

"Narik? Oh, Narik! That metallic fellow! I remember now, he was never very interested in the superb one and seemed spent most of his time with his horns" Idolatry moved his hands in a wavy motion as he spoke.

Bilam listened attentively while Milleral had been slowly sliding off the wall he was leaning on, the back and forth of the champion and lesser sin had been a heavy blow to his very being.

One used hardly pronounceable terms to speak of her bugs while the other kept switching up how he refered to his god, thankfully, they weren't speaking directly to him.

"Unfortunately, I do not know where he could be, I never worked with him for anything and he only take his orders from miss skeleton, there hasn't been much meetings for a while, so he has probably been on the search for even more horns if I had to guess" the sin's honesty was a bit strange and unexpected, although they couldn't be sure he was telling the complete truth.

He wasn't orienting them anywhere and was responding with confidence and without much thought at all, for a guy who would have small worshipping episodes in the middle of his own sentences and just start rolling on the ground, this amount of skill in deceit seemed out of his reach.

Still, Milleral didn't care much for the iron necromancer, he had come here from a lesser sin, since Heilig was completely at the mercy of the sins, he couldn't just sneak attack him while Bilam was there, it was a shame that the only person skilled enough to track the lesser sin was of Heilig.

He scrutinised Idolatry, it seemed like the soft parts of his body were the ones eaten most consistently, it was so easy for the bugs to devour these parts, it was almost as if they didn't exist.

His lip and cheeks seemed permanently gone, revealing his full set of teeth and despite the damage, he managed to hold his jaw together and speak fairly normally, when the bugs didn't decided to bite into his tongue and vocal cords that is.

It seemed like certain parts weren't touched as much, even if they were amongst the easy parts for the bugs to devour, the eyes of the man were rarely bitten and even then, it seemed like they regenerated faster than the rest.

Most of his body being covered up, it was hard to tell the state of it but hearing the constant sound of the bugs walking on each other under the clothes, the hero guessed there were even more than it seemed underneath.

Bilam's incessant questions on the sin's bugs also revealed other things, he complained about them and also seemed quite surprised seeing Bilam being able to calm them down, meaning that he held no control over the critters and the fact that he hadn't just blasted them off indicated that it was permanent or beyond his means to remove.

He also claimed to be immortal and while his life force was staying fairly still as he was eaten alive, it was swaying ever so slightly still.

He was talkative enough for Milleral to have a clear picture of this guy's whole life and curse.

He used to be a monk of a certain 'god of control', a deity Milleral had never heard of.

But he claimed to have one day, been touched by grace and learned that the one true god was the 'great one' or 'magnificient one' or 'holy one', the number of acronyms he gave to his god was endless and seemed completely improvised for it had no defined name, appearance or domain.

Clearly, it wasn't grace that had touched him but sheer and utter madness, his lunacy must have been quite strong however, he claimed that his god, in its attempt to claim its spot as one true deity, was struck down after slaughtering a whole bunch of other gods.

Milleral almost showed it on his face but he hardly believed it but if this guy was a lesser sin, then there must have been some truth in it.

Covering his face with his hand and feinting a cough, Milleral avoided visibly cringing and continued on listening to the deranged man.

He, the only worshipper of this god, was severely punished by the god of control, turned immortal and condemned to be eaten alive by insects for eternity.

That god of control didn't seem like a very nice guy at all and not very smart at that, if that guy was really able to cause a whole god to spring into existence and that this god was powerful enough to defeat other gods, then the smart thing would have been to make Idolatry worship him instead.

Seeing the sin rolling on the ground again, Milleral felt like he could understand that god for not doing that.

Anyhow, the tireful conversation between The Insectophile and Idolatry soon came to an end, Milleral was going to go back with Bilam and then come back once they separated but he was stopped.

"Blond boy, why don't you stay here? I felt like you wanted to talk to me, one on one" spoke the sin, sounding suspiciously sane for a moment.

Sensing a diplomatic incident incoming if she stayed around, Bilam casually walked off, today was not the day Heilig would be involved in anything of the sort.

After a few minutes of staring at each other in silence, Milleral felt quite tense, the sin was looking at him like a cannibal eyeing his next dish.

"You aren't convinced by my story, are you?" once more, the sin's tone was completely different, it was impossible to tell due to his lack of cheeks and lips, but the sin seemed to smiling.

Milleral stayed silent, ready to strike at any hint of agression from the sin, he guessed him to be similar to a cleric, perhaps similar to one of the lesser sins that had been in the battle, Ingratitude.

However, the hero couldn't sense anything from him at the moment, impossible to determine what sort of things he would use.

"The great one is real! They might be but a corpse at the moment, a dead god but! Their holy spirit is still present!" spoke Idolatry, extending his arms up to the ceiling as if trying to catch something falling.

The shadows in the room suddenly bended abnormally as the sin's shadow grew and soon covered the wall behind him, shifting in size and shape, turning completely inhumane.

The second it had appeared the sin was doing something, Milleral had already been upon him, his snake turned into a spear and he prepared to lop the enemy's head off, the blade starting to dig into the flesh.

And in a swift slash, Idolatry's head was sent flying.