The Anomaly

In a large room, there is a man with a zombie body, but his eyes have intelligence that no other zombies have.

"Shireen, what are you trying to do? Are you planning to provoke our alliance?"

The old man with the body of a zombie muttered and glanced where Lin Fan was.

"That human's fascinating. Did he manage to force Shireen to leave?"

The old man was surnamed, Wang. As for his name, he had long since forgotten it.

Originally, the old man had heard that there was an Orange Cat Mutant Race that revived the Researcher job. Old Wang hoped that the person was able to research medicine for himself to return to being a normal human.

But, it's a shame after 40 years of research, all he got was half of his pre-zombie consciousness.

"Shireen's ability is forceful, if I can maintain it for hundreds of years. It is not impossible to become a perfect immortal."

Fortunately, the old Wang came from a family of martial artists. After his consciousness began to recover, he began cultivating Qi control.

The old Wang also begins to create an army of zombies which he controls with the help of the green crystal created by Shireen, to dig up ancestral tombs and extract many items from them.

"Now Shireen's gone, and she left unnecessary trouble. Hm ... should I kill him?"

The Old Wang thought about what measures would be suitable to deal with the humans on top of the building. He realized if this is allowed to continue the zombie army will disappear.

"You better meet him and make missions with rewards. I've to find Shireen."


On the roof of the building, Lin Fan felt a zombie aura that was slowly starting to spread throughout the underground city. He looked down and found no trace of a single zombie.

[Ding! High levels of radiation were approaching at a constant rate. Host, get ready!]

Hearing the system warning, meant that the approaching creature brought death threats to it.

"Who's coming? Aren't there only mutant zombies here?" Lin Fan was wondering what exactly was going on.

Lin Fan held a gun in his right hand and hung a dragon blade on his waist. He was ready to fight to the death.

Suddenly, a terrifying aura came closer and closer and his heart started pounding wildly, waiting for the enemy who wasn't sure when to attack. Behind him, the old Wang was already sitting drinking the tea he had brought.

"Hey, kid! It's not good to feel pressured all the time. Sit down, and let's drink tea together!"

Hearing the voice that suddenly came from his back, Lin Fan shuddered in horror. Immediately, turning around, he pointed the gun at the old Wang. But the old Wang just ignored him and focused on sipping his tea, which was still steaming.


"Ahh, nice tea."

Putting down his teacup, the old Wang looked at Lin Fan as if he was looking at an antique. His finger touched his chin and muttered, "I wonder who could make Shireen go? But, as soon as I saw you, why didn't I see something special about you? Can you tell me why, Kid?"

With the attitude of an elder, the old Wang asked politely. However, that still didn't loosen Lin Fan's guarded demeanor.

Lin Fan stared at the old Wang with sharp eyes. He asked, "What's your relationship with Shireen? Why are you here with the zombies?! Just tell me!"

The old Wang smiled again at Lin Fan's order, then his face turned grim, "Me? You could say that I'm the guinea pig. Do you understand the pain of being a guinea pig?"

As he said this, the old Wang remembered the time when he was infected with the immortality virus. His whole family suddenly became zombies and bit him, luckily he is a practicing martial artist.

With the help of the Qi energy in his body, the old Wang managed to suppress the spread of the zombie poison. But, that couldn't change the fact that he would become a zombie. After surviving 50 years, he finally found hope and met Shireen.

After 40 years of research, he arrived at his current self. The old Wang recently found out that this virus is man-made. Since then, he has steeled his resolve to take revenge on the humans who created the virus, for tearing his family apart.

Lin Fan looked at the old Wang with pity. He finally relaxed his vigilance and sat down in front of the old Wang. Lin Fan said, "As I thought, Shireen is doing weird stuff here. Do you know what she's up to?"

The Old Wang stood up and poured tea for Lin Fan while answering his question. "She researched me to find a way to turn a zombie back into a normal human. She's trying to solve the imperfect immortality genetic mutation virus."

The old Wang returned to his chair, sipping his tea. "Please, the tea's good!"

Lin Fan looked at the old Wang between believing and not. Moreover, he was still suspicious of the zombies' departure and this person's mysterious arrival. However, Lin Fan knew that this person did not come with hostility.

So, there's nothing wrong with adding friends.

'I suddenly regretted wasting my 190 gold coins,' Lin Fan thought.

"I'm Lin Fan. I didn't intend to kick her out. She just left by herself," explained Lin Fan.

"Oh, is that so? Looks like she's trying to find a breakthrough opportunity to create a perfect immortality serum."

The old Wang wore an understanding expression. He remembered that Lin Fan had introduced himself, but he hasn't replied yet.

"Oh, I'm Wang. You can call me the old Wang."

Lin Fan took a sip of his tea and nodded. He said, "Good tea. Hey, the old Wang! You didn't trick me." After a minute, Lin Fan continued, "Hmm, the old Wang, what's perfect immortality serum? Why am I just hearing about it?"

Old Wang looked at Lin Fan with a serious look.

"We all know that humans became zombies because of the newly created immortality serum flaw. That said, it was god's punishment for human greed. However, it still can't be denied that the immortality serum that spreads through the air's a defective product."

The old Wang paused for a while and organized his thoughts. Then, he said, "Shireen said, if the perfect immortality serum can be created, then humans can become immortal."