Short Vacation

*7 am, Tokyo*

Kai and Erika are at the hotel's lobby right now, she sits on the chair that is provided by the hotel's management while he is at the counter to buy the best suite for them. The hotel itself is not big and not too small, moderate if you like to call it. The lobby is big with a place to rest with couches, a medium-sized rounded table, fruits in the basket on it, and a plain white carpet underneath. The floor is clean, too. He is done at the reception, holding a room card with the number of the room on it, 310, in his hand, and tells her to grab her things and follows him to their room.

Taking an elevator, they reach the third floor where their room is located. He looks for it by looking at the room's number that is written on the aluminum plate and installed at the upper side of the door. 307, 308, 309... That is it, 310. When he finds the room, he uses the card and taps on the locker, it makes a *bip* sound and the door opens. They step into the room and are amazed by the interior design, everything looks so clean and tidy, worthy of its price which is $300 for two nights. They put their backpack on the individual bed, and when at the reception, he asks for a room for two people but separate beds and he gets what he wishes for. They lay on the bed to feel its comfiness and tenderness and the bed is top-tier, which really makes people don't want to get up after sleeping on it. But, he has to resist the temptation as he has to reach the store before 8 am.

He tells his younger sister if she wants to follow him and take a walk around the city. She says that she doesn't want to, yet. She will go an hour later, so he can go first since he seen busy with something. *Sigh* He sighs. To ensure her safety, he hands her a taser in case someone tries to do anything bad to her. She takes it and drives him away, maybe because she wants to take a shower to get rid of the sweat on her body from the journey.

He walks out and takes an elevator down to the ground floor where the lobby is located. He then takes a taxi to the main city, arrives, pays the driver, and looks up to the biggest city in Japan, also the crowdest city ever. Then, he looks on his find phone to see again what Rena texted about the store name and its location. After thoroughly understanding the map, he put the phone back and started to go to the store. Along the way, he finds all kinds of people, a businessman carrying a suitcase, a girl who wears a maid outfit, a bunch of stylish young people, and more. He also finds something 'interesting' like underwear vending machines, comic bookstores, maid cafes, stores for s*x toys, and much more. Of course, they are just open.

After walking for 20 minutes, he finally finds the store and early five minutes before the promised time. There are only a few people queueing up, waiting for the store to open who probably want to get their hands on the limited collector edition of The End is Near. He queues up too, standing there like the others. By the time the store clerk is about to unlock the door, it is already a long queue at his back. He is lucky that he did as Rena said, if not he might have had to wait in the long queue, and by the time he stepped into the store, the item might have been out of stock. So, When the door opens, everyone quickly walks in to grab the item and he manages to grab one of them before running out. Shocked by the size of it, he now has to think about how to carry this thing around and make sure it's safe. But, that's to think later, now he has to get out of this chaos! The place is crowded with people filling the room, maybe trying their luck to get their hands on the limited items. He slips into every space he can, and after a few attempts, he is finally able to get out of the store, holding the item in his hands.

*Sigh* That was something. I never experience that before, he thoughts. Now, for the matter of how to keep it safe, he plans to keep it in personal storage that was provided by some trusted company that specializes in securing the belongings of people that want to keep their things safe. The company is called SuperLock, the best security company in Japan. Although it is expensive, they live up to their promises, so people don't care as long as their things are safe. It is just 10 minutes walk from here, so he can get there in a short time. When he arrives, a building of the company stood there magnificently with the company's logo at the center of the building, guards standing side by side, guarding the door. He opens the door after greeting them and goes to the reception.

She greets him and asks him if he wants to save his items in the safe, again. Wait... why is she straight away asked him? For new customers, they have to register first in order to save the items, but for him, she didn't ask that question and why is she saying 'again'? That mystery will be revealed, soon. I guess...

Anyway, he tells her to store this big item and make sure to keep it secure, if she lost it, she'll know the consequences, he says while making an angry-smile face. She knows and she will. After done, she wishes him a good day and he gets out and is greeted by the guards again. Right now, he doesn't know what to do at this 10 am. Feeling bored, he notices a maid cafe on the other side of the road, curious about how it feels, he decided to try it since he never went in there.