
All Those moments with you i remember.

But now i'm wondering...are we now strangers for each others?

we grew up together, lived a lot of the same shit, or whatever,

Maybe assisting in some way, if we can , but then we branched away,

The river of time taking some some spirit away, giving some wisdom on the way.

The time we pass with each other after we met, begins to feel a tad too long.

Even when trying to form a smile from a frown, fighting these days is becoming way too comons.

You laughing, from cats or farting videos,

Me crying, seemingly realising once more i lost an important something.

Is it a misunderstanding?

now it feel like we strangers for each others.

It's been a while we really talked but maybe, really we never did?

and its catching up to me when i'm searching for something,

something we still got in common, something to be more than common, .

Even if you don't hop on, could you give me some courage instead of this tone?come on.

Its pretty clear now,

we are strangers for each others.

i smoke a lot, you know, head need a stoner, cuz my heart, everyday, threaten me to shatter.

Being lonely isnt something you could understand.

How Fighting for "others" give you a reason to wake up like yesterday,

something some people ,god bless, may never comprehend.

A need to win money, someone in bed who push you, to wisthand,to fill needed even if exhausted.

Something i never had, something you still complain about days after days.

What should i do when i dont want to see tomorow arriving on time again,

that bitch is never late even if i wake up at night ready for nothing again,

and it repeated over and over , no idea how to get out of this shitstem blinding my aim.

I can't stand it anymore, and its obvious when i say it again,

we are strangers for each others.

It is said you can't choose familly, you select your friends.

As time pass, people pass by and you pass by people.

One life, one life, one dislike, one day, one way,

another day, another road, another stranger, another way, another end.

I just want to continue dreaming, wishing for some accompagnying, but none is believing,

or maybe just some wise advices, even from ill-advised, it'd be fulfilling.

Family or friends, none taking time to see what i did,

or tell me what they fell when they read, to think for once i was proud of myself.

Its not releiving, i swear,

we are really strangers for each others.

My life no drama, maybe, but still full of trauma,

I only have myself to thank for being alive a minute more.

I wonder what will happen, when i'm tired and can't stretch my soul alone even a little bit more.

Finishing it with my own two hands or pay someone for the suspense and a spectacular end?

just like i started everything, finish everything with red paint spread on the bed shed,

The traditionnal blood and gore, maybe this time not just on the hospital floor?

Maybe less dirty? We live in a bridge city, take the left and see

"how high , so high that you can" surely kiss the sky,

ow "shit", ending splat on the ground like strawberry jam,

spat on by a furious man, who you dared ruined the day,

But who cares anyway, today in this world, we all just strangers for each others.

Here is a cheers to the cheering.

I always though it was a family thang. Guess i wasnt from the family gang.


Was a bit sad today. Yeah really xD

So here is a cheers to myself, by myself, I needed this. Thanks myself.

Kinda as a reminder too.

And, like always, to you, who took the time to read.<3