
Hello Again

He quickly covered a good distance away from the cabin, without hearing anything indicating that anyone was pursuing him, for a moment, he looked over his shoulder and saw three distinct figures, two veiled by the dark.

One was halfway hidden behind a tree, covered by the shade cast by the forest, another one was simply standing a bit further away from the cabin, just standing in plain sight, despite being illuminated by sunlight, it was impossible to make anything out about this one.

They were garbed in black from head to two with a small cloak over their shoulders.

Sillion didn't worry about the two dark figure but the one we could clearly see, standing on the roof of the cabin.

A creature like he had never seen before, it's body was deathly thin, its skin was a pale grey.

It was on all fours, its four limbs were abnormally long, seeming elongated, the beast had its face turned toward Sillion, however, it had no face.

It soon leapt off the roof, as if it had been waiting for the noble to look at it before acting, it was running like an animal toward him, prompting him to run even faster than before.

He felt like it was meaningless as their was nowhere for him to hide and the creature was clearly much faster than he was.

Quickly, he started hearing to sound of it closing in on him, he had no choice but to turn and face whatever that abomination was.

He was almost launched forward as he made a sudden stop and dove to the side, based on nothing but gut instinct, the beast hadn't reached or jumped at him, it had stopped and now stood on its hind legs, only then did Sillion notice the fact that it was actually humanoid.

It was looking in his direction, down at him despite having no eyes.

It towered over him, standing at what appeared to be three meters tall, the noble could see its ribs against its pale grey skin and it wasn't breathing, where could it breath from anyways? It had no mouth either.

Sillion looked at its claws, each of them as dark as a moonless night, five on its very human, albeit monstruous, hands and four on its feet, with one of them on the back of the feet, reminding the man of some birds.

What he was seeing had to be some sort of devil-kin, a monster through and through, he couldn't fathom how this thing could normally fit into any ecosystem.

It had nothing to drink or feed, neither did it have any reproductive organs, it was equipped only to kill.

Sillion stood back up, slowly stepping away from it as it simply stood there, following his movement perfectly, he didn't know what it wanted but it couldn't be good.

Knowing that he couldn't outrun it even with some advance, the noble breathed heavily as he sweated buckets, from running but mostly from sheer terror.

This thing was definitely the one that had been scratching at the door of the cabin, it simply had this air of dread hovering around it, nothing needed to be told to know that this was danger in a form they couldn't quite envision until they met face to face with this creature.

Much like the many that had encountered this beast of slaughter before himself, Sillion's mind had to convince itself that this creature could be defeated, it may not be trying to kill him at the moment for some reason but this could quickly change.

If it swept in for the kill, Sillion wouldn't even be able to open his mouth in surprise before he was turned into a puddle of blood.

"Go away!" it clearly confirmed his suspicion as it once more repeated the words he had shouted at it previously, it did so by somehow manifesting a mouth to speak in a random location of its face.

The intonation and speech pattern was a perfect copy of Sillion's, no one could suspect anything just by hearing it repeat words.

Thinking about it, Sillion's found some solace, this ability screamed that it was an ambush predator, so perhaps, just perhaps, it wouldn't attack a prey that was clearly seeing it, although Sillion didn't actually believe this wholeheartedly, he had to find hope somewhere.

Much to his surprise, it then said something else, this time, with a young woman's voice.

"You aren't wanted, neither are you needed Sillion, be gone!" he didn't start to wonder whether it was repeating words again or if it was actually communicating with him.

He fired three shots from his crossbow suddenly, one striking the beast in the stomach, another in the chest and the last one in the head.

The three strikes easily pierced through the monster's skin but barely any blood was drawn, in fact, the miniscule amount that was shed went right back in as the bolts were pushed back out of its body in an instant.

The noble looked at the bolts falling to the ground and then at the tall monster, it didn't have any scratch on its body and it was still as calm as it was before for a few seconds.

But without any preemptive sign, its face opened up with a huge maw filled with jagged teeth as it leaned forward and roared at Sillion, the strength of which was enough to force him to move back.

The monster raised its claws as if it was going to plunge its whole head through the noble's face.

Sillion instinctively closed his eyes, expecting to die but surprisingly, despite hearing the sound flesh being cleaved, he didn't die.

As he opened his eyes, he found out that he was no longer in a forest but inside of a bloody room, which was filled with pieces of meat dangling from the ceiling, the temperature was low but most importantly, the monster was still in front of him only that it had been stopped in its attack.

'The butcher?!' Sillion had no word, the first maniac he had run into had protected him for a deadly blow but chopping the monster's arm before it could reach him.

"Don't... Touch my food!" shouted the butcher as he prepared to strike the monster down.

He was instantly stopped as the beast had already regrown its lost arm and grabbed his wrist before throwing the maniac to the side as if he was nothing more than a doll.

It intended to deal with Sillion but the noble hadn't stayed around to watch the fight, he had been gone the second he realised there was a window of opportunity.

Mysteriously, after a few moments, the monster didn't chose to give chase and seemingly vanished out of thin air as the butcher stood back up, ready to deal with the thief.

But since the thief was no longer present, the man instead refocused his attention the the little rat he had been eager to eat up.

"Now, where did you go?" he muttered to himself as he started looking for his next main course.