(chanson)season change

seasons change.

you wonder in the rain, you seek to make amend for some things,

or just stop the blame,

draw the lines a diffrently, with more flair, flare, dare,

you had at the time you were blind, too much bind you

shivering,autumn wind passing thru,

a cold sweat old ghost follows cling, in the street you feel insane,

you wanna talk but clearly theres a mental chain,

looking down dodging the shadows on the pavement,

the struggle the pain, we share the same for some, money can bring problem

the love is most often the answer we seek, got not time to think,

the crazys in the game dont play fair we wait for ironman to hit them in the rear,

bit Busy for the next movie with bugs bunny,

Bain full of piss and shit from government's speach, and entertainement stuck in

ooold ways, the old days

relique of the past, so many hostage, hold stage, in front of us, stuck right in front of the next stage, or turn in the next page of the daily morgue o must morgage return their curse to each, Négus*, to each his own destriny's drawned, you need some place on the canvas,anyway same old king story,

you did it young and wild still, learning the suffuring, is nessesary, theres only ,

one time, one ticket assured for now~~so take it easy,

no need to feel it blurry neither, may you remember in life ,

your whooole entity is the most biutifull, dont be an empty soul, grow full, bloom just nice,

one mind,

one garden,one seed,to boost so please ,

dont be assassine,

So thanks to the people who preach,

who write and sing to teach the beliefs to a highter plane and realm,

The mentor in action,

who paint an other future with their imagination,

whats reel or not depend on your visionn it seems

too many to mention,

sometime makes me full of tention, but all the time emotional

put me in motion,

phenomenal energy,sharing their strengh and positivity,

knowledge, culture, dreams,realisations,

an other angle of though, an other principle,

dooo better - primal exultation Rhaa ,

an other lesson learned- to protect-secure others presence

we neeeed

to keep around

for our own happyness and greed sometimes, but love still the base of this so,

live our lives good, leave for others to trip with the wood in hey, ahah.

these thoughs put me on the highway, on the green way

at the snowpark, cold weather dry lips, road gliding,

its winter now easy fizzy free of worry slide do a 3hundredsixtydegree

you fail the ankle do a one heghty bro sorry,try again next year

frooom highter!

doesnt matter !

you'll do it while young and wild, still protect your neck the head is nessesary, theres only ,

ooone time,

one ticket assured for now~~so take it easy,

no need to feel it blurry neither, one garden,one seed,to boost so please ,

dont be assassine,

more season,

take a trip at the beach, sunny, shiny hot journey bikini are out

you see in the flowers the bee your crushed under knees? the trees kiddy?

the ocean in reach, is sensational,

theres room for each and everyone can be at peace,no compromise,

no false promise,

everyone could teach, like the the cost of ice, you'll have to pay the price,

for once those motherfuckers,

their lies wont hold we dont want war stop sacrifice the people,

sanity, forgotten, like so many victimes of every crime to be,


you so evil you should grind your balls brrr ....i clearly dont wanna watch that.

Do it yourself, come on, come onnn....you know you diserve that


you dont have any anymore hun, polite treats inc, no new tricks.

magic revelation cerebellum recalibration, out of subject, fire now no somation.

esp in not esp n, at the forkroad,

bend the shit to my taste, and frighten duck and chiken on the sidewalk,

Crispy salty spicy damn i love it but i hate when i feel guilty when im eating it, can it.

Got No trust in the paper they copy paste bye see you next time,

spring is coming im going outside to observes stars moving behind the individual- foreshadow-

The snake is out- the nasa screwed- aroud, its funny now im geminy what a surprise,but fine

the savior's inside he's just enjoying the ride he'll wake up super champ out of bootcamp strapped ready to tank it with great grit gripping tightly no therapy fuck it jeez how mighty how dare he.

Oui c'est la vie, mon petit, mon grand mon vieux mon amis, famille

toutes categories,bise sous la symphonie.


*Négus[Niguss] : Ethiopian king. sounded right,right?just saw a kid spell it in a competition,he was so chocked before the explaination cuz he spelled it right. me too.