How To Become a Hunter?

There was silence for a moment. Lin Fan just looked at the woman speechlessly. Then, the woman opened her mouth again and said, "When a natural disaster occurs, the serum container explodes and mixes with the air, causing the creation of a zombie world."

The roar of Lin Fan's breathing was restrained. He doesn't want to believe a woman's speech. However, this is the current life!

"When Earth is nearing the end, there's an alien planet that suddenly approaches and begins to merge with Earth. The gravitational pressure and the pressure of the union of the two planets make the air which is mixed with serum spreads to all corners of the planet. Other countries also start to appear in zombies. In return, the Qi energy on this Blue planet is abundant, so are zombies who are also abundant."

"Did you get that?"

This woman, who claimed to be from the past, patiently explained past events more theoretically. She assumed that Lin Fan was living outside with the terror of the zombies.

Lin Fan finally understood the ins and outs of what happened in the past. But, he still forgot one thing. He shyly looked at the woman's face and asked, "Okay. Then, can you tell me your name?"

Without even glancing at Lin Fan, the woman introduced herself in her characteristic cold tone.

"My name is Shen Yue. You better remember it clearly! Otherwise, I'll make you remember it in my own way."

Hearing the threat of this woman named Shen Yue sitting in front of him, made Lin Fan shudder in horror.

"So what were you doing outside then? And, why did you try to stop me?"

Lin Fan immediately said what made him curious about what a pretty woman was doing out there and surrounded by zombies, aren't you afraid of being eaten?

"I'm hunting."

"Hunt?" asked Lin Fan with a confused face.

"Yes, hunting."

While waiting for the follow-up sentence to explain it, Lin Fan looked at the flawlessly beautiful face? However, Shen Yue just kept quiet and took a sip of the tea that was there quietly.

Lin Fan felt impatient, so asking what hunting means? Beautiful woman hunting zombies, is there something wrong with this world? Where are the other human races that call themselves men? Aren't you ashamed to let her become cannon fodder to be eaten by zombies?

Lin Fan thought for a while. 'Isn't I also saved by Shen Yue? How can women save men? Isn't it reversed?'

Staring at that beautiful face, his mouth finally let out a voice, "So, why are you hunting?"

"Because I'm a Hunter," Shen Yue replied.

Since Lin Fan was sure this girl had suddenly changed, he continued to ask. "What's a hunter? How do you become a hunter? Is there a power reward?"

Lin Fan is still confused by this world. He tried to extract as much information about this world as possible from an old acquaintance. If it were someone else, he wasn't sure he could get much information. But all Lin Fan got was a look of disdain that embarrassed him.

Shen Yue stood up and tossed a manual from his storage ring.

Lin Fan was blown away by the moves Shen Yue made. He immediately came to his senses and asked once again, "How did you do it? No! I didn't see you carrying the manual. Did you hide it?"

But, Shen Yue seemed to have grown tired of accompanying Lin Fan to talk. She had already explained the matter between them, and now she had nothing to do. She's like a stranger. So, this might be her last resort.

Shen Yue tossed out a storage ring and a cultivation manual. After that, she left. She faintly said a warning to Lin Fan.

"I've given you all the basic things you need to have as a hunter. The rest, whether you can survive out there, is your own business. In this world, there's such a thing as Qi energy. Storage rings use this to access it. Weapons can drain Qi. Then, the fastest way to kill a zombie is to stab its head. Bye."

After saying the basic information needed to become a Hunter, Shen Yue came out.

"Oh, one more thing. You can come to this hospital if you get bitten by a zombie. This hospital will help you neutralize the zombie poison within 30 minutes after the zombie bites. Well, even if the life expectancy is low, at least there's still hope."

Then Shen Yue completely disappeared.

Lin Fan still didn't respond to Shen Yue. He actually wasn't really concerned about the beautiful woman either. What he needed was information. Even though, he could get it while walking, there was no harm in getting it early.


Lin Fan read the Qi cultivation manual given by Shen Yue. In the first step, he tried to sense the Qi energy based on the description in the cultivation manual.

1 try unsuccessful. 2 times ... 3 times ... 10 times ... 100 times. In the end, on the 117th try he managed to sense the so-called Qi energy.

"According to the cultivation manual, Qi energy enters from the head, then rotates oddly around the heart. Then circulates it throughout the body."

Lin Fan immediately followed the flow of Qi energy in the cultivation manual. This time he was lucky, in one try. He managed to do it.

"Then, just the matter of the storage ring."

3 hours had passed since Lin Fan came back to his senses. He didn't leave the hospital ward. And the doctor, who treated Lin Fan also didn't force him to leave at Shen Yue's request. So, Lin Fan had enough time to train his strength.

Looking inside the storage ring, Lin Fan took out the things that were inside.

"There are only black tights, knives, swords, Desert Eagles. Uhm ... even though I got a firearm, but it's also limited to bullet supply. It's just a disposable item and I can't even use it. Wait a minute! Can this be exchanged for gold coins? Ha! Ha! Ha! As expected of me, I'm so smart!"