63 Variations in the Experiments

"Melissa, do you perhaps know of what is inside the crate?" Mark looked at his vampire assistant who has a scrunched up face.

"Yes my lord, it is something lethal to us vampires. It's Warpstone…" Mark's eyes shone as he got a sudden realization.

[Three months later]

Mark along with a hundred heavily armored troops behind him started a daily routine of cleaning out the skaven clans hiding under many cities. Mostly dwarven holds on the grey mountains as the only Brettonian city that has underground tunnels he discovered was on Gisoreux. This blitz operation of his was done in consideration that he still needed to train his men.

He also took time to show off his prowess in battle to inspire the warriors under his command. He did transform to various aliens that could battle underground and it was then he discovered that the Kinnecelarian's(XLR8) Helmet visor could scan his surroundings with great detail giving him a good 3D representation of the underground tunnels on his mind.

And he used that to compare to the map that he bought with accurate scale on the shop, he was able compare the two and realize where he is and now currently the tunnels are going to connect to the Black Chasm which was a large chasm that looked like a bottomless abyss.

It was here he found other group of Skaven Clans that he plan to eradicate, as he didn't want to miss on anything he took the gradual approach of getting the warpstones. He also started experimenting on from time to time, but no results were conclusive yet. So he thought that maybe the skaven has notes pertaining of their study of the warpstones.

Thus every clan he visited he did not partake in the fighting but more like in the stealing and assisting part. So he then added the vampires in the battle plans which made some of his men look unsure when they met the beautiful ladies. But when the fighting started the vampires proved to be a boon in making sure no sneak attacks reach the soldiers.

In the surface they are just normal soldiers going about their lives but now they are underground fighters who had experienced the face of death in many occasions. So they were quite accepting of the beautiful ladies thinking that they might have been enlightened of the greatness of their lord and savior Mark Johnson. Which Mark also discovered that they had given him an official title which is the "The Awakener", not sure how he should feel about that but he did plan on building a society with him as one of the deities worshipped.

And since then the rapport between the different races became closer that Mark even added the beastmen on the ranks including the Minotaur. He did have a problem with Torgu who seems to not like the ogres which is understandable as ogres hunted down his family. But getting trained and indoctrinated by Mark with common sense, he understood that it was useless to hate a whole race because of the actions of the others that wronged you.

This even became a type of commandment the fanatical ones on his men wrote on a pseudo-bible thing they made about him. 'Hate not the kind of the sinner but judge the ones who have sinned against you.' Mark was even surprised when he discovered this but this is good, he now has a little cult recording things he had said. But he also did not forget to teach them moral standards which they also wrote on the so called Book of the Awakened.

And since there is battle there would always be casualties but Mark made sure to minimize it as possible so only about six men, one Beastman and two women died due to losing their guard for a split second or got hit by a lucky shot from the skaven. Some injuries are inevitable but Mark knew he could not coddle them for long; he could not always be there once the numbers of his people grow. Better to indoctrinate to them things that matters so he even gave a ceremony honoring the ones that was lost.

It saddened him that these people died as they were valuable assets but it made him discover that there was a slight change within him. He could feel it, an ethereal feeling of sublimation that he could not explain. It was made apparent when his subjects died in battle, he could feel their souls, and they are with him. Empowering his mind, making him see their wishes, and it was a feeling Mark wanted to hold on to.

It was when the system explained that he is starting to form an aspect, not sure what it is but once it seeded then time will tell what seat of divine authority he would take. Mark felt the possibility of godhood, it was then he made his efforts of having his men have faith in him increase. If he wanted to fight against the eldritch beings that treat the world as a plaything then he must rise to levels needed to stand his ground against them.

As smart as he is there is something that drove him to even think of not holding to his humanity, it was his fear. Even now he does not know who sent him here, what the purpose of giving him a system which main mission has not been told yet. He might have knowledge of this world but he is still in the dark, waddling around the pitch black road, unsure of what he should do.

The uncertainty which haunted him since he came here, thus even if he still does not feel relaxed using the system, he still followed the mission as he wanted to know if there is something required for what he received. And seeing the mission that required him of gathering stuff like warpstone made him feel that what he might receive is important.

[Mission #3]

[Gain the needed material to proceed to the 'Main scenario']



Whatever the scenario is, it is something that might give him a lead on what to do. Suddenly thrown into this quagmire of multiversal problems are not really comforting, distrustful and paranoia is some things he did develop. Something he realized that the Rat God might have used those feelings as leverage. For now he felt that maybe he should proceed to this and figure if he could go along with his planned route in this world.

Mark already threw the timeline in the toilet anyways so he must be prepared for a vindictive army from Tzeentch, the skill given by "The Presence" is still working but the smart Chaos god might send his two headed bird minion to search for him. Because Mark remembered Kairos Fateweaver might not be a chaos god but he could see both past and future with his two heads. Something no God could do, something that could have drove any other insane by trying to do what he did.

And Mark felt that it might have already alerted the Chaos gods, even if the system says that the episodes where the gods were able to look upon him did not compromise his existence. A gut feeling of sorts, something that might harm him is coming his way. And he had started to prepare, he had now studied the compound-V on the injection tubes he received.

And even with his super smart alien transformation, he was only able to decipher the formula and improve it after three months. It was now a manageable formula which he could control the effects received. He now has a list of possible superpowers he could give yet he still has not found the right ratios and adjustments for him to replicate Homelander's results.

For now he could predict the result of about a few generalized Compoun V serums.

The typical super soldier type- peak human results with increased parameters on Strength, Stamina, Agility and cognitive functions. An Over-all type of serum, very easy to make at some cost, he calls this the Compound V (Soldier) and thirty vials are now available.

The Tank type- a serum focusing on Durability, Endurance and a stronger superhuman strength but has little enhancement on the Agility and cognitive functions as it was made only to increase muscle mass, bone density and skin toughness. He was able to use the alien "The Worst" to gain the increased durability but not as much as he hoped it would. This was Compound V(Tank) and about twelve has been created.

Agility type- Was possible due to the scan he did when in Kinecelarian form. He was able to find a factor which enabled the cognitive and motor skills of one's body to improve one another. It just has a slight increase in body durability to withstand the strain of going for a predicted speed of 275km/hour. Reaction time could be compared to most Bullet time in animes if calculations of his techadon form are really accurate. Compound V(Speed) and ten has been made.

Fire type- a rather unique blend of compound V which enabled the user to generate immense heat in certain parts of the body, like breathing fire, sending out fireballs, flaming hair, flaming farts, fire fist or many other variations which depends on where the serum is focused on. This also is coupled with a certain procedure that makes the body more resistant to intense heat. Compound V(Heat)

Ice powers- similar to the Coumpound V (Heat) but this one deals with lower temperatures, also coupled with a special procedure that makes the body able to adapt to extreme low temperatures. Compound V(Frost) and (Heat) was made possible due to certain types of energies Mark was able to extract from magical creatures thus the resulting power could also be considered magical in nature. Only five each of the serums have been made due to scarcity of materials that Mark could work in.

Size alteration- as it says it enables one to increase Mass using energy found in the body, thus the user is burdened by an immense appetite and could only use the power on a short amount of time. Deduced amount of increase is about to 500% percent of the initial mass, only two serums has been made as it was not very useful. It does have a slight increase in physical strength and durability but sacrifices Stamina. Compound V(Giant)

Telekinesis or telepathy- a hard to make mixture as it only focuses on enhancing the mental facilities of the user as well as improve brain functions. Possible gaining telekinesis or telepathy with increased intelligence, only one has been made for now and more research needed for certain stability. Compound V(Mind) and not all possible effect has been found yet but deduction tells there might be other abilities that might manifest after the application of serum.

Energy Manipulation- similar to the Compound V(Mind) which increases certain facilities in the nervous system. But this is more focused on the nerves along with a special procedure that enabled the user to be able to absorb most forms of energy on his/her body and redirects it for the user to use. A lengthy procedure is needed as a certain organ is needed to be enhanced for the energy to be stored. Compound V(Battery) and only two has been made.

Minor Regeneration-quite self-explanatory, but not strong enough to regrow lost limbs. Also increased metabolism, strength, stamina, improved senses and increased pain tolerance. Only three were made and Mark calls it Compound V(Regen).

Laser Eyes- which is a serum focused on the eyes as well as a special procedure to make the mind able to process the special organ added on the eyes to be able to emit concentrated light. The organ also stores excess energy produced by the body therefore acting like a battery for the user. Slight increase in bodily functions to handle the strain of the power, only one was made of Compound V(Laser)

There are also other minor powers that Mark was able to develop, but they were very easy to make as they were like basic powers to give like:

Compound V(Bat ears)-increased sound sensitivity coupled with being able to process the information given by the improved sense of hearing. Note: ("Dude, would you and your girl quiet down I'm trying to sleep!" "I'm at work right now" "…" "…")

Compound V(Eagle eyes)-increased sight as well as body coordination to compliment the increase in the optical senses. Note: (I see you!!)

Compound V(Nosy Neighbor)-Increased nose sensitivity. Note: (Neighbors making cookies!!)

Compound V(Tongue Master)-increased taste bud sensitivity. Note: (I can taste your fear, it taste like spoiled canned fish yuck!)

Compound V(Big feet)-big feet. Note: (This is Sparta!!)

Compound V (Long feet)-stronger and longer legs. Note: (Kick me mommy.)

Compound V (Long Arms)-Elongated fore limbs with slight increase in muscle strength and bones density in the arms. Note: (My what long arms you have!! For better the face slapping dear!!)

Compound V (Strong Bones)- Increased over all bone density. Note: (Stick and stones don't break my bones anymore.)

Compound V (Endurance)- like it says. Note: (I can do this all day)

Compound V (Fart bag)- Increased gastro intestinal activity, enables to digest hard to process foods better. Enables the user to recover faster and not be able to get drunk or full easily. User's intestines are improved to be able to handle more noxious gases to build up for future self-defense uses. Note: (Fancy words to say I can eat almost anything and now my farts are deadly to others.)

Compound V (Big hands)- from the elbow to the hands, increase in size and muscle and bone density. Note: (The Dao of face-slapping in a tough road.)

Compound V(Fish Lungs)- enables the user to breath under water including salt water, slight change in physiology with body adapted to be able to dive deep under water. Slight improvement in strength, endurance, durability and increased agility under water and side effect are webbed digits. Note: (A watered down version of 'The Deep')

Compound V (Stone skin)-increased skin durability. Side effect may vary depending on skin pigmentation; you either look like Marble, Bronze or Charcoal depending on user's ethnicity. Note: ("You there! You're so white I thought it was daytime in the middle of the night!" "Oh yeah? You look like under the bed!!" "Haha,I look like Roman god!!")

Compound V (Acid spit)-as it says. Note: (You'll never be able to kiss someone else again after this. If you're ugly then you have no worries for anyone kissing you. Great self-defense for Karens since no rapist would now come near them.)

Compound V (Acid Pee)-as it says. Note: (Great for eunuchs, since you can get no action after this power takes effect. Great Anti-rape power.)

Compound V (Strong Gut)-Muscle density focused on abdominal region. Side effects includes instant eight pack abs. Note: (Imagine NikoAvocado with the eight pack abs, the rest of his body is still the same.)

Mark was able to make as much as the other ones were mostly failures but he still kept them as to use as rewards for his minions in the future. His other research in turning the Vampires into dhampirs is still stuck due to the magical aspects that mark has no knowledge yet. This made him realize that if he wanted to improve more he needed to study, the knowledge he has was enough for his techadon form to make futuristic things through sheer monstrous deduction power.

Having a good education with chemistry and physics was enough for him in techadon form to deduce outcomes of various experiments. So what if he started to sturdy more to increase his chances of making more discoveries. Even as smart as he is in techadon form, he still has no idea of something which he does not know.

Sure he was able to advance in biology just from sheer deduction but it would be faster if he has books to read and then he could become a more advanced geneticist. Just from his basic biology he was able to make these serums so if he knows more then he can make more. Maybe that was why even as Grey Matter, ben was not able to match Azmuth as it still required for Ben to know something.

Even if it was just a fleeting memory then the advanced brain of the techadon or Galvan might be able to make heads on what to do. Ben might be dumb as a kid but even then he still attended classes, he might have not paid attention but the memory is still there. Memories that Grey matter has access thus able to go from dumb kid to 240 IQ after on transformation. Ben might have become at Azmuth's level when he became an adult seeing that he was able to make great advancements in Earth's tech in a few decades.

Mark deduced he is currently at 390 IQ in techadon form but that was still far off from Stark or Reed as they are more monstrous in terms of genius creativity. But not Rick Sanchez level though, even when Mark read some books about Advanced Physics, Advanced Programming, Quantum Mechanics and books available at the shop. He still could not figure out that portal gun of Rick, that guy was able to Dino proof his items in a short time after knowing that the dinosaurs was able to improve his portal gun. Those beings have millions of years ahead of him yet it only took him less than a day to figure out how to prevent their tampering.

So Mark was feeling like he should already prepare for the planned raid on Castle Drachenfels, that place has books, tomes and records of magic that existed since 15,000 years ago. An undying being that takes the body of another after the current host of his has rotted away. His knowledge of magic and the occult might be the most comprehensive within the whole Warhammer Fantasy after Kairos Fateweaver and Tzeentch.

From the basic magic up to the forbidden ones that was said to be rituals containing Dark Magic existing during the times the Old Ones were present in this world. From the Lizardmen, to the High Elves, even the Dark elves, mystic powers from Cathay and Rune knowledge from the Dwarves. He has all of them; it even almost started a war between various magic colleges when they found the vast collection of that guy.

Mark was reluctant to do this so early as it might result in some prominent characters to not be born but he could not wait. He had been feeling uneasy since he discovered that the Warpstone was needed by the system, so he hurried in finding it that the Skaven from Marienberg and Gisoreux down to Parravon and the grey Mountains has been almost eradicated.

He had given the Minotaur a Minor Regeneration compound V after knowing he needed a vanguard to crash the Skaven camps. He also made a simple cybernetic arms for Hans along with Compound V(Soldier) serum. It made the eyes of his men shine as some were also given some powers to make them more effective. This intensified the faith saying that they are now god's apostles, it became more apparent to Mark that something is connecting to him on a weird way he could not describe.

He knew this was something related to the Chaos or would be known as the Warp in the Future. He knew that what he knows might not be equally accurate as this world is highly likely to be an alternate universe. Him being connected to the Marvel and DC is still unknown to him but maybe once he completes the mission to proceed to the second scenario then maybe he'll find out.

Only a few more days for him to reach Quenelles yet something tells him that he does not enough time. And like he predicted, things went south three days later after wiping out the Skaven Clans on the Black Chasm. The Orcs on Massif Orcal somehow started gathering because a goblin warlord has gathered the orc tribes under his banner.

It was them Mark was reminded of what he discovered during his study of the Orcs under his enslavement. It is that they were all somehow plant based in their genome, more likely a fungus kind. It reminded him of the fact that the greenskins were not made during the time of the old ones but they appeared when a large meteorite landed on the Southlands. This was very similar to how Greenskins of Warhammer 40K appeared on planets.

But it also explained how the Orcs somehow has no aggression towards him, his Blue Silver Emperor Grass martial spirit has a unique effect. The ruler of all plants which made his aura to the Greenskins more amiable as being fungi, they are part plant. As they were the ones very hard to integrate with the other races Mark felt that his martial spirit might be able to affect them.

He then tried to somehow influence them with his powers but something happened which made the Orcs faint along with the goblins. This made Mark feel that maybe he should hold of in integrating the greenskins until he knew how to go through this problem.

So with the secondary Power plant almost expanded, the matter synthesizer made it possible for Mark to make a better matter synthesizer. But it took two months in the making; the complicated parts which he could not find on the shop were the ones he synthesized. Thankfully there were appliances that have some needed isotopes stored in them so he was able to make a ten meter tall synthesizer.

He then had the two synthesizers run 24/7 to make cryogenic pods for the greenskins to be stored. Mark spent days without sleep which Francine also noticed, and now having the greenskin tribes make large movements means that his domain cannot avoid this. And two days after the news was discovered he got the summons from the Duke stating that every landed nobles be present to discuss the matter.

Greenskins rallying on one banner is not good news to those near them as they are quite a formidable race bred for battle. Mark had to take two days of nonstop transforming to a techadon just so his research on the bizarre genome structure of the Orcs and goblins to bear fruit.

And having to go to another troublesome matter would delay his plans, finding warpstone is very hard already and the prototype detectors he made could not accurately scan for any deposits of the magical mineral. But he could only slow down as the clans on the grey mountains have started to realize that many others of their kind are missing.

He had found out last week that some scouts have been going around the area and skaven activity on the tunnels leading to the empire is getting restless. Mark was sure that somehow they have an idea of what is happening even if he made sure no survivors remain on their raids. Not even a single rodent as his visor in XLR8 could find them easily and with a minimum of Mach 8 speed made things easier.

He did get some tomes filled with various records of the toxins, viruses and bacteria they have made which gave Mark some things to study on. He found this on a possible offshoot clan that might have close relations with Clan Pestilence. He also found maps of the Skaven where they have marked various sources of valuable resource.

So he was really busy, so he really didn't want to spend time going away to deal with the Greenskin problem. At least it was not yet a 'Waagh!!' which would need a great deal of attention. It would be mostly County of Chenin and the Duchy of Sauvignon that would deal with it. The meeting would mostly be thinking of counter measures as the Duchy of Mousillon is just beside the Duchy of Sauvignon.

Being currently week and having lots of vacant places in the nobles of the Duchy meant that he would have to find a good excuse to not ride south.