18 "I'm an f*cking Idiot!"

He didn't know much of the people here but they were his neighbors nonetheless, he was just unsure before because the system said he would be ageless. Which he didn't want the people here to notice, but it seems he has to show his face from time to time. Maybe he could buy some make-up in the system shop and learn how to Cosplay sometimes.

The night ended with a raging fire lighting the hills as its embers remind the people here of the danger of the world. The Paladin also was present with some of the Knights but he didn't say much. Mark was not sure why they were here but it seems they still have something to do seeing that they did not show much interest in the funeral.

Mark suggested the pyre because he didn't want any undead influence getting stronger in the surroundings. He remembered the people were mutated in the future thus was shunned by most people, but now it has not yet reached that stage. Mark was sure he would need to have a presence in the world should he want to complete the mission of the system.

And these people might be the key to that, this might be a small town now but having a history of defeating a newly made warherd means there would be attention going to this place. As the funeral was done he walked back towards his manor where he found the golem still acting like a loyal guard. Mark was unsure how strong the golem is but at least it might be comparable to an elite unit maybe.

Mark went to the backyard and saw the horse was still prancing around like a proud peacock showing off the armor being worn by it towards the Fat Rat, Grumpy cat and Hyper active Pug. Mark felt weird as they all wore some sort of Straw outfit which he was sure he didn't make, maybe the skeletons did it but he put that thought at the back of his head for now.

He called the horse over to check for injuries and saw some scratched here and there. He then started to take the saddle and armor as he wanted to clean the wounds. The horse stood still and let his owner take the saddle away. Soon Mark led the horse to a nearby stream to clean the wounds of the horse as well as his. Even if it was just small scratches from the spears he still needs to clean it.

After putting on the ointments he made himself on the horse and his wounds, Mark went to a small cottage with a straw hammock to rest. He was so tired of the battle that he has been running on adrenalin on the last half of it. He really wanted to rest earlier but he wanted also to make a strong image to the townsfolk.

Soon darkness greeted him as his mind slipped into the world of dreams, it has been a long day for him and he wanted a rest as the realization of things he might do to survive. He knew if he would do nothing this world would die and he'll have no place to go. He could go to DC or Marvel but the system seems the require him of this so called time that he was not sure if he could acquire a lot of it.

Unbeknownst to him, the system has been updating his rewards and was updating non-stop after he fell into slumber. Mark could hear it but he chose to ignore it as he wanted to sleep, he could check it out tomorrow anyways.


[Mission Complete]

[Capture the Bloodbull]

[Rewards: 5x Cleansing Orbs, Skill Book(Mana Arrows), 5000 gold coins]

[Remarks: You did mess with the bull, but another got the horns!]

[Gained +3 END]

[Gained +4 STR]

[Gained +2 AGI]

[Gained +5 DEX]

[Gained +4 WIS]

[Gained +6 INT]

[Title earned: Fist of the Sunset]

[Effects: +10 levels in Close combat skills and +10 STR when title is equipped]

[Trait Earned: Beastman Slaver]

[Beastmen are susceptible to feel fear towards you if they are considered captives, enslaved or bound in chains in your presence. Thus making them easier to do your bidding and in due time they have spent following your orders. They will be gradually instilled with thoughts that you are their master. But this would depend on how you treat them and the process would take longer if approached hastily.]

[Mark Johnson: LVL-32 :Male]

[Race: Human]

[Titles: Fist of the Sunset]

[Stats- HP 670/670 MP 930/930]

[*STR-67] [*END-76]

[*AGI-51] [*DEX-54]

[*INT-86] [*WIS-93]

[*CHA-34] [*LUK-75]


[ACTIVE: Hypnotize lvl. 51]

[PASSIVE: Iron Will lvl. 65, Intermediate Swordsmanship lvl. 6, Intermediate Forging lvl. 2, Intermediate Craftsmanship lvl.8, CQC lvl. 34, Marksmanship lvl. 38, Hacker lvl. 56, Eloquence lvl. 48]


[Eidetic Memory, Cold-Blooded Logic, Business Minded, Beastmen Slaver]


[Gold coins-390,281, Ring of Fire, Bastard Sword x4, Titanium Knife x12, Spartan Shield x3, Colt 45 x2, 45 caliber bullets x197, Titanium metal Gloves, Battle Axe, Enhancement Serum, Bronze Spears 10x, Long bow x2, Short bow x4, Arrows(normal) x400, Arrows(Armor Piercing) x45, Cleansing Orbs x5, Skill book: Mana Arrows]


[Goofy Pug, Bastiladon 2x, Diabetic Rat, Grumpy Cat, Warhorse, chickens 12,014x, Rabbits 30,541x, Butler Knight, Farmer Skeleton 2x]



[Remarks: Host can now be considered an Elite warrior]

The next morning Mark was awake staring at his character screen and felt incredulous at the title part. But he did notice the disappearance of the question marks on his race, which did make him confused of his race before. Maybe it was gone when he awakened from inside while the title was maybe earned by trying to show off in the hills but he never thought he'll earn such a title. He wasn't sure if it sounded cool or should he cringe, it was like a nickname a chunnibyou gave to him.

But from what Mark knew having a nickname is what would make him a figure in the area, he was not sure if this is good or bad but he left it at that. What caught his attention was the trait that he gained, he had been thinking how to train those captives so they would be obedient but this would make this easier for him. He took out the Mana Arrow Skill in his inventory and learned it directly.

After as rush of information filled Mark's brain of the intricacies of the skill, he stood up and took a bath in the nearby stream. No one is here with him anyways so he could go commando, and the giant child does not even care if he was naked or not. Torgu was quite a behaved child for a giant which made Mark's speculation he is a Skytitan more surely true.

Mark finished his bath and teleported to his bedroom to get some clothes but he remembered that the Knights were still outside. So he went to get some of the Armor he made and chose the sleek looking ones which almost looked ornamental for his taste. He then remembered he left his cape and pauldrons in the battlefield so he took another one that he made which was maroon-colored.

He then went for a Brogue Boots and a grey slack pants, he also bought a plain Linen shirt as well as another pair of white gloves as his last were torn yesterday. As he was browsing the shop he paused in a second as his eyes were locked towards a section of products he could buy. It was then an urge to slap himself was getting prominent as his thoughts ran of the possible things he could do.

"I'm a fucking Idiot!!!" Mark shouted.

He really wanted to beat himself up for being an idiot, all his IQ was wasted as he never thought of another way to gain Electricity. Sure the shop stopped him from getting a generator but does that stop him from making one himself? No! This made him want to slap himself up as some electric appliances were available in the shop but where should he get electricity if the system doesn't sell him a generator.

Just like his plans to make a large place to filter out Gasoline and diesel, so why couldn't he make a power generator to himself? He has rivers running in this large backyard of his, he also has mountains here with fast winds blowing. There was also a magma pool inside one of the mountains where he found titanium. Two years has passed and why haven't he thought of that!?

Maybe it was because the thought he is now in a medieval kind of place thus he should not introduce that much technology to the outside world still affects him. But that doesn't apply to his backyard, where he could even build skyscrapers and industrialized the whole damn place.

But he totally forgot the fact his shop could buy every items not barred by the system which were ready-made weapons, technological blueprints, skill books, magical items, explosives, living things, advanced technology and some other greyed out stuff that Mark doesn't know of.