Puppet workshop. Puppet worship.

a fun fact in this world where you have to learn to trust your senses to navigate, like,only seing is beleiving?

When so many of the things that we live for are the unseen, the unheard, the untouchable.

You can rarely trust your eyes, or any senses for that matter.

The same burning feeling of from ice or fire.

who's lying?

What seem bending in blue green or brown water is still straight with translucid liquid perling from it once out,and then what seem so small from so far can be so big once in front of it.

who's lying?

If you caress something and it crumble, sometimes it wouldnt move ,even with all your strengh.

It was the same damn thing, who's lying?

The tears have the same taste in joy and sorrow, yet not exactly the same, how? we dont know but we can tell. 

who's lying?

An echo of a voice, who can tell where it came from?

Where is that girl, she seem to be in pain..no..does she laugh?

Ah ah, it was the wind whistleblowing,crossing the hills and valley ! Playfull singing wind love to play tricks. Do fairy exists? 

Now, was is a lie?

We may say the same things and yet it sound so different.

Is it the meaning ? the feelings ? Both?

Or is there always someone lying ?

There's this guy who's claiming red is green and green is red, an other left is right.

Is it a story to write in right and wrong? So simple?

If our truths can be falses for others, the reverse is true too.

The body feel, he cannot lie. If we cheat him first tho...

The heart feel, he shouldnt be able to lie !

But the heart is loving and always trusting until you close it, and then, sometimes the vein clogs. 

The mind,calculate, filter and analyse, he is the mastermind !

But he is us, so why, just why doe he lie and act like he doesnt know. when he know he does, just as everybody he knows know, deep inside?

Does he fear something? He cannot fear, he doesnt feel, so why lie?

Sometimes so much he consciously forget he lied?

A cold heart for a lying mind, a turned head.

Shame is something that exist in our consciousness.Something you feel when your 'pride' is touched the wrong way.

Something to protect,so, something attaqued? pristine condition or battered, a winner and a vainquished.

Is that anger directed at the 'adversary' doing his best, Or at yourself knowing you failed somewhere,you failed your self?

is this pride, is this shame legit?

Who were you really competing against ?

where is the lie?

Was it a 'bad' lie or a white one ? 

Maybe, at the beginning, it could have been something bursting? Something birthing, killed,or let killed, once too many before coming out? 

Maybe, burried, under the weight of 'expectation', Be they ours or others.

Maybe the roadside was too horrible on the way and down there,watching the peak stretch to the unknown, we can easily imagine the fall when we can't do the same for the way up.

Maybe we hurt 'en route'..

The pain was temporaryly so strong that we play dead? There is no refere here to wait for us.

Forgeting even why the 'fear' exist in the first place and where the tummy ache come from.

Well, every pump need a beating every so often to work correctly, and the best engine need frequent maintenance.

Reparation are very rarely instantaneous plus we only come when you are at the breaking point, it takes way more works. 

Ordinarily,Magicaly, just one random good shot at the right spot is enough to go nuclear.Fission,Implosion,Fusion, explosion.

Just monday at works. 

We seeked something sexy, but that donkey face she made made me go back- directly to monkey. 

Litteraly Forgot how to talk- We never knew!But i swear i did?

Someone's lying...

Living in a crumbling material world, in this era stuck between the cannibal needs of a system and our own, 

be they physical spiritual and intellectual,i think its a good idea to remember how we built the mastermind. 

We grew it up after all. Maybe with not enought care but its hard when we are not made aware.

To remember those times we had to lie to ourselves to live,and not to continue. 

And that's why we need help, guidance, to at least aim for a shared truth, a truce to share with someone...

but they also have lying issue since they learned and lied,to themselves too, the same way we do, for the most part.

Who was lying again and Since when?

If accorded senses and a shared truth is for a truce to be shared...May i ask, a truce from what? 

what war is there out there, for what do we fight in the end?

Do truths conflicts with themselves?

Do we just fear to remember that a lie lied there?

Too shy to be happy in public with 'just' what you have or maybe it's too much?For who? So tiring...

Human...We first open our eyes in this world we are invited in, and we can see everything.

The magnificent, the love the care, everything is new. Wanting to learn everything on everything.

Then came the ugly we needed protection from. And the hard reality that they doesnt know everything on everything... 

Their teaching so full of love that it came with all their fear.Oh The betrayal, our parents were just human beings...

Family...How could anyone be ready put his life to the side for someone else,sacrifice anything...

Just so often ending up putting it to the side 'for his own good'.

Does that father not home not love his kids or does he fear the reflection in the child eyes?

Was it before or after failing? We always do too much or not enough so where is the line? is there one?Who made it?

Feeding the fam' isnt only money and hollydays, everyone need some holly says,

whats more, children who still see magic need holly times and holly tales, for that's the holly tricks, they are creating a world for god's sake.

Water is dangerous! The sea's may be rought, but human made boats. 

Fire is dangerous ! And we heat things to eat everyday.

What was before? What's after? Is there a lie here too?

Now, dont learn from the strange, dont approch the stranger, hide the strangest.

Close our doors,Dont share the bread, close our mind,Dont share the idea, Close our heart, dont share the love. 'They' would ruthlessly stomp it without pity.

Lying barbarians, we cultivate the same flower so why are they lying?

Why do we seek people to ride our waves with pride to see if they can ride it better than us?

Will we be happy or sad? Ashamed or proud? Depend on the person but then, isnt there a lie somewhere?

why do we hide them in shame when we love them, just because we or the others can't ride them yet?

Why do we rage when it splash incredibly as if we feared getting wet?

Why would we prefer others waves? Why need more? Why can't we be bothered, why wallow in it like that if you dont like it?

There's a black hole somewhere in us, we are bleach'ing hollows, what do we hunger for, what's missing like that?

Is it ever so simple ? isnt it a lie once again?

Those strings, those chains, those links...

It may some safety line, insurance we don't fall, insurance in case we fall ?

The compagnon we call every so often to make sure we stay on course?

Its foggy, so vaste it feel empty everywhere. In these foggy peak it's rare to see someone's true smile once you left your teachers. 

People are too far appart, and some still carry the lost on their shoulders.

Some going straight to join them, consciously or not, like haunted people, following the deformed whispers or visions of an alluring succubus.

Was it a duty, a promise, a unbeatable love? regrets,guilt or maybe, fear of being truly alone.

Maybe the voice that helped us are now deformed and frighten us, the hypnotising voice,perfectly known,reassuring tone that nostalgia have.

Chain, chackles,addictions are more insidious when they are mental. 

Strings need to be played tho...Then, are you an instrumentalist or the instrument? Who's the pupetter, the conductor?

Art is often the more the better. More color, more sound, more life.

But there can only be one conductor in an orchestra.

That one is 'the best', but what qualifie him?

He should at least be adaptable, even if he doesnt know every one of his player right?

Even then, the best conductor for a groupe may not be the best for others right?

What could it be...what sin is so great that we fear it?

What do we love so much we can't risk exposing it?

Pride,envy,lust,greed,gluttony,sloth,wrath..where do those starved beast hatch from?


As opposite as life and death,but one just is not without the other.

Is it an evolution? Devolution? A gradual thing?

It is clearly a state of being, conditionned by the mind. But by what?

Conscious choices?Certainly. Automatisme? Clearly.

But our conscious choices are also conditionned by the mind. By what?

By our selves and the confirmation of truth by trusted 'informant'.

We can't even trust our own senses, we can't totaly trust others.

But at least i'd never eat the words of the ones claiming to -Know-.

I lied and lie, but i learned about it so i try to seek the reasons why.

They lied and lie,they always knew about it so they hide the reason why.