54 Chain Mission

"Agnes, ride ahead and wait for me by the fork of the road that you have said. I'll be there shortly." Mark also unsheathed the large claymore and placed the longbow on his back as well as spears and arrows. His actions made the ones in the caravan confused but the lady with the cloak was able to react even after Mark ignored her.

"Captain, get the mercenaries geared up again." Her words confused the guards who were alert against Mark but they followed nonetheless. Then the woman saw Mark go towards the road to Fort Berges which confused her. If she was near Mark they could probably hear his grumblings.

"Stupid beast and their stupid sense of smell, stupid, stupid, stupid!! Why are the monsters here so smart and curious of random shit they come across." Mark could see that there were two more Preytons coming towards him but that was not all, there were even smaller flying creatures in the mix. He just wanted to finish the Mission so that he could get his spoils early, he just never thought of other things that might hinder his operations.

He did not know that his stunt as XLR8 made many beings in the forest of Arden curious that they tracked the scent towards here from miles away. And the one that was most curious of all was a creature that was sent to investigate the cause of this phenomenon. Then the lady in the cloak as well as her guards saw something that made them question Mark's sanity.

"BOI!!!" Mark shouted on the top of his lungs as he ran towards the flying cloud of monsters at the distance. His deafening voice was heard by the beast instantly as they seemed to have hastened their flight.

"Man I really wanted to say that." Mark whispered as he ran towards the flock.

"My Lady we should go!!" The guard captain paled as he cursed Mark in his mind thinking that he should court death alone and not included them. The lady nodded as she had the caravan chase to where Mark's carriage went, she had this imperceptible glint in her eyes as she was thoughtful when their group was far enough from Mark.

After the audience was far enough to not see what Mark planned, he smiled as he saw what his system was showing. He had received a mission earlier when he was about to kill the Preyton earlier, thus the unnecessary action of calling back his subordinates and carriage.

[Sudden Chain Mission!!]

[Mission #1]

[Kill the group of foul beast curious of the host]

[Rewards: Bestiary will be unlocked]

[Goals: Kill or drive off the large group of curious beast that was following your trail]

[Side Mission: Kill the beings that defiled the Great Stags status as pure beings, noble beings of such stature must not suffer such horrid fates anymore]

[Preyton Killed 1/3]

[Rewards: Affinity with the wood elves +100]

[Side Mission: Impress the Prophetess Genevieve with your martial prowess]

[Rewards: 3 C-Class Summoning Contract]

[Mission #2: Unlocked once mission #1 is completed]

[System note: This mission might have help in increasing the benefits gained this [Mission]]

[Host must gain profits from the new prisoners, system would calculate the results based on how much the host would gain. Rewards may vary depending on the amount of profit made by host in various aspects.]

[Time Limit: 3 days]

[Rewards: Depends on how much host gained but would focus mostly on manuals and guides for cultivation]

Seeing there was an additional effect of increasing his chances on his current mission Mark felt the need for doing everything he could but reading the term 'martial prowess' that his own skills in fighting. And the Prophetess might be watching from afar if there was a chance to impress her.

This was the first chain mission Mark received and he wanted to see this through due to curiosity as well as for the generous rewards. Mark readied himself as he stood brave facing this flock of beast all alone, just his reflexes and reaction time gave him confidence to face these group of flying monsters.

"I don't know how you were able to track me even here but I can tell something is up having all of you appear in front of me." Mark whispered as he placed three arrows on his bow and shot at the flock. It was able to hit three targets with one dying due to hitting its heart while the other two were hit on their wings.

This made the beast angered as they dived down in a ferocious manner to tear Mark apart. Mark smiled as he shot as many as he could before putting down the bow when the group of beast were about a hundred meter away from him and approaching fast. Mark held the hilt of his sword and swung in a wide arc killing four Giant Bats making their blackish blood spill al around Mark.

"Let's do this!! RAGHH!!!" Mark roared as he started his fight with the beasts.

[2 Hours Later]

"By the gods!!" The guard captain was slack jawed as he stared at the bloody sight in front of him. The Lady or Prophetess Genevieve also frowned at the smell of blood and burning flesh. That Green flame that Mark used seemed to blend with the green hue of the night of Morslieb made her shiver.

She knew Grail knights could do the things Mark did but not this fast and not this gruesome. She was slightly curious earlier as she could feel that the only magic Mark used were those arrows made by pure mana that shot the smaller beast off the sky.

She was curious at first but now she has given her full attention to Mark, not because of attraction or whatever but because of the mana arrows. There were no attributes of any kind at all in his magic which was technically impossible. It's like he used the very winds of magic without transforming the power into another element.

As Lady Genevieve as well as her entourage stared in awe and fear towards the gruesome sight, Mark was standing still staring at the prompt of the system of a successful mission. But he was now more focused at the second part of is chain quest.


[Mission #1 Completed]

[Kill the group of foul beast curious of the host]

[Rewards received: Bestiary will be unlocked]

[Goals: Kill or drive off the large group of curious beast that was following your trail]

[Side Mission: Kill the beings that defiled the Great Stags regal appearances-Completed]

[Preyton Killed 3/3]

[Rewards received: Affinity with the wood elves +100]

[Side Mission: Impress the Prophetess Genevieve with your martial prowess-Completed]

[Rewards received: 3 C-Class Summoning Contract]

[Mission #2]

[Make the Elector Count of Marienberg see you as someone of equal standing]

[Time Limit: 2 days]

[Rewards: 2x 1 month 'time' cards]

[Side Mission: Know who sent those beast after you]

[Rewards: ???]

[Mission #3 will be unlocked after mission #2 is completed.]

Mark stood was thoughtful as he felt that the mission number two speaks a lot about what he needed to when he arrives at Marienberg. Seeing the need to gain a same standing from the Baron of Westerland means that he currently looks down upon Mark. But the side mission made him curious, he wanted to finish the mission earlier to know what the [???] is but that would have to wait.

Mark had to think of ways to complete the second main mission. Well it was given seeing that his letter to the Baron might have made the Elector Count see him as a crazy person. He did suggest that he'll make the Duke of L'Anguille retreat from the City of Marienberg and return the control to the Elector Count.

He had promised that as long as he was given two new frigates full of slaves from various races then he'll make sure the Duke would pull his army out of the city. Mark new that this made him sound like a madman as this was the Duke of one of the richest lands in Brettonia.

Him being a small town lord with just a small renown made a promise like this seem funny and downright idiotic to the Baron. Surely having a great battle recorded in his name is not enough to deter the Duke, Mark did predict his as such he was not so surprised about the details in the mission.

The Baron might have wanted to use him to make more demands to the Duke of Mousillon should he be not able to keep his promise. Mark smiled as he knew these old nobles still thought of him as a chess piece in their schemes. Their faces should be fun to look at once they heard of what he did, as backward this place might be there is a large chance they knew who was the one scheming to take territory from Mousillon.

Mark looked to the side and saw the caravan by that Lady Genevieve, he was indeed curious of a prophetess but he still has more shit to do. He did not greet them at all as he turned around and went to the direction of his carriage. He regretted getting a bath earlier and still got his new clothes dirtied by blood.

Mark did not see the reactions of his sudden departure and he did not care so he reached his carriage soon enough. He could see Maria and his men wait for him, he already had a rope being dragged behind him which were the two heads of the Preytons as well as three dead monsters. He chose the largest of each monster which he did not know the name of except the Giant Bat.

"Take the head of the three Preytons and have them cleaned to be turned into trophies including these three." Mark gave the heads to one of the shadows.

"Maria, prepare the bed for me will you. It's been quite the long night." Mark said as he signaled for his men to continue their travel along the road. Sure he could arrive in Marienberg sooner but that would arouse lots of suspicion on him. He decided he could use these new trophies-to-be of his to give a show of his strength to the Elector Count.

"Yes my lord." She too was shaken again deep inside as she thought her new liege was only strong when he transforms but being able to kill almost a hundred beast along with two Preytons was something even the most finest of the Grail Knights, Landuin of Mousillon, could not do just by himself.

She watched as the two severed heads of these fearsome beasts being dragged towards the place called the 'backyard'. But she and the others feel that maybe that place was a divine land, they did see the fast growth of plants and animals inside the place. She was also pensive what her lord meant by preparing the bed, being a Lahmian vampire spy means that she also was knowledgeable in how to please a man but remembering her new liege behavior made her cease that train of thought. She did the job nonetheless even if she was once a wife of a small Baronet. At least she could now leave the life of being a spy, she also got to feel the experience to walk under the light inside the 'backyard'.

Mark was busy speculating his next plans that he was not able to see the weird expression of his new assistant. Even if he did he did not mind at all, he did have thought of trying some vampire action but that was after he got to finish the short term missions of the system.

(A/N: Elector Counts are the ones given authority in the empire to cast a vote or elect a new emperor in times the last one has passed or has proven to be incompetent. But I am not sure if they could oust an Emperor on his seat due to what happened on Warhammer Fantasy canon lore where the Emperor was so useless that he has rumors of skaven shushed out during the 11th century in the Imperial Calendar. He did it because the nobles and the highborn of the Empire that time look down on the skaven . But he was killed via Assassination by a Skaven Death master, ironic to be killed by the ones that you look down on.)