

Gregory crushed the skull of a fallen skeleton with four arms, he looked around and saw nothing other than remains of other undeads.

He leaned against the gruesome building and pull out a broken dagger from his side with a grunt, against his best whishes, he made his way toward what had been a zombie to consume its flesh.

Once he would be healed up, he would be heading inside this, no matter what price he had had to pay, he didn't care for as long as he could get what he wanted.

As he was about to reach for the rotten flesh, a bloated figure bursted out of the dead soil, tackling him to the ground as the disgusting zombie wrapped its fingers swollen by the accumulation of gas.

The reeking liquid contained inside of them popped and leaked out as the skin ruptured under the strain it was putting them under.

It growled in Gregory's face, it's roar broken as it puke blood and pus right onto the unwanted's face.

Not quite content with just strangling him, the undead shook his body wildly, raising it and slamming Gregory's head onto the groud repeatedly.

Being weakened and in need of healing, Gregory reluctantly drunk up the ghastly puke to recover a bit and instead of trying to remove the undeads hands from his neck, he shoved his hands into the soft skin of his neck.

Viscous liquids seeped out everywhere as he dug through, grabbing onto the solid spine of the zombie, pulling from each side with his two hands.

As he struggled to breath and noticed his vision getting narrower and narrower, he ripped parts of the of the spine away, causing the undead to go limp for a second, it wasn't enough to make it quit.

Gregory kicked it off of himself as its head dangled wildly around, before the undead could do anything else Gregory returned his kindness and tackled it down before stoping on its head over and over again.

Coughing and having trouble breathing, the otherworlder collapsed atop the bloated corpse, covering himself in gore even further.

Resting for a little while, surrounded by rotting carcasses and death, Gregory treated himself to the best meal this place had to offer and greedily consumed the disgusting flesh that could be salvaged from the various guardians of this place.

Even going as far as breaking the bones to try and see if any bone marrow could be found inside but many of the skeletons had none of it, not even spaces where it could have been.

'Thank god none of those hooded undead was around...' he thought as he stood tall in front of what seemed to be the entrance to the building of flesh.

His sword has been broken in the messy fight, so he picked up some that the undead had used, although they seemed quite fragile in his hands.

He pushed open the doors, not caring much for stealth, there was no way his fight outside had gone unnoticed after all.

The first thing that he noticed was the intense pressure in the air, clearly, this place had seen the passage and stay of powerful beings, it almost made him fall over.

The presences in the air seemed to be mostly gone, only a few seemed to not be from a while back.

He closed the doors behind him to avoid having undeads swarm the place, the inside was much like the outside, the rooms were a mix of your usual building materials with bits of rotten flesh and bones tying everything together.

Everything seemed slighly off, slightly distorted and the whole place seemed to be producing its own mana, like a dungeon.

Gregory carefully walked through the immensity of the building, encountering nothing, no undeads or anything else, the whole place seemed to have been deserted.

Had he been too late? Had his efforts not been enough?

He didn't let his doubts cloud his attention as he sneaked around, arriving near a large open room, he could clearly feel that this place wasn't devoid of people, although, he couldn't see anyone in the room.

'Are they hiding?' he wondered as he inspected the dark corners and any other places that could serve for hiding but the room was much like the others, lacking in any furnitures.

Most of them seemed to have been degraded by the miasma and the few that stood weren't in great states, this place had pretty much nowhere to hide.

Gregory took one step inside as he felt something weird with his body, as if his muscles underneath his skin were suddenly twitching of their owns, as if his skin was bubbling, as if his mouth had suddenly dried and his eyes teared up.

He stepped back as he started hearing whisperings inside of his head, the strange occurences stopped and he was able to spot the thing in the room as it moved a bit.

It was almost completely invisible to the eye but its silhouette was that of a person, it seemed to turn its head toward Gregory and reach out to him with its hands.

"Hey, youuu, I need something, do you have some?" he heard the whispers in his head as it stepped forward.

No doubt about it, he had just run into Abuse, a lesser sin.

Gregory wasn't here for him however, so he turned back and ran off, the sin was much to slow to even think about catching up to him, so he just stood still and emitted a long and loud, ghostly sigh.

In his escape, Gregory quickly found what seemed to be his objective, running past a room with a rather grand door, it felt like when he had first entered this place, something with tremendous power was behind that door.

Suppressing his fear with anger, Gregory didn't hesitate to kick open that door, allowing him to clearly see what was inside.

"Shit" he spoke aloud as he gazed forward, this wasn't what he had in mind.