
Snap Back To Reality

Oath Breaker was sent sliding into the dirt face first, hard enough that dirt got into the slits of his helm.

'Was that-?! I need to get back up!' worried the sin as he pushed himself to his feet, or at least tried to before he felt his knee give in as it was powerfully kicked.

Iustus felt the parasite lose strength as the sin was thrown back violently but without virtuous mana, the double didn't disappear completely with just that.

Oath Breaker was unconcerned with the parasite for now as pushed himself away using a nearby tree and finally turned to see his assailant.

"How is this possible? You were supposed to be inactive and far from here! I was informed of that no later than a few days ago!" shouted the sin as he tried to get up but the knee that was struck was wobbly.

'Did it break? In one hit? She wasn't so strong back then...' he nervously realised, entertaining the idea of ripping the whole leg apart to replace it with a functioning double of it but he wouldn't have time for any of this.

As he saw the first heading straight for his face, he quickly tried to clone himself to soften the blow but it just smashed right through his feeble attempt and caved in his helm and skull anyways.

'What am I talking about? Of course she can damage me, her punches could somewhat damage Wrath!' he looked up at the woman in a long dark coat in fear, as he realised that he could die if he made any mistake and could still even if he did everything perfectly.

"I won't lose to mundane human!" he yelled to motivate himself as he forced himself to stand tall and bursted with double he sent forward.

He saw them pop like balloons in an instant but that still helped him gauge where and when to strike, his right fist was sent forward, this punch should be no joke, it was no joke, it was powerful, it could easily blow a hole right through powerful people and absolutely crush normal people into mush.

And yet, instead reaching its destination, Oath breaker saw his arm suddenly bend the wrong way, the armor exploded to pieces, his bone snapped and dark blood flew out of the wound, all of this in an instant, he had barely seen the attack, with the knight's and his own perception combined, he had only seen a vague blur.

His other arm was suddenly grabbed with enough force to snap it too, the armor did little to protect him, still holding onto him, Molarine started battering him in the chest as his body was left stuck in the air under the assault.

The sounds of shattering iron and bones breaking melded together as the sin spat rivers of blood from the slits in his helm, his right arm swung back and forth before detaching from the constant movement.

Not too long after, it was time for his other arm to give in, without being held on, his body was sent back, rolling and bouncing on to ground before being stopped by a large rock.

He tried to make a double from the rock but lacked the strength to do it quickly enough before his attacker was upon him again.

She grabbed him by his battered chestplate, looking as stoic and unmoved as always, Molarine ripped of the chestplate that was fused in his body, causing immense pain in the sin before punching him right in his unprotected chest, her fist made it on the other side, sending the back part of the chestplate flying and embedding itself in a tree.

Something was stuck against the back part, something bloody that was faintly moving.

Oath Breaker suddenly felt cold as Molarine threw him to the ground.

Looking back, he saw that it was his heart stuck to the back part of his chestplate.

He couched up inhumane amounts of blood, drowning in it as his dying mind searched for a way out still.

'I... I can still win, I can survive like I always did! I can still run away with my life!' he thought as his brain, lacking in oxygen worked to its maximum as he saw flashes of his life appear before him.

Seeing his life of nothing but deceit, his life that was nothing but the life of other people, he smiled at it, in the end, he was proud of himself, he had lived his life the way he had wanted, there was nothing to look back on and feel disappointed about.

With such a wonderful life, he couldn't just let it end so prematurely, he coudn't make any more clones at all, he was too weakened for that, however...


Iustus noticed the parasite suddenly drop everything and go back, pushing its way out of the earlier wound.

He heaved a sigh of relief as he made his way to the unconscious victims of Oath Breaker, checking on the boy he had squeezed the skull of and the girl he had tried to do the same thing with his foot.

He used his dwindling mana to provide very basic healing but the basic strength of it allowed it to work at a much higher rate.

Iustus turned a he heard someone walking toward him, it was Molarine, Iustus felt suspicious since he hadn't felt the sin's death yet.

"Are you alright kid?" she asked, Iustus noticed he fists covered in dark blood.

"Yes, thanks to you, is Oath Breaker dead?" he then questioned.

"I got the kill notification but it felt off, so I turned his remains into powder but saw no change" she replied as she cracked her neck.

"How did you get here anyways?" Iustus didn't expect her to show up at all, she was amongst the ones who didn't really care about the sins after they took over a large portion of the continent and formed alliances with every remaining countries, except for Aeraliun which remained silent.

"No clue, I wasn't there, then I was, I saw this guy messing around, so I pounded him into the afterlife" she simply responded, the drained Iustus had a wry smile, he had forgotten how she was.

"That said, I don't think he is dead dead, the kill notification was weird as I said, the XP given was taken back a few moments afterwards" she explained.

"This guy really is a cockroach" muttered Iustus.

"Now, how do I get back? Laura and Aliara will get worried, where even am I?" she scratched her head in thought.

Iustus felt like he had heard something from Oath Breaker that he should share but the moment he thought about it, he forgot all about it.