

'What does it mean to be rejected and reviled by him? The god of control seemed to be a nameless and shapeless deity, I once thought that he was the culmination of perfection, he was said to be the original creator of everything and only source pure good'


'It was a lie, most of the gods are nothing but powerful people, the one that truly embody their domains don't interact at all with the lower world, they are forces in the same way as an animal of instinct, they are thus, flawless in mind and soul, they do nothing but follow things as they should be'

"It hurts..!"

'The god of control acts like a person, he is thus not a being of instinct and thus full of flaws, he doesn't deserve any worship and he knows it, which is why he leeches of all the other gods, keeping his place at the top, when my soul was in the purgatory, I saw it all'


'He needs to be replaced to be destroyed, the best way to defeat a god is not to face them in a fight but cut what allows them to exist'

Ingratitude dropped the limp body to the ground, the skull caved in and blood pouring on the ground and tainting it red.

The stone would stay that way for a long time, it would serve as a reminder for the next one to come.

With that one, Ingratitude was done with this place, there were still a few places of worship for the god of control, those had to be the first one to go.

The lesser sin looked up to mural representing this very god, the worshippers seemed to believe that he looked just like them, only without much discerning features, it actually looked a lot more like Pride to him than anything else.

Thanks to her taking the prayers of many in the lesser countries, Ingratitude could see his dream becoming reality, it had only been that at first, a dream and nothing more, one couldn't possibly hope to eradicate a belief through force.

It might have been hypocrisy but he deemed Pride to be a better fit for the position of the god of control, was it because she was a sin? Or because his hatred for the all mighty made him see even the lowest of criminals as better?

Indeed, it wasn't a crusade against the concept of a hyper powerful person in control, it was revenge against the individual.

Most would have considered the fact that he couldn't quite interact with the world anymore a victory, Ingratitude didn't know why or how it had happened but a bright orange light shone for a moment and he felt the curse inflicted on him lose strength.

This was the sole reason the lesser sins were now a thing, the cursed of the god of control weren't within his control anymore and were now able to live again.

He raised his deformed, skeletal hand toward the mural, ready to blast it but something else broke before he could enact his desire.

He barely had enough time to put a barrier when something struck against the back of his skull, he recognised who it was, it was a mana signature, a shape and power he had felt during the battle years ago.

He heard a light crack coming from him as his body was thrown right across the room, his body colliding with the ground a few times before going right through the mural.

The sun struck his now dirtied white bones as he continued his trajectory until a tree stopped him.

'Impressive, I wasn't aware that her physical strikes could rattle things beyong the physical body' he remarked calmly in his head, his mind, soul and corrupted holy energy were still shaking from the hit, it seemed like they had also been hurt in some way.

His senses, which were completely reliant on his mana, were severely affected and his line of sight greatly reduced, as if darkness filled anything beyond fiften meters all around him.

The barrier he had quickly erected saved him from more severe injuries but also told him something else, it hadn't been thrown into disarray when directly hit, only when the attack connected with him.

'Had I been faster, I wouldn't have been damaged at all...' he avoided using his holy energy too much, he prefered using his raw physical might to deal with things, his energy was corrupted and thus very recognisable.

It was supposed to avoid being sneak attacked but it had happened either way and now he was in a bad spot, there was no way he would be able to stop a strike head-on like this, it had been an attack meant to take him by surprise too, so she had probably not put her all in it either.

He would have to make sure to dodge, he focused his unsteady holy energy into reinforcing his body, his fused bones making cracking noises as he clenched them out of focus.

'Where is she?' he awaited the strike to come but it wasn't coming.

He suddenly jumped to the side as he felt something entering his restricted field of vision, again and again.

A bunch of rocks, twigs and such were being thrown all around.

'What is she doing-' he stopped himself as he noticed that the rocks and twigs were growing in size, she was tossing whole boulders and trees at him!

He wondered if there weren't more people than he had initially thought considering the rate at which everything was coming at him, he had to split his focus between maintaining his senses, keeping his augmentation going and dodging the projectiles while also paying attention if the heroine was going in herself.

His undeath allowed him to keep his cool but he wasn't a pure undead and the pressure was slowly eating him up from the inside.

If she did enter, he would have to attack too, use an attack capable of actually hurting the heroine while not stopping anything else.

'All because I was careless...'