
Be Afraid

'My head hurts' this was the first thought that went through Sillion's mind as he woke up.

His vision was still blurry at the moment, he grabbed his head for a few moments and the next instant, he looked up, no headache and no blur, he could clearly see and comprehend all that was around him.

He realised that he was laying on a bed, inside of an incredibly small room, the walls showed sign of humidity as they were somewhat bloated.

He put his feet on the ground and looked at the bed he was on, it was a simple bed but it was stained by something dark, he brushed his hand against it, he failed to understand what it was or if actually was a true stain.

'Where is this? Am I in a room of that house? Or perhaps the room of an inn in town?' he wondered as he went through the various possibilities, he remembered passing out and everything else.

As such, he was under the impression that that Malina woman and that other person had perhaps carried him somewhere, that was the most sensical explanation.

He stood up completely and walked up to the door and tried to open it, only to be met by resistance, it was locked.

"Hey, is anyone there? I am awake now!" he yelled out, hearing his voice echo in the distance, he felt a shiver travel through his back, something felt wrong but his mind was still trying to push for the most logical explanation.

After repeating this action a few more times, he realised that no one was hearing him.

'This place can't be so large that no one is within earshot!' he looked at himself, everything was there and nothing was out of the ordinary, if something was dubious, certainly, they wouldn't have left him with the dagger to his waist and his concealed crossbow, it was hidden but not enough to someone couldn't recognise that it seemed weird on his arm.

He also felt well and had no injury, he just couldn't make sense of this situation and he felt his heart rate increase as fear settled in.

'Calm down...' he told himself, turning away from the door, putting him right in front of one of the bloated areas on the walls.

Immediately, he noticed something, it was moving.

Unsettled, he took a step back as he noticed how it was moving more and more, as if something was wriggling inside of the protuberance.

Before he could question this phenomenon any further, the bloat popped, sending a cascade of dark liquid onto the floor.

Accompanied by what certainly looked like earthworms and bones.

The noble didn't take long to realise that this ghastly liquid had to be blood but only paled when a skull poured out as well, clearly showing that the bones belonged to a person and not just some animal or monster.

Without any delay, he turned to the door and charged at it, falling alongside the door into the hallway next to it.

He swiftly got back up and looked into the room but he couldn't, because there was no room and neither was the fallen door, everything was gone and now he was just in the hallway, without any sign of how he had gotten there.

"Am I losing my mind? Am I still knocked out?" he wondered aloud as he stared at his palm, trying to pinch himself and feeling the pain of it but he didn't wake up.

'Come on... How could I dream or imagine something so complex, I am completely conscious! I am in full control of my movements and thoughts but... How can this be real? Am I under some sort of mind spell or something?' his thoughts were interrupted as he heard the distinct sound of a heavy footstep, accompanied by the sound of metal striking against metal.

Apprehensive, Sillion slowly turned his head toward the source of that noise.

There, a tall, bloodied figure stood, wearing simple, torn trousers and a white shirt, which was also ruin and mostly dirtied by blood.

Instead of eyes, the noble only saw two crevasses, filled with absolutely nothing, the interior having seemingly been burned.

The figure clenched his teeth, bellowing like an animal as he gripped his weapon tightly.

It appeared like a simple, albeit strangely large meat cleaver but the handle was covered in long nails, which were deeply stabbing into the man's hand, causing blood to trickle continuously on the floor.

The noble didn't wait for this guy to move and instead started running immediately, toward a door at the end of the hallway.

The man made a strange sound before breaking into a sprint after him, holding his cleaver high in the air as he ran, causing his blood to fall on his face as he ran wildly, screaming and yelling the whole time.

Sillion, thankfully had an advance on the already slower butcher, even more fortunate, the door was locked and he was able to enter without problem, shutting the door behind him and pushing a nearby piece of furniture against it before looking around the new room he found himself in.

He didn't understand what was going on but the room was filled with white, dirty beds, looking like the sort one would encounter in an hospital, medical tools of all sort laid around the place, most covered in dry blood.

No one was there, no patient or doctor in sight, the room was illuminated by mana crystal stuck to the walls and ceiling.

Sillion saw no immediate escape out of this room and rushed to one of the beds, crawling underneath it and making himself as small as possible, ignoring the fact that he was laying in a puddle of old blood.

The area had a stench he noticed only now but it didn't matter, he had bigger problems, such as the maniac that had just broken through the barricaded door like it was nothing, Sillion didn't even hear a single hit on the door, the man had just ran through without a care.

The noble covered his mouth and nose, beginning to breath slowly, fearful that the man would hear it.

"Show yourself little rat!" snarled the man in a hoarse voice, followed by intense coughing, sending some fresh blood on the floor.

"I am hungry..."