Chapter 4; Stripes, Part 2.

The breach alarm was all that could be heard in the cacophony of madness ensuing around her. She hadn't expected or predicted that a mishap like that could occur.

Naturally however, she would have to take immediate advantage of the situation at hand. Her personal squad of guards under her influence led her through and about unpopulated areas inside the facility, as her motor functions were still temporarily inhibited. This was no ideal outcome, but there was no chance to dwell on that now.

Instead, her escorts turned them around the corner, where they faced the forefront of another squad, unaware that they may be tricked.

"You lot, you're carrying precious cargo. Secure the subject and return to sector 3." The foremost commanding officer instructed, and fell into formation with her four drones.

She realized with a hitched breath that they would not speak unless given the order, which she hastily transmitted.

"Rig...Right! Understood." The man slurred slightly, his eyes glossy and distant. Not that any of the other guards would have noticed.

"Get it together. We have a job to do." He replied idly, but could not see the four drones train their guns on their unsuspecting backs. Betrayal was an unfortunate event, but who was being betrayed if they were no longer allies in any case?

The muzzles flashed in unison, lead and blood spraying on and along the walls and they moved on, walking over the bloodied corpses. She felt nothing for them, as they had felt nothing for her all those years. The anesthetic was beginning to wear off, she could just barely feel her digits twitch. It would be a while before her motor functions would be completely restored, in that time she would have to rely upon her protectors for transportation. The cargo hangar would be swarming with patrol in this situation, but there had to be some way out with minimal resistance.

A manta kept chanting in her mind, bellowing in her ears. "I won't die here!" Thundering in her eardrums, tremors rocked the walls. It seems the nurse had done her part. the facility and its single massive generator was compromised. Good, but know they were on a time limit. She estimated that they had barely more than fifteen minutes to vacate the facility before the generator overloaded and sent this place sky high. Upon her command, two of her four carriers split off from them, laying explosive charges around the walls. If this place was going down, then she would make sure everything came down with it.

But now they had to get moving - things were beginning to really heat up now, although that goes without saying. And in the midst of all her thoughts blazing through her synapses, she briefly inquired what the Man behind the Window was doing.

The doctor in question was cramming all the information he could onto a hard drive, paying little of his panicking mind to the quaking of his facility as explosions wracked it from inside. How could this have happened? What is even currently happening? What is becoming of his subject? When the thought raced back to his most prized experiment, his wrinkled baggy eyes shot open and he grabbed a phone immediately, already on speed-dial with captain of security-

"Secure Subject 000! Pay no mind to the others and subdue my main asset!" He all but roared into the device, a vein bulging on wrinkled temple from the stress and adrenaline his body was being subjected to, pun intended.

Following this pattern, Dr. Fuyomi Kanrou was collecting all of his own data into his personal laptop in a far calmer disposition than his mentor. He wondered, what had become of his mentor's prized subject in this unexpected tragedy, but quickly decided it was his own problem to solve and began packing up what equipment he could carry on his person.

The corridor he was to leave the sector from went up in flames before he could reach it, blowing him off his feet. The hard drive with every byte of data he'd ever collected falling from his hands and clattering across the shiny white floors, which he scrambled to pick up after the immense ringing in his ears subsided. The glass casing was cracked, a bit of the internal motherboard being exposed.

It was slightly damaged, but repairable. He let a relieved breath loose from his lips, and stored it away in his pocket. There were better things to fret over in the current moment, the hard drive could wait. For now, he would focus on finding a suitable manner of escaping this horrendous catastrophe, and then actually surviving it. Though, it seemed both those goals at this point were one and the same. He could ponder the details later.

Ducking under some wreckage, he made his way up to the helipad, where the emergency evacuation chopper would be waiting for passengers. Or so he hoped. The pilot was already in the process of spinning up the chilled engine in the harsh outdoor cold. His teeth chattered in the cold and he hobbled over to the helicopter. But it seemed that he had been followed, as he heard the crunch of boots in the snow behind him. He froze, and dared to turn his head. On the back of her last guard, there she sit idle, in all her exasperated glory. His chilled breath hitched in his chest, almost as if he was looking at a ghost.

It was now her turn to shiver, and weakly cling to the warmth of her carrier. She looked the man in his eyes, and decided due to his flabbergasted reaction that he wouldn't stop her escape, and willed her carrier to trudge past him through the snow. Dr. Fuyomi finally snapped to his senses and turned to her, a sudden question coming to him.

"He...hey wait!" He called out to the subject, who gave a quiet sigh, but the guard turned nonetheless. She eyed him, awaiting his inquiry.

"Did you do all of this...?" He breathed out, his breath misty in her icily cold gaze. Her lips didn't part to form a response, her voice would not respond anyway. Instead she gave a slow, curt nod, affirming his question. She had the guard turn back to the aerial vehicle, which they had boarded. she felt that the cat didn't need to stay in the bag any longer, and felt nothing for him.

He dumbly placed his hand of his forehead, perplexed. Now, he knew that she was intelligent, but this was unprecedented. He was so busy processing what he had just learned, that he had no time to attempt to stop them, the helicopter taking off, the pilot with an M16 to the back of his head. Truth be told, he didn't get paid enough ti attempt resistance, was the thought passing through the mind of the pilot as he began moving the airborne vehicle from the facility, which was crumbling.

All she could hear from there on, was the whirr of the propeller blades getting more and more distant the longer she kept her eyes open, attempting to stay vigilant long enough to get to wherever the pilot was taking them. The drone simply looked at his queen as she nodded off slowly, leaving her be. She would need rest, even subconsciously, he knew that. The man behind the control scheme dared to look back, and noticed the strange girl had fallen asleep, the man in tactical gear still pointing the loaded firearm to his head.

"So, you talk? Or are you one of those strong silent types?" He inquired, reasonably calm for a man in his position. The former security guard however, silent as the night, to which the pilot simply sighed and stared forward.

"I get it, strong silent type." He pulled his lips into a thin line and decided that he would rather shut up after feeling like an idiot.

Although, he supposed that he may be jobless after this entire confusing spectacle. He did sort of witness his former workplace go up in smoke. At least he still had his helicopter, maybe he could open a small tour business? All wishful thinking to suppress the immense distress he was currently experiencing. The nearest city was Kathmandu, capital of Nepal. He could drop off these two and hopefully have a peaceful life from there on.

Four hours and fifty-two minutes away from the now burning facility was the city of Kathmandu. A vast and mazelike city situated within a valley surrounded by the Himalayan mountain range. The city in itself was quite old, and naturally soaked in culture. A perfect place for snakes, dealers and other scum of the earth to call a temporary home. A place with a vast underground crime network was perfectly concealed by the bright festivals the citizens boasted, although, the newest addition to the populace was unaware of all of its gems and secrets. All of which she will become intimately acquainted with soon enough. As soon as she woke from her slumber.