39 Smelly Spitter

"Okay, but you must show fealty to me or otherwise I will end you." Mark's voice was cold as he stared at her. But Melissa was terrified yet not enough for her to think of betraying Neferata, she knew how terrifying her mother is so she instinctively wanted to deny but before she could Mark continued.

"You might have been wondering how I knew of Neferata. You'll be surprised of how much I know and even where she is right now. I understand you still fear her as she is someone who has schemed and toyed with many brave men over the centuries. So I will show you a reason why she has no chance in defeating me." Mark away the ropes that tied her in an instant b putting it in the inventory but before Melissa could register her freedom she felt the surroundings change in an instant.

They were now in a wide field where two large beings were seen doing martial arts. Torgu and the Minotaur were able to feel the presence of Mark immediately and stopped. They saw the disheveled vampire and looked at Mark curiously as he walked forward to the open area that was made due to their constant training. Melissa felt her hands and feet were free so she hurriedly fixed herself up as she was embarrassed.

Even if she is a vampire she is still a woman who was raised with proper etiquette, so she still felt embarrassed showing some skin yet also infuriated at Mark as he did not show any appreciation to her beautiful skin. Even her fake 'husband' didn't get to see her stomach as she just uses magic to make him hump a thrall she made with a peasant maid. But then she noticed Torgu and the Minotaur which made her alert at what Mark planned as she heard his voice.

"Let me show you something big." Mark said which he realized how misleading it was but forgot about it as he felt excitement at the thought of being able to use an Omnitrix. He pressed the watch and saw the dial pop up which made his nerd brain gush out in excitement. He turned the dial to Way big and pressed it. Mark felt his body stretch as it grew larger and felt some appendages pop out in some parts. He felt the world grow smaller but he knew it was him growing larger, he can see the expressions of Torgu, the Minotaur and Melissa as they were shell shocked at what was happening in front of them.

"WAYBIG!!!!" Mark bellowed as his voiced travelled all around the Island, the beastman village could see him from afar, the Datura snake looked in fear towards the giant and even the animals present cowered and hid as they felt the enormous presence of Mark. Mark felt like he was a god as these beings prostrated in front of him but he shook that feeling from his mind as he knew he should not be complacent.

But he kneeled down and looked into Melissa who now had a puddle forming under her skirt. Mark noted that vampires still pee as he didn't see her fart out something when he gave her lots of laxative. Torgu and the Minotaur was starry eyed as they stared at the majestic being in front of them.

"Now do you see? Why I didn't even fear your matron, a single strike from me could bring down that fortress you all have in Silver Pinnacle." Waybig's voice trembled the air which made Melissa wake up from her daze. She felt the damp feeling in her legs which made her more embarrassed as she could see the smirk on that Gigantic face.

Deep inside though she knew that this colossal image would cover her fear of Neferata, she could see the devastation this man that they looked down upon. She should warn her sisters but she could not see any chances of that as she was imprisoned here. She felt that the doom of the Lahmian vampires are nearing upon them as they have disturbed a monster that could change the tide of war by its presence alone.

Mark smiled inside as he felt he had succeeded in putting a large shadow in her heart which he would then exploit. He pressed the dial as he transformed back to his human body, he landed in front of Melissa and patted her head. She was startled from her thinking as she felt the large warm hand in her hair. She looked up and saw the warm smile Mark gave as he said.

"Swear fealty to me and I might consider taking the Lahmian vampires in my command. As you can see even Nagash could be obliterated by me in mere seconds." Mark smiled like a sunny person would be which put a positive image inside Melissa's head. She blushed which Mark noticed as Lahmian vampires still have their circulatory system intact.

"I Melissa Antoinette Bisset, swear fealty upon Lord Mark of the Johnson family. I shall follow your will as long as you want and my life be tied with you for as long as you rule." Melissa immediately kneeled and made the oath which Mark noticed the meaning of it that he smiled.

"I see, but let me remind you that I am immortal. I do not aged and I can live forever till the end of time." Mark laughed as he said this seeing the shocked face of Melissa. Torgu and the Minotaur was also shocked hearing that Mark was immortal. Melissa was gob smacked as felt that her little scheme was seen easily as she still hoped that she would be free after he had gone old but she also had another plans which was now nullified immediately.

"Did you perhaps think that I would be worried about my mortality and would then offer to turn me into a vampire? Your quite a loyal sister seeing you still plan to protect them, isn't that right? As long as I'm a vampire then I would have no reason to kill all of you and might even help you all elevate in status." Mark smiled as he cupped Melissa's face and kissed her suddenly. But Melissa was shocked she bit instinctively which got Mark's tongue but Mark was not fazed as he slowly pulled his head back.

"See this, even if you bit me. I would not turn as I will always stay the way I was." Mark smiled as he patted the cheeks of the dazed Melissa. He knew that the Omnitrix would not let his DNA be unstable and would correct it anyways, he kissed as a way to show it as well as satisfy his curiosity.

"Hmmm, soft and supple, though not quite warm but it has a unique charm on its own." Mark had experience with women before so he was not excited as much as a hormonal teen. He was just curious about the differences of a Vampire's lips to a humans.

But Melissa was stunned as she was left there in the open field thinking of what just happened. She felt her heart beat faster than before which she did not ever feel since she became a vampire. It had been so long since she felt anything towards a man and now that she was kissed suddenly made her brain blank. It was minutes before she realized she was left here alone with the giant child and the Minotaur.

"Is she okay?" Torgu asked the Minotaur.

"There is no problem, Lord Mark had just marked her as his own." The Minotaur said nodding like he knew what was happening.

"But Lord Mark was amazing isn't he? I thought the Giants were the largest but to think Lord Mark was that large made me want to grow up faster." Torgu felt giddy seeing Waybig.

"I felt lucky he did not use that in the battle with me." The Minotaur felt surer that he was not even a match against Mark. He could even feel his threatening presence just by standing near him.

"You're that Minotaur that was rumored to have been felled by Lord Mark. Where am I right now?" Melissa was confused as felt she was not even in Brettonia. The differences in weather is quite obvious as it is currently winter in Brettonia whilst here seemed like summer.

"Oh, this is the Divine residence of Lord Mark." Torgu then went to talk about the magical things Mark did as he had already been worshipping him. Unbeknownst to Mark the beastmen and Torgu are now thinking he is a God who descended on the mortal world. The two stopped their training as they led Melissa to the Beastmen villages as she listened intently of who this Mark is.

She now had a feeling of wanting to know more of this Mark and seeing the various things in this small place made her realize that they are offending someone so strong. She also saw the two skeleton craftsmen as well as the stuff they made. She tasted the various dishes Mark taught the Beastemen as well as the townsfolk which made her expand her understanding of food.

She was indeed quite hungry as it has been two days since she had last tasted food. She might be a vampire but Lahmian vampires are quite close to humans so they could still eat like normal humans. Thus they were the best in infiltrating and being spies for the Vampire Queen. She knew that she had some sisters in the Elven Court as well as the lands of the Druchi(Dark Elves) and since she has sworn fealty she must show some value or else she might be thrown aside in the future.

She borrowed some blank books that were made by the skeletons and wrote the various information she knew. She wanted to do more to prove her worth, who cares if that 'husband' of hers realizes she is gone. They would fall like flies once they face such a large enemy, she just hopes her worth is enough for Mark to spare her sisters. As she thought of him she instinctively licked her lips as she never tasted such delicious blood before, she blushed as she wrote thinking of various things.

[In the Town Hall]

"Achoo!!" Mark rubbed his nose as he was confused, his body is now similar to a super soldier so a cold should not affect him. But he shook his head and turned to Hans besides him.

"Speaking of which does this town have a name?" Mark asked Old Hans which gained him a weird look.

"My lord, all this time you did not know the name of the town?" Hans looked shocked as he realized he also never said the name of the town to Mark before.

"Nope. And also tell me of the neighboring towns or hamlets nearby." Mark nonchalantly said.

"It's Craecheur town my lord. The town is situated in the south of forest Arden, on our west is the hamlet of Puenteure and a bit north east from here is Tour d'Alsace. There is also the Auferic's Tower nearby if you follow the road in between ours and Puenteure going northwards." Hans said slowly so Mark could hear the names of the town.

"Puenteure, I think that sounds like puanteur which means stink or smell in French. And Craecheur sounds like cracheur which is Spitter so two places if combined together is Smelly Spitter. The fuck is wrong with the naming sense of people here." Mark murmured as he felt the words were quiet familiar in french. Mark is not that good in French but he does remember some simple translations of words. And tour somehow translates to tower or to walk, so it might be Tower of Alsace.