Chapter 10; ...Sting like a Bee.

It was said before that a man without his power would become as he began. It meant that when you strip one of their power, they become desperate, and afraid. The saying was as old as it was shrewd, and the one who said it forgotten to the winds of time. In certain scenarios it could be applied, but not quite this one.

The door swung open and there stood the very person they had previously mentioned, but this time in the flesh. The teenage girl walked calmly into the room, scanning it quickly.

"I'm afraid there is no more room to sit, little girl." The Don strained through gritted teeth, furious by the fact his men were most likely killed, by a teenager and her lackeys no less.

After having scanned the room, she simply directed a pointed look at the oldest one in the room and a trigger was pulled; the supressed muzzle of the pistol in the hands of her servant flashed, marking the end of the elderly man's lengthy life. His limp corpse was removed from his seat across from the only slightly older man previously named Johnathan, giving a mild smile as she sat down in front of all in attendance through the stunned silence.

"Due to there being no open spaces, we have taken the initiative in making one readily available, our due apologies." He spoke for her, at her side while the three other guards stood rank and file behind them both.

"Who are you, and what is the meaning of this?" Lorenzo slammed a hand on the table, not bothering to hide the growl in his throat at this disrespectful and abrupt intrusion.

"It matters not who we are. However, we came to talk business, so please do rest easy. Mr Callahan's death was merely a...formality that needed to be accounted for." Her guard spoke again, laying his pistol on the table in front of his master. The young girl sitting in what had formerly been Gregory Callahan's seat gave the Don a smile behind cold and calculating eyes.

"You, girl. Speak. What is it you want from us?" He grated out through clenched teeth. The situation beforehand was already becoming stressful, but now there was likely to be a massive power vacuum now that Callahan had been killed, as the man never had any children to inherit his business.

In another odd display, she put a hand up to her throat and shook her head, conveying she hadn't the ability to answer his question, but gestured to her guard instead.

"I speak on my leader's behalf. At present, we do not want anything from you, aside from your doing nothing. The territories formerly belonging to Mister Callahan are presently being annexed by our people. This way, there will be no power vacuum and no territorial disputes." He explained simply, leaving no room for misunderstanding. This was their reality now.

"If you think you can just barge in here like you own the place then-" Once again, he was surprised that the guard spoke over him while his "leader" seemed to chuckle silently.

"We can, and evidently, we have. You see, while we are not keen on wholesale murder, if you happened to resist here we would gladly alleviate you of your seat as well. So please do consider your situation before speaking again." His expressionless form spoke in monotone, but the looming threat was very present. All the already established leaders made an agreement that no guns nor guards would be present in the room where business was conducted, for security purposes. This, however, was an incredibly unwelcome surprise.

"Seeing as you came for business, I assume our territories will be left alone?" Adelade Selner posed to the young girl, trying to find some upside to the backwards situation if nothing else.

"That is correct. Our goal was merely to cement our placement among these ranks, not gut all of the overlords. Your territories will be left untouched so long as there is no resistance to our presence." He gave her a nod after his master seemed to deliberate the question for a moment.

"So, what happens if we try to contest you lot after this? You won't have the advantage then." Johnathan quirked a brow, genuinely curious and amused by the entertaining girl.

"In that case, we would simply employ less conversational methods in order to either maintain the peace, or make sure it does not happen again. The outcome would be dependent on your first move." Subject 000 looked to him as if the answer had fallen from her lips instead of her guards'. The young man with dyed blue hair chuckled and threw his head back in a booming laugh.

"Right to the point, I like it. I pose another vote; To let them join us. I vote for them sticking around." He put his closed fist down on the table and found Lady Selner doing the same.

"I am in agreement; I vote for their presence as well."

"Selner!? You can hardly be serious?" Don Lorenzo growled, not at all in agreement with either two for their decision.

"The best interests of my business and my clients are my main concern, and as far as I can see there are few downsides to this agreement." She elaborated her intent, not seeking any opinions from the others. Herself and Johnathan had already cast their votes, Lorenzo was clearly in disagreement and the girl was the subject of the vote, and therefore could not participate. The only person left to vote now was the silent and darkly dressed man, known only as Mr Hallow.

The man seemed to deliberate his choice, his sunglasses not giving away his line of sight. The subject in particular had an interest in what his choice would be. At present, his choice could make or break this tense situation. He knew that of course, but he was not quite as tied to the success of his business, like Selner, or as prone to impulsiveness like Johnathan, or even plain greed like Lorenzo. No, he was committed to something else.

"I place my vote in favour of our new ally and business partner." The ghost of a smile tugged at his lips, placing a closed fist on the table as the choice was made into concrete. "I also suppose that a bit of congratulations are in order."

"Damn right," Johnathan openly guffawed, impressed and amused in equal measure. "I'm surprised anyone in this city even had the balls to try something this crazy." 

"You're all fools." The Don gave a low growl, openly displaying his anger against the backwards situation and the arrogant little bitch thinking that she could get away with throwing a wrench in his plans. "This was a mistake."

"This, Don Lorenzo Teca, is merely a conscious movement towards further business in the city. This is no declaration of war or even a hidden insult. As the representative of my leader, I can say with certainty that all parties shall benefit from this, including you." The foremost guard spoke again, picking up the pistol he'd left in front of his leader. He slid it back into the holster he fastened under his right arm, he and his master eyeing him with the same dead calculating facade as they stood up to leave.

"You will not get away with this, girl." He sneered, remaining in his seat as he attempted to burn a hole in the upstart's head with his eyes.

"Seeing as you can do nothing about our departure, it is safe to say that we already have. For now, goodbye." And with those words, the guards opened the door and escorted their leader out of the penthouse, towards the lobby, leaving a resounding silence in their wake.

Hallow was the first of the remaining group to stand, "While I do worry for the peace, I can be certain that at least our businesses will prosper." His cane clicked against the tile floors of the penthouse as he sauntered out of the room.

Selner and Johnathan had also said their greetings and taken their leave, leaving only the enraged Don to his wicked thoughts.

"I'll show that la perra that no one crosses me and lives." With a clenched fist and refuelled purpose, he began making calls that would assure him of his vengeance.

-Ten minutes later; an unknown location.

The subject ran a hand through her short raven hair, her guard at her side as they stood between the other guards, awaiting their contact. A black jeep pulled up in front of them in the abandoned underground parking lot, and out stepped the man named Hallow from the back seat, his cane in hand as both parties approached each other.


"I must say, you've planned your strategic moves well. Even I had expected some more resistance," He and the subject shook hands, and she merely gave him a coy smile.

"The intelligence you provided us with was instrumental in the success of the operation, this was a joint victory in our favour, Mr Hallow. As promised, we will steer clients your way, and assist you in any one personal endeavour." Her main guard spoke again, relaying her thoughts to the lanky man before them. Not that he or anyone else knew that.

"I must say, I do tire of listening to you through someone else. I could get you a new set of vocal cords, for your generosity towards me and my business." He removed his sunglasses, looking past her through blind eyes. "It would certainly be an improvement from sheer monotone."

She looked to the floor as she contemplated his offer. New vocal cords? That would, with time, finally grant back her long-lost ability to speak naturally. Her hand drifted to her throat, recalling memories of those same cords burning as she cried for help, hours and hours wasted until one day, it simply ceased, like a candle finally being snuffed by the wind. But enough memories, think logically. She silently berated herself, putting together a new train of thought. It was certainly a rather generous offer, but there would be ramifications if she were to accept. Firstly, recovery time would cut into how much hands-on work she could accomplish, and more so the looming threat f someone discovering her identity via her unnatural bodily augments.

There were more risks than rewards, at least for now. She concluded her decision thus, and shook her head after looking to her guard.

"We are thankful for this generous offer, truly, but now is an ill-suited time for an action to leave my leader unable to properly manage things." The nearly dead monotone came again.

"I see, I understand then. Well, good luck to you further my dear, and do watch yourself; snakes move freely in this city." He left with this shrewd warning, returning to his ride and leaving her and her guards alone, a smile creeping up on her face.

Let the snakes come, she thought almost gleefully. The first thing they will see are my blades hidden in the grass. Her grin was silent, but radiated a cold menace as if she had been replaced by ice.

Things were finally getting interesting.