34 Shift in the Winds


"Like I said Father, I must regain my honor as a knight! That man disrespected me for sure but it is my fault for being impetuous, but what is more important is that these Sigmar cultist has been running rampant on our land killing innocents while preaching they are heretics. Where in truth they are just stealing our people's wealth! Why can't I go and punish those people for desecrating the Lands of the Lady!!?" the young man asked in anger as he looked at his father.

"I know but you are still young and foolish, the knights of Lyonesse would handle those pest so just stay here and train a bit more." The old knight said as he practiced thinking of how to fight a Minotaur but he knew he could kill one in battle but not knock one out with his bare fist. Hearing of that feat he knew that man is somewhat noteworthy to pay attention to. He had recently heard the debacle of how the third son of the Baron of Westerland got imprisoned in that small town.

'*Scoff! I don't understand why that foolish Duke still wants an alliance to that man but I guess fools attract each other.' The knight doesn't know that the Duke of Mousillon is ignorant to the recent news of the realm so he thought it was foolish trying to gain a marriage alliance with the Elector Count of Marienberg.

Meanwhile the young knight was disgruntled as he felt he was not doing his duties as a knight knowing that there are people out there taking advantage of innocent people and preaching like they were in the right. He picked up a training sword and also swung with anger in his slashes towards air.


"I see, so the young Lady came out but the commander's men did not? It seems our plans to put more chaos in the board are getting delayed. Get rid of that mortal, make it quick." A sultry voice sounded out in a dark room veiled with satin and silk.

"Yes my Lady." A shadow in the corner of the room answered as it vanished instantly from its place.

"Let's see, what else is in the agenda…" The sultry voice said as she flipped on the letters she was reading. It was information of various actions of nobles, merchants and even decision made by Arch Lectors. This was the place of one of the oldest player in this game of wars and intrigues, the palace of the Vampire Queen.


"I feel a person blessed with the winds of Magic, send a Damsel to see if this is a young child of Brettonia." said a devastatingly beautiful blonde woman who is surging with magic all over. She is currently floating in the air as she weaved the winds of Magic listening to the tunes made of each breeze.

"As the Lady wills it." answered a damsel who looked beautiful as well but pales in comparison to the floating blonde lady. She turned around and went to ride a unicorn to the place her Lady will her to be.

"A Great change is coming, even the Lady could not predict if the End times will happen or not." whispered the women that floats. She looked skeptical as she tried to divine the results too but all she could see is Haze but it was better than scenes of carnage and hopelessness.

"A uncertain future is better than certain doom." The blonde lady smiled as she went to disappear on a lake.


"AARGHH!!! WHAT IS HAPPENING?! THE FUTURE IS NOT CLEAR!! HOW CAN I SEE NOW IF ALL THAT I VIEW IS THE PAST!!!! ARGHH!!" a large two headed Bird was shouting in pain as he shouted and rampages all over. He was confused, he was supposed to see the Future but now it was covered in a veil he could not penetrate. He could see his Future but beyond that it was all blur, so this maddened him because it meant he would not be able to see what Magic could be made unless he would be present there in the Future.[Authors note: I edited some grammatical errors here ]

He kept trying but all he could see in mist and smokes that made him unsure on what to do. But he knew there is a great change coming, even his god has said of a large disturbance that made the four chaos gods alert.


"By the Asuryan what is Happening?!" asked the Phoenix King as he watch the Eternal Flames rage as it tried to gain form.

"The Flames has been like this since last week my King, we thought it was just one of the revelations of Asuryan but it has never ceased since then my King." said an Asuryan Priest who looked like he had some burns in his arms.

"I see, I shall stay here until the Flames subside. It seems there are great tides abound in the Future. Inform the Everqueen of what happened here and have her handle the affairs of the court for now." The Phoenix King said as he felt that there is something their gods wanted tell them.

"Yes your Majesty!" the Royal Guards of the King stayed while the priest went to deliver the message.


"The winds of Magic seemed to have change their course my dear." A sweet calming voice said. In a large room littered with gems that seems like the starry sky a silhouette moved in the dark part of the room.

"I know my love, it seems there are factors that we must look into." said a masculine voice full of gravitas and regality. This was another silhouette that seems larger thatn the other one.

"I have already taken a peak my love but it seems fate is not allowing what this change would become for us." said the gentle voice seemingly unsure as to why.

"I see, then we will wait until then. Have our children prepare in case they might encounter that 'factor'." Said the masculine voice which was targeted to a guards outside the room.

[In the Forest of Lustria]

"Sssstha great plan iss in motions. The starss are acting weird in the ssky. Musst conssult the Sslan!!" said a small bipedal lizard as it ran and stood on the back of a large bipedal Crocodilian.

"To the temple of the Old Onesss!!" said the small lizard while the large croc grunted as it ran towards the forest to go towards a distant place in the jungle. They were followed by an entourage of warrior females decked with bows and spears.

[Back at the small town]

"Achoo!!!" Mark sneezed and had a look of confusion.

"Weird I don't feel down the weather, might be allergies." He then skipped towards the prison oblivious to the fact that many great beings have noticed the change in the world already. Though some have no idea at all, his presence has already been noted by dangerous individuals.

As soon as Mark reach the prison cells he was greeted by the noisy atmosphere of the commander and the stupid prick third son shouting threats and stupid promises. He was really confused as to what gives them confidence to do this while imprisoned. But he forgot about that and went to another cell to release three of the guards of the third son.

"You are free to go but you must deliver this letter to you Lord. In no way you are giving this to anyone else, the contents of this letter is purely for him, I have written it inside too so in case your Lord sees that the letter has been opened before you gave it to him then heads will roll." Mark then had his guards take the three to the stable to get their horses.

He ignored the others as they are of no use so he then went to his study to make more plans as to how to get the best results in his quest. He also thought of how to go on about his other quest that has not yet been finished, he looked at this system and realized he has come a long way.

[Mark Johnson: LVL-39 :Male]

[Race: Human]

[Titles: Fist of the Sunset, Signeur(Town Lord), Fist of the Sunset Patriarch]

[Stats- HP 790/790 MP 1090/1090]

[*STR-79] [*END-82]

[*AGI-67] [*DEX-65]

[*INT-97] [*WIS-109]

[*CHA-45] [*LUK-80]


[ACTIVE: Hypnotize lvl. 59, Meditation lvl. 8, Mana Arrows lvl. 4]

[PASSIVE: Iron Will lvl. 70, Intermediate Swordsmanship lvl. 7, Intermediate Forging lvl. 4, Intermediate Craftsmanship lvl.10, CQC lvl. 43, Marksmanship lvl. 42, Hacker lvl. 56, Eloquence lvl. 50, Basic Teaching lvl. 08, Hidden Variable]


[Eidetic Memory, Cold-Blooded Logic, Business Minded, Beastmen Slaver, Masochist]


[Gold coins-510,032, Ring of Fire, Bastard Sword x4, Titanium Knife x12, Spartan Shield x3, Colt 45 x2, 45 caliber bullets x197, Titanium metal Gloves, Battle Axe, Enhancement Serum, Bronze Spears 10x, Long bow x2, Short bow x4, Arrows(normal) x400, Arrows(Armor Piercing) x45, Cleansing Orbs x5, Battle Pauldrons, Decorative Pauldrons, Titanium Armor Set.]


[Goofy Pug, Bastiladon 2x, Diabetic Rat, Grumpy Cat, Warhorse, chickens 23,201x, Rabbits 133,461x, Butler Knight, Craftsman Skeleton 2x, Various animals.]


[Border Town]

[Remarks: Host can now be considered an Elite warrior]


[Reach +C-Class standard lethality]

[Host will be facing many dangerous beings in the future and to survive the world from its many dangers the host must reach a level of strength that'll call for respect from your enemies.]

[Current Level: C-Class]

[Rewards: Compound-V(Injectable)]

[Time Limit: 3 years]

[Failure: Host won't be able to get superpowers even from other sources. Host would be stuck in self-improvement training forever.]


[Make a proper biodiversity]

[You have a large Island as your backyard but it is missing something. Host is tasked to gather various animals, insects and fishes to populate the large Island.]


[Unlock Function: Migration= Host is now able to move the Manor to other places, but only twice a year.]

[Unlock Function: Chest Shop]

[Side-Job: Rune Smith]

[Skill Book: Basic Rune Inscribing]

[Gold coins 10,000]

[Time Limit: Twenty years in the Mission world]

[Mission Failure: The Host would not be able to unlock the two functions in two hundred years]

[Progress: 7.34%]

[Mission: Acquire Electricity]

[Host wants to build modernized community in the Backyard]

[Objective #1: Build your own power generator (GeoThermal, HydroThermal, Wind or Solar)]

[Remarks: What better ways to gain electricity other than clean energy sources!]

[Objective #2(optional): Build a secondary power generator.]

[Time Limit: 40 years]

[Failure: Host would lose access to certain products in the shop.]

[Rewards: Blueprint(Signal Tower), Blue Print(Steam Engine), Unlock majority of the Electrical Appliances in the shop.]

[Remarks: Why should host live like cavemen when there can be light!!!]


[Host must gain profits from the new prisoners, system would calculate the results based on how much the host would gain. Rewards may vary depending on the amount of profit made by host in various aspects.]

[Time Limit: 2 weeks]

[Rewards: Depends on how much host gained but would focus mostly on manuals and guides for cultivation]

[Author's Note: I have made corrections in some sentences here due to grammatical errors. Thanks to the guy who pointed it out, I would like it if those reading could point out some mistakes as I am not yet quite adept in the english language. Hope you all keep reading my novel.🙂]