only one meter and forty centimeters tall, about as tall as a ten year old the guard estimated but her face had none of the features of a child, there were no trace of baby fat anywhere for example.

Her blue eyes were gazing forward, not paying attention to the guard yet, her blonde hair were very long, reaching to a bit beneath her waist but where extremely well brushed and clean, this seemed weird to the guard no one was ever this clean around here, especially when it appeared that she had arrived here through a forest.

He struggled to find the words but managed to find something to say after gathering himself from the strange feeling of oppression he was suddenly feeling.

"Miss? Are you alright? Can I help you?" he said and after a second, she turned her head to him, her eyes had stayed wide open ever since the guards had noticed her, it was definitely something unnatural but it seemed natural on her face.

"I am hungry" she said, extending her arms, pushing away the burlap cloak and revealing that she was wearing nothing but that cloak.

before the guard could even get flusted, a maw opened up on her stomach, expanding to an impossible size and swallowing him whole alongside everything he was wearing, in a matter of a moment, everything was back to normal, the maw was gone and the girl was back to her normal appearance, no sign of the guard's body was to be seen anywhere.

The four guards, who had not paid attention easily missed the split second where their colleague had been eaten alive, the guard had not been able to make a sound and the maw had managed to stay relatively silent, though, coming from the small girl, the sound of meat being chewed and bones shattering could be heard if one got close enough.

When the four guards finally noticed that their colleague should have gotten to her a while ago, they didn't know what to think, they hadn't seen him get there due to them being incredibly unaware of their surroundings and could only assume that he had just left for some reason.

The girl started walking forward, interested by the taste of the appetizer, this fish person had had an interesting taste due to being mostly human looking or so she guessed, deciding to test that out with the other meals inside of these walls.

The city wasn't prepared for this, she ate her way through the gate without any issue, devouring a few guards whole, one tried to get away by leaping over some barrels, only to have his legs robbed from him as they were consumed in an instant.

It didn't just feel like his legs had been ripped apart, the pain was far beyond anything he could have imagined, it was like his legs were completely gone on a level above simply physical, there wasn't even a slight phantom pain or a feeling that his legs were still here.

The moment they were consumed, it was like using legs had never been part of his life even though he knew that it was a fact, the confused and mortally wounded guard was quickly slurped up completely.

Various ravenous tongues greedily licking the spilled blood, being suddenly surrounded with so much food excited the girl was maws appeared all over her body, distorting her shape as if she was infinitely flexible.

The maws lashed out at any movement, biting parts out of buildings, the ground or any object that met their path, most of the people that were caught by the gluttonous maws were swallowed all without leaving a trace but some visceral scenes took place.

Such as a jaw sipping the guts of someone that found themselves at a poor angle while they were still alive and conscious or simply people witnessing their children and babies being devoured without a care.

To her, the younger they were, the easier they were to crush, their flesh lacked anything firm and the youngest barely had any crunch to them.

She was only here for a simple meal, here to get a small filling before getting to the ones dwelling under water, she had already ate sea food in the past but very few were sapient, the brain of the smart ones always tasted best.

Someone swung a blade straight down on her head, only to have their weapon stopped by powerful teeth that suddenly appeared as yet another maw formed on the top of her head.

The brave one tried to resist being swallowed as an enormous maw formed from her chest, grabbing onto the edges of it, a large and thick tongue sprouted from inside, wrapping around his body, covering him in saliva as it pulled him inside, breaking his back in the process.

No one was left, having either fled or being safely hidden inside of her stomach.

Gluttony decided to lay down for a bit before getting to the main dish, borrowing the bed of someone who wouldn't be using it anytime soon.

Sleeping eyes wide open, indistinguishable than when she was awake.