51 XLR8

Mark knew that the distance from here to Marienberg is large that it'll take at least two days on horseback riding non-stop. But the horse needs some rest thus it would need at least three days of travel. Yet Mark does not plan on going on Horseback as he has a better alternative, soon he was outside the town he stared at the Dark which seems to want to swallow everything in it.

Mark smiled as he raised his hand and twisted the dial of the omnitrix towards his choice. He first picked Jetray at first but he has no idea how to navigate in the skies especially at night thus he went to good old XLR8.


"XLR8!!!" Mark shouted as he istantly ran after taking out a small map from his inventory. The Kinnecelarian's visor went down and showed Mark how fast he was going fast for about 5000km/h which was faster than Ben 10's XLR8. But then he remembered when Ben 10,000 used XLR8 to circle the globe a few times under a few moments.

Which means the theory that Kinnecellarians get faster as they get older is true. Mark could see everything slowdown like the world hit on a pause button as he followed the road where he got to see some interesting stuff on the way. Like some bandits raiding a caravan of merchants while some adventurers defended it. Seeing that there was no problem as the Bandit does not outnumber or outclass the adventurers in any equipment, Mark decided to ignore it as he went on the road.

Soon he was able to pass able the town Yremy and followed the road that was passing the sides of Forest Arden. He did not want to go through as he might get lost in it so he just kept following the rode. Unbeknownst to him though was that the shockwaves he produced running disturbed a lot of creatures in the forest as well as other bandits.

The raid he just passed by paused in their steps as the wind was so strong it made them feel the gale could pick them up. This made the bandits and the Merchants fearful as they thought that some demon or divine intervention happened. This made them retreat and the Caravan safe but not without starting a rumor amongst them about the "Blue Midnight Wind" or "Phantom Gale".

This event cause many magicians to gather and try to see if they could find out the cause of such phenomenon in the future. But that is a story for another time, as Mark passed through the sides of the forest he could see various beast that lurked the night as his visor was able to identify things even when they are properly hidden. A thermal vision of sorts which made Mark wonder how such tech was attached to the alien body during transformation.

But running for almost a 1,400 meters per second made Mark feel exhilarated as he knew this was not his limit. In terms of running normally this was more like pacing or jogging as Mark still tried to look around as he ran. He did not want to sight see in full speed as he might not realize where his destination is.

Soon he passed by a medium sized city which he avoided as his trail would make people curious. He circle around and found the road pointing towards Fort Bergbres which means the city he passed by might be Gisoreux. Soon he saw in the road a castle built on a side of a steep mountain but he knew this was not the Fort so he followed the Road. But Mark then felt a beeping sound which made him stop in the middle of the road.

Soon a flash of light appeared and Mark was back to his human form in the middle of the road. He did not mind much as he still have to pass by the Fort unless he chose to fly over but that would be unnecessary. Mark stood there thinking that he might have traveled for over a thousand kilometers in this ten minutes. So he took out his plan B as he was close to the Fort anyways.

Soon a rather large majestic carriage appeared in from of Mark. He wanted to use the Wagon house but that would draw eyes over to him. Thus he bought this carriage earlier for about 20,000 gold coins, this was like the medieval RV as it has a small bathroom, Living room, a bedroom and a small kitchen. Mark had then installed a Anywhere door which was a regular sized one that Doreamon uses.

Thankfully it was white colored and not the pink one that Nobita uses so it blended well within the Carriage. He put it in the living room as he still had to pull out some horses in the Backyard to pull the Carriage. Good thing the carriage and the doors were big enough for the horse to pass through and Mark took out five of them with Gideon as the leader.

He did not want to be left out and also went to get one of the vampire who has experience in going through the Empire as well as ten shadows he trained to act like escorts. They all knew of his Backyard anyways thus it was easy to take them through the doors. The one who followed him was the wife of the Baronet, she was called Maria Agnes Corona. She was born in Estalia which was an off shoot relative of Brettonia.

They were like the Spain of this world but it was not that Old yet, but the Accent does resemble the Spanish. Now that he looked at her closely she does have a face similar to a famous Spanish Songwriter, Belinda Peregrin. Only much pale in skin tone and has golden wavy hair, Mark lamented how Neferata always chose very beautiful young women to add to her ever increasing collection.

There were even times that Neferata did not turn some of the young girls she chose due to jealousy. As some of them were even smarter and prettier than her, he thought that he might need to put a stop to her operations or else lots of beautiful girls would be harmed. Yes that was it, no other reason or anything but to protect innocent young prett-ahem pure girls.

Mark was so lost in his thoughts that he did not notice the complicated expression of Maria as she stared at Mark. She still was processing how magical and mysterious their new lord was and felt that maybe their queen would lose should a confrontation between them happen. She did feel how dangerous Neferata before but not to the point that she'll feel there was no chance to survive.

She could not win in a fight but she could escape, but from Mark she felt that there was no chance at all. She looked outside the window and wondered how they are already here when she was just in Castle Rachard earlier gossiping only for Mark to take her here in an instant. Sure they could pass through the magical doors but how did the carriage reach here.

There were a lot of questions in her mind but she kept quiet as Mark looked dazed as he nodded like he was agreeing to something in a serious face. Maybe he was thinking of a plan, she looked at the young handsome face and felt something inside her change. Her heart and blood were still cold yet she felt warm somehow. She saw many handsome faces before and Mark's was not that extraordinary out of all of them.

Yet she felt warm, like she was safe, even if her allegiance was due to intimidation but she did not feel fear. Just awe and curiosity, about who this new liege of hers, what he liked or what he thought of her. Maria shook her head as she remembered the warning of her sister Melissa that to never stare too much to their new master as there is something that'll draw you deep you'll never escape. Especially those deep Amber eyes that stared at her earlier, she felt her soul shiver if she still has one.

The carriage was silent as the thought of the two people inside were in faraway places. Soon they were now in front of the gates of Fort Bergbres, they were stopped by the guards but did not bother much as they can see from the carriage that it was a noble that owned it. There was also the small sigil showing they came from the Duchy of Mousillon.

Their passage was not that hard as it was nighttime and the guards were lax on this side of the Fort. But as they were about to go out on the other side there was quite a strict inspection on his men but not much on the carriage. Just typical inspection but it showed how different the quality of guards are as the ones in this side were always alert. Being on the borders with the Empire which was now War stricken means anything can happen in a short amount of time.

The Carriage passed through with not much of a problem but Mark was getting hungry realizing that he did not have much to eat for dinner due to the busy schedule. So he stood up and looked at the small kitchen on the side and realized he did not put much stuff yet in here. Only utensils and knives which was part of the package deal along with other stuff needed but this does not include food.

"Wait here for a bit, I'm getting something to eat." Mark then opened the anywhere door and teleported around the backyard getting fresh herbs as well as some cured meat. He then went to get some handmade pasta on a warehouse where he found the two skeletons were storing this day's harvest.

"Keep up the great work you two." Mark smiled as he patted the two skulls of the tireless workers of his. Soon he teleported back to the anywhere doors but stopped and went to his new office in Castle Rachard and invited the other Vampires for dinner. He then went back in the carriage to get Maria to come back with him.