69 Playing with fire**

Within the carriage of Mark, sounds of flesh hitting each other sounded out as the whole carriage swayed in cadence with the noise. Two bodies intertwined in the bed made in the carriage as they went upon primal instinct with their actions.

*Clap!* *Clap!*


*Clap!* *Clap!*


*Clap!* *Clap!*


*Clap!* *Clap!*


*Clap!* *Clap!*


A lithe body of a pale woman kept writhing as the waves of assault made by the man behind her was relentless as her pleas was ignored. They had been at it for hours and she felt like she was going to break, she had lived thousands of years and planned many intrigues within the court of aristocrats in the Kingdoms of men but she never thought she would be handled like this by someone in her whole life.

Now the Queen of Mysteries was thinking how things got into this situation after her meeting with Mark. But the large thing that kept intruding her insides made thinking hard for her as it kept rearranging her insides with every thrust.

[Mark's POV]

So that's me, I guess you've all been wondering how the hell did the situation lead to this moment. How things went out of hand making you feel you missed out on many details, so let me bring you all back to yesterday…


I was equipped with my best armor and weapons as I stood waiting in front of my large tent that I had set-up when I was in search for ways to find the Great Enchanter's castle. I looked into the horizon as a silhouette of a luxurious carriage appeared in my view.

So I stood tall as waiting alone because I didn't want anyone else present here including the horses with my meeting with the Vampire Queen. Soon the carriage stopped in front of me making me tighten my hold upon the hilt of my sword, the empty eyes of driver of the carriage tells me that the dude was not alive.

But my attention was soon taken away as the doors of the carriage opened and slowly a beautiful pale woman stood in front of me exuding innocence and purity. But my mind did not fall for it as I knew this woman was a very old schemer in the dark, she has a hold of the secrets of many people that even the ones that owned the secret doesn't know of.

I could see it, the depths of her eyes lay cruelty and darkness that built up over the years of her attempts to rebuild her homeland. A noble cause but at the price of many lives, just so she could rebuild her cult of blood; the group of fanatics worshipping her. Her eyes tell of the various betrayals, manipulations, assassinations and tribulations she has to go through.

But I won't sympathize, as I had plans to use her in furthering my goals, even if the one in front of me is the First of the Vampires. Soon I will change all that, once I get the books of the Great Enchanter about necromancy then I would understand how Nagaash made the Elixir of Life.

The Elixir this woman in front of me made with her lack of mastery in necromancy through some sort of luck, thus resulting in her becoming a vampire. She then used this elixir to build her 'Deathless Court' or 'The Trueborn". But one thing I had gained in studying vampire physique is that an underlying factor is reason for the instability of the vampire DNA.

As I too walked forward to meet the Queen in the middle of the clearing, there a small table and two chairs was placed under a large Umbrella. We both looked at each other with differing expressions. Her stare were mostly of nonchalance but with little intrigue within them.

One thing I was sure of and something I exploited sending a letter to Neferata through her spies is that this thousands of years old woman is bored as hell.

I had read how she from time to time would release news of her existence to select group of bands of adventurers who would be 'lead' by clues to give her entertainment. I got to admit, she is indeed a beauty to die for with those slight micro mannerisms making him slowly lose guard but it was not so effective.

I knew hypnotism thus these tricks would have to be very advance to even affect him more. I then understood that they had now started the battle, the battle of wits. We both sat as we stared at each other gouging out the danger of each person, it was silent as the wind rustled on our hair but Neferata broke it by saying.

"You remind me of my cousin…" The beauty had a look of contemplation but her eyes were still looking at me. I know this is going to be one of those battles where wits are the weapons being used, but even with years of dealing with the shrewd men of my past life I am not sure in winning this one.

"I am not sure how to feel when I am being compared to the embodiment of Asaph within the mortal world. But if the Queen says so then I shall take it as a compliment." I said shrugging my shoulders after I said that. This was one of her sore sides if memory serves right, but her face did not betray anything at all. Even when the subject is her dear cousin that was hell bent on killing her.

"It seems you really know a lot about me, not sure how I should call you as I think you are not even a Human, a Vampire, an Elf or a Deamon. You were a mystery to my ears before but now I think I can't tell with all the things I have seen…an enigma." Neferata's eyes shone as she said this too me. She seem to see me as a new plaything or a toy, this irked me quite a bit but discussions first.

"I believe the Queen of Lahmia did not come here to have some small talk do you?" I then slowly pull the visor of my helmet making my face visible to the Deathly beauty in front of me. I need to hold the reigns as the things I need to ask from her would cost much more if she knows I need valuable things in exchange for the information I am going to bargain.

"It seems you know me very well but I do not know of you, it seems I am quite at a disadvantage here~." Damn her voice somehow is starting to make me hard, it seems it was ambitious of me to even try scheme against someone with a vast experience in many 'ways'.

"I know enough, thing that mattered and things you also do not know of." I kept my calm even when my blood is slowly gathering on my pelvic area. So I talked while keeping a stoic face, I have dealt with many shrewd individuals in my past life but it seems being a healthy young man is detrimental in meeting this woman.

"*Giggle* It seems I will find it ~hard~ to find anything from your expression." Damn it, I can feel no magic being used but this is getting me. I can see it, her micro expressions and subtle movements are like drawing out her sex appeal to the maximum. Shit I need to stay calm about this; I need to get the flow of the conversation to my side.

"You know you are at a disadvantage but you still came." I said seriously as my warning bells within my mind as it seems the cards are not in my hands in the moment.

"~Ohh I will, I will ~come~ as you got my interest already." Damn I flew straight into that one, my fault for not picking my words right. Shit this is getting out of hand, something is not right. My senses don't pick up any magic used or anything that might be affecting me, so why am I not thinking sharp enough to see her nuances?

"Interest, not sure if I should be flattered or scared knowing I have stoked the interest of her majesty." I know there are no signs or indications of my frustrations but if this goes on then I might have to approach this in a non-verbal manner.

"Hu hu, there are rarely exist men that could catch my interest, not much more than my fingers. And you have now become one of them~…" as she said that it dawned to me who she was talking about, maybe I could use this to take the flow on my side.

"*Sigh* I thought you were going to compare me to Vashanesh, I don't like the likes of him. But comparing me to your former paramours is quite disconcerting as both failed to bear fruit." I stayed stoic but I could see her flinch when I mentioned her past love life. I guess this was more of a sore spot within her Ego, being hailed as the most beautiful woman of her times yet rejected or abandoned twice would indeed scar her pride.

"I guess you know me too much but for you to say it was enough then I am curious to know more of what you learned of me." I can see her flirty innocent side was gone in a blink as she failed to hide the pain that flashed before her eyes.

"Just enough to know the result of many things, like your dream to rebuild your Home. And to relive those glorious past, as you have remembered it. A paradise of your own, yet in the end a futile attempt as the rest of all dreams of the ambitious. Unreachable, Distant and Hopeless future that you dreamed off." I said these words with a low tone making the atmosphere serious.

I can see her face form a frown, but even then when I am the one holding the ball in the court, my balls are also making trouble. Whatever it is that is affecting me, it is troubling the now excited creature in my pants. Yet my face is still calm, thank god I wore my full heavy armor set but this also made my hard-on stuck within a slightly tight space.

"Hopeless? You say my dream is hopeless? If I remember correctly you knew I hold the world within my palm and if I will it then armies of men would flock and crush that small place you call your territory. So Earl Johnson, tell me why is my dream unreachable as you say it?" damn even when being angry and serious in her way of speaking she is hot. Damn junior stay down will you! My breeches are not the stretchable type.

"In time due to your instigation of the Mortal Kingdoms, the one race that could have defended the world from the threats that matter, will have weakened to the degree everybody will be affected. From the Jungles of Lustria, to the vast sands of Old Nehekarra, the islands of Ulthuan, the dark lands of Naggaroth, the Empire of Cathay, Kingdoms of Ind and the lands of the Old World.

A darkness that has been forgotten is coming your Majesty, old rivalries will not matter, grudges will remain unsolved and pride will be useless in the face of the destruction of the whole world. Your wiles and willfulness in playing within the dark of your machinations and entertainment has or will lead the downfall of all.

Your small plays in sending various things to your cousin, instigating men to attack your own brother that led to his being changing that to the likeness of monsters and playing with the lives of many brave knights of Brettonia. Because of that you have led the destruction of the whole world to rebuild one city that has been already swept up by the past." I felt excited for some reason as I stood up and said those words with a serious tone of finality.

I can sense it, clearly now. The thing that has been bothering me, more likely I can smell it. It was her, the Vampire Queen herself as she exudes an aroma that could beguile men easily within her reach. Not a perfume or poison that was untraceable but was most likely pheromones.

The one thing my body would not fight back as it was a natural thing within a person. But I am confused, she was the Queen of the Vampires an undead which means that they should be hiding their scent. Like how that vampires under him don't smell anything because their body could not produce such things being undead and all.

Yet the woman in front of her exuded such scent that multiplied her charm a hundred fold. I now stood in front not knowing why I did so in the first place, but it let me see the changes in her eyes as she processed what I had just said to her.

"You know so much, my failures, my life and even where I would also fail in the future. I am not sure if I could believe you but somehow I can tell you told me the truth." She stood there dazed as she thought of the words I said. But as she was thinking her hands went forward as it caressed my chest, strangely it did not affect me much at all.

But that was the problem, I should have not gotten close to her and even not react to her touch like it was a normal thing. I was rapidly thinking of the possible things that is affecting me but I could not think long before she said something that made me dazed.

"I have feared that it was not working so I gave out more that might have killed most mortal men in minutes. Yet you lasted and even stood in front of me like it was nothing, you intrigue me very much right now~" Shit her flirty side is back but I need to take hold of myself first.

"~This proves you are no ordinary man, I am not sure of what you said but I know I have failed many times. But this time I might not be with you on my side~" she started drawing her fingers on my chest armor but I was currently stunned. My heart rate's going high as a primal urge is making me lose my cool in the moment.

"~Maybe now with you I can rebuild my own paradise, I have heard of your success. Gaining fame and power in such a short time, even able to marry the maiden in reward, quite a smart move for the Duke but what a pity.~" she got so close to me that I could feel the oddly warm breath of hers.

"~A pity as I don't like sharing my men, you are too naïve to think you could play me that you met me with no other to guard you. ~After tonight you will be mine, I will show you that I too am not an ordinary woman~" she started to undo the straps of my armors as I tried to stop my bodies reaction.

"You….are playing…with…fire…" I grunted as my veins were showing trying to control myself.

"~Do I?~ Maybe I like playing with fire, but are you hot enough to burn me?~" she giggled as she took off my pauldrons, next my gloves then my bracers.

"~Such a fine man you are, I would like to know more of the Future from you. And I'll make sure to loosen your lips enough for you to speak them.~" Aghh shit this is making me mad, I am the one being played here even when the situation was okay earlier. I really never thought her first plan was to bed me from the start, shit this woman is thirsty and so will I be if I don't control myself.

"~I know you need something from me, but I too need something from you.~" she licked my cheek as the fangs on her mouth slowly protruded out. Shit is she going to bite me? I won't turn though, thankfully my blood is already has divine aura and it would surely damage her.

"~I have sought for a king worthy to stand along with me in my eternal kingdom for centuries then you came along. I can see it, with my wits and your knowledge we will rule the whole world together.~" didn't you listen to me b*tch? I just told you the world was going to end, which part of 'a darkness long forgotten' did you not pick up on.

"Y...you…still..don't…un…derstand…it..will be…all…futile…" I said as my chest felt stuffed from the beating heart of mine. But she ignored it as she leaned in after taking off my chest plate listening to my heart.

"~Such a precious symphony, too bad it will not be heard In the future. And how would I fall if I have you under my thumbs, you know many things I did not know so you say then I shall know of them sooner or later.~" she giggled but my sanity is being slowly taken by something inside of me. I didn't care anymore, I didn't care for decency and the plans that I have in mind, all I could think of now is to release.

"~You are quite a fine man, we will ha-hurckkhh!!!" her words stopped as I suddenly had my hand on her neck, her eyes widened as she looked confused as to why I can still move. But I did not care for her right now as I need to do something about this unpleasant urge within me.

I think my grip on her was hard enough to make her not muster up strength to resist. I can see but somehow I cannot feel my other sense clearly, I think I am moving my body yet also not. I feel rage and lust within me burst, I could feel a damn being broken as I dragged her inside my carriage.

I can feel holding her neck yet I could not feel how strong I am holding it. But I can see she tried to struggle as her claws came out trying to pry herself out. I can see it, fear and uncertainty, it seems she also does not know what is happening to me. But it was most likely what she wanted to know where she did wrong.

As I still choked her and going in the bedroom in the carriage, I can see her eyes widen as she saw the bed within the room. I did not go to the tents as this room had more sound proofing, I can tell I am thinking this but somehow I feel like I am on auto-pilot. System are any gods messing with me?

[Negative host, there are no signs of tampering from any divine beings currently.]

Great I could talk to the system but I can't control myself, what the hell is going on!


A tearing sound echoed on the room as I ripped her Egyptian style kind of dress which released her ample mounds making me gulp. But that was not all, I took out a pair of handcuffs as I cuffed the squirming vampire under me.

Even when I am on some kind of autopilot, I could still feel rage and lust. Mostly rage for being dumb trying to play this game against this old schemer and rage for being played like a fool. Also anger at this woman who just did not listen to his words at all, as all she could think was herself in learning of her possible future.

She did not even question the validity of my claims yet she went straight to trying to make him her puppet. Well lady let me show you one of the privileges of an Isekai MC, a system that would make you one of the greatest studs within the world you land in. An essential part of any harem protagonist, an unlimited Stamina for various 'purposes'.

"W-wait! Cease your act-Ahh!!" she could not continue as she tried to break the cuffs made of titanium alloys, while stalling and trying o make Mark stop. She seemed to have realized that she was f*cked and about to get 'f*cked' but not on her terms.

"SHUT UP!!" I shouted as the uncomfortable feeling is worsening so I took off my clothes in a hurry. The armor was easily taken off due to the straps being loose already, in a minute I now stood naked in front of a stunned vampire who stared at my now erect 11 inch long and 4 inch diameter weapon.

"*gulp*p-please stop this, we can tal-*SLAP!!*Ugh!" she stopped as I slapped her face feeling more angry inside.

"*growl* You wanted this don't you? You wanted me to become your slave? Saying you don't like to share, you did not even think that I would resist did you? Like I said Useless pride, you think yourself great and infallible but where did that lead you? Right here with me." I was angry and boiling in the inside as I said this. I slowly walked towards the bed where the Queen of the vampires exerted her strength.

I can see that even with the titanium Alloy cuffs and a very strong hardwood bed it was not enough to hold her for long. She too has nearly superhuman strength but she could not exert much earlier as my hands were on her neck. I held her two flailing legs as she looked at me with a rebellious face.

"Unhand me or you will suffer th-" she could not speak as forcefully kissed her lips, I bit slightly on her upper lip as she too tried to bite me with her fangs. But I took back my lips before she could do that. Wait is this r*pe or necrophilia? She is technically dead but her body is quite warm for a vampire, the other vampires were quite warm too.

I remember Melissa saying they could do this if they have drank enough blood which was available because Mark taught them how to draw blood without killing someone. But he shook those thoughts as he kneaded Neferata's E-cup breast and damn they were soft.

The Lahmian Vampires were indeed great in mixing in with the aristocrats, they could even have sex as Maria said as they were indeed trained in various techniques too. So I kept kneading as my other hand went down to finger her thousands year old p*ssy, and sh*t it was wet.

I mean how but I won't complain, I don't want to go in dry and make things uncomfortable. I do have some oils here in the room but since she could get wet then I'll take things forward. I did not ask for permission at all as I stabbed in without remorse.

"Urrk!!" she squired as she looked out of breath not being able to say anything at the sudden intrusion. I then started pumping in and out full throttle from the start, who said this b*tch try to play him like that when he wanted a serious conversation.

The world was ending and first thing you thought of seeing me is put my d*ck in you p*ssy?! Well you're getting it now so how does it feel!! I could see her eyes going to the back of her head but I did not care, you tried to manipulate me so suffer the consequences.

I sped up thrusting non-stop; I was like in a trance as I humped like an asthmatic Chihuahua to a random pillow. She kept groaning as I did not care for her for hours trying on various positions that I have watched my previous life.






She kept moaning as she was handled like a ragdoll under me, I listened at how her moans changed every time I changed positions. I kept at it for hours that there were times I kissed her but she did not bite back this time, her eyes were glazed as I used her. It seems she enjoyed some of it but I did not care.

The burning sensation in my chest just makes me want to do more and my stamina still on top as I did not stop 'punishing' her for what she just did. I am really angry and horny right now so her presenting herself by doing that earlier is her fault, she did admit she has something to do with his instability but meh…

At least I got to know how vampire p*ssy felt like, not as warm as human girls inside but it seems they are built for rough plays. She also still felt very tight even after hours of continuous poundings, I even went for the backside.

And damn it was great, there was no problem at all even when I penetrated her back entrance, there were no 'brownies' as she was a vampire. Having only a diet of blood and absorbing it all made her 'pathways' clean. Thus the carriage witnessed how I ravaged this overconfident schemer up to the present.


[3rd person POV]

Clapping noises kept on as the carriage as Mark continued on his relentless barrage of internal massage. Years spending time alone and being married to an under-aged girl has built up the sexual frustration of his that he did not stop even after two days of the non-stop action. Melissa did try to go to report to Mark but when she was inside the carriage she noticed the slight rocking of the room.

It was there she witnessed the process of her Queen being used as a 'sock' that even dobby would not touch after opening the door to the bedroom slightly. She saw the eyes of Mark that made her also excited, as well as the 'broadsword' that was going in and out of its 'sheathe'.

She was stunned for a few minutes but she still held back her excitement before returning to handle the minor affairs of Mark. She also got Maria and the others to stand guard the carriage of their new 'king', they too saw the scene inside secretly as Mark was too focused in his 'exercise'.

There they met with their Queens personal guard who was also a senior member of the Lahmian Sisterhood. She was one of the most loyal fighters of Neferata and also a rare Blood Knight, a female vampire bloodknight. She was also concerned as to why their Queen was taking long but Maria and Melissa assured her the Queen is in no immediate danger.

She did want to investigate but when she was led to watch through the small gap she was stunned. The obscene sounds and the non-stop applause reached her eyes and ears making her wide eyed as she had never seen her Queen like that. This ignited a long lost flame within the vampires that watched, the flames of being a gossiping girl.

Mark had long noticed them watching but he did not care, as the feeling within his chest slowly subside but his stamina has not. So even when he had done almost everything, he still went on and became more creative and innovative in his positions. For the meantime the search of the Castle of the Great Enchanter was delayed and no serious matters that needed Mark's attention.

What he wanted to do is make the woman his arms yield, as she too wanted to break him so he wanted to show who the person in charge here. She did faint a few times but she did not say she yielded or anything so one with the pounding!

(A/N: Had to research many 'cultured' studies to at least make this chapter erotic enough but this is my first time writing an R-18 chapter. Some would be gore and other creepy sh*t of warhammer but this is the first s*xual content I made. Hope you like the chapter and please comment on anything that could help improve this types of scenes in the future.

Also the MC is getting a bit unhinged here, I will explain on the next chapter as it would reveal the main antagonist in this arc of making a foundation within Warhammer world. It is not Drachenfels but someone else and I hope the reveal would be enough for the readers. Anyways thanks for reading hope you enjoy.)