
Time To Get It Going

After this very strange interaction with a fairy tale character, Gregory was in the front of the carriage, saying that he was driving it would be giving him too much credit as he did nothing but holding the horses.

The three girls were sitting in the back, him and them separated by a simple piece of dirty white fabric, he looked into the distance, not having much to do he started daydreaming.

The scenery moved slowly, the trees that he was certain were the same he used to see everywhere before coming to this world formed a continuous line of green leaves and brown barks, he stared at the left side absentmindedly, staring at this line for a while.

His revery was interrupted when this same line was, he struggled to recognise what it could be at first but as he blinked a few times, he noticed that a humanoid figure now stood there, a figure clad in dark, a figure that seemed familar to the otherworlder.

It had been a long time since he had spotted her, he thus failed to immediately remember where he had first seen her.

He rubbed his weary eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating and the next moment he looked in the direction where she had been, she was gone.

Gregory wasn't sure what to think, he doubted that it was his imagination but investigating it seemed like a stupid mistake to do.

There was no need to make any mistake however.

Gregory felt a hand land on his shoulder with delicacy, he turned his head while speaking.

"Is somethin-" he began his sentence but the end of it stayed stuck in his throat, never to escape his lips as he found out that he was face to face with the darkly clad figure.

She was beautiful woman, he had never seen anyone that could even try to contest with her, it was like he was staring at the embodiment of beauty, his brain was conflicted between utter woe and panic as she had sneaked up on after pulling a horror movie move.

He stared at her spotless face, her contented smile, her slicked back bluish hair and her dark bindfold for a only a few moments before falling backward, if his brain wasn't going to take a decision, gravity did.

He crashed against the soil, feeling small pebbles diggings into his back, jolting him out of his admiration for the woman in front of him.

He looked up at where he used to be sitting to see her standing there, looking down at him with her hands on her hips.

She was wearing clothes he would have typically associated with a desert setting, the kind of baggy piece of clothing meant to channel the cold her and evacuate sweat easily.

The only part of her skin he could see was her face and it had been enough to almost cause him to stop thinking entirely.

The stinging sensation that was in his back allowed him to keep his mind for himself while she gracefully dropped down like a feather falling from the heavens.

He tried to yell to alert the rest of his group as they seemed oblivious to the situation.

The pretty stranger only uttered a low 'shh' and he found himself unable to speak at all.

'What the hell is she?!' he thought, as he tried to reach for his sword only to find the action of pulling it out of its sheath to be too arduous.

"Now, now, don't be like that, there is no need to be afraid" spoke the woman, the sound of her voice made him feel strangely relaxed and composed.

It wasn't enough to completely make him forget what was happening however.

"Your dear 'friends' are soundly asleep at the moment and I don't want any harm to you" she continued as she stepped closer to him, getting awfully close.

"I was hoping that you wouldn't be so weak but the sound of my voice and my appearance are enough to make you so docile without even me trying to" she added.

"It's no fun if you don't even have a chance to resist" she muttered, before acting out as if she was thinking about something.

"I know, you need some motivation don't you? What could motivate you to grow stronger?" she thought aloud.

"I know, revenge is always good fuel" she said while raising her index finger up, she then slowly pulled out an ornate dagger from one of her sleeves.

Without missing a beat, Gregory managed to firmly grasp his sword and pull it out of its sheath, swinging it in an upward arc toward the stranger.

The blade stopped before colliding, not because he had stopped his movement like before but because the blade had been caught in the same manner someone would catch a fly without trying to hurt it.

"That was quick, you are full of surprise Gregory" she said, knocking the blade out of his hands with ease, Gregory felt his body freeze again as the stranger grabbed one of his wrists.

"Let me show you the least you can expect..." she uttered as she moved her head dangerously close to his, itching closer and closer.

Gregory felt like he was going to suffocate as she stuck her soft lips against his, this wasn't what he had in mind when he thought about his first kiss.

He tried to stuggled and break free of her embrace but she was deceptively strong, he felt like she could squash his bones with ease.

After a few intixicating moments, she let go of him, causing him to fall onto his butt as he gasped for air.

She was gone, nowhere to be seen after reaping his first kiss for herself, quickly, unaware that anything had happened, the three girls got off the carriage, wondering why it had suddenly stopped in its track.

Only to find Gregory wiping his mouth excessively.

"What happened?" asked one of them.

"This is horrible! I got assaulted, this is abuse!" he yelled out at nothing in particular as he spat on the ground as the his three confused teammates looked at him questionningly.

Still observing from afar, as she had been for an extended period of time now, Lust watched him with amusement and then at his group, next time, they would be involved too.