WebNovelLEMON BOY22.58%

LB 6

It has been around 4 days since Rem's arrival. So far, he haven't caused any trouble and was being really obedient towards Mellow. For instance, he helped Mellow do the dishes and even helped doing the laundry, although he's not really good at it. However, there was one thing he really enjoyed, it was taking care of Mellow's plants.

"Mellow, what plant is this? Mellow, what tree is that? Mellow, what kind of seeds are these?", he would asked everytime Mellow showed him any new kind of plant. But out of all plants he ever saw, he was very curious of about lemon trees. He only knows that lemon tasted very sour and have a bitter aftertaste but he never saw a lemon tree before.

"Does grandma have one?", Rem referring to the old woman while pulling Mellow's right sleeve. The two of them were on their way home after buying Rem's necessities from a nearby local store.

"Have what?", Mellow asked.

"a lemon tree", Rem replied.

Huh, never would Mellow thought that a 10 year old child would be so interested in plants. This might be the first one ever. The thought of it made Mellow chuckled.

"what is it?", Rem questioned in confusion.

Mellow shook his head and answered "nothing, it's just that you're so into learning about plants. You want to become a gardener or something?", he gave Rem a stroke on the head.

"It's not that! It's just that..you look so calm whenever you tends the plants", Rem answered while looking at Mellow with eagerness. Mellow widen his eyes in surprise. Were children always this attentive? He let out a small laugh and puts his hand on Rem's left shoulder. "I'll ask her later".

The sun stayed hidden throughout their way home. As Mellow's house finally came to view, they could saw someone standing in front of it. Rem immediately recognised the person and told Mellow that it was the old woman. Mellow called the old woman as the two of them walking closer to the house. The old woman heard Mellow instantly and waved.

"hello dearies, my you two look like a family", she teased. "hello, did you waited long?", Mellow asked as he opened the door. "Not really, I arrived about 5 minutes ago", she replied.

Mellow offered the old woman to stay for tea. The old woman gladly accept and the three of them went inside the house.