81 The Green

(A/N: I have never thought that I would get this far in writing my fanfic, this just a sudden Idea in my part when I was drunk and feeling down when I learn of a personal acquaintance of mine was gone too soon.

Though I am not sure where the fic would go but I already had initial plans for the story line. Just not sure how I should continue and honestly, I feel that I should just go with the flow for now. Maybe I'll figure it out but right now I am just happy that some liked what I just whipped out of my drunken ass on a whim.

That sounded wrong but that is just how I thought how this fic came to be, I am just a newbie writer and other than my slightly okay grammar, I just hope that my story is good enough to entertain people here.)

"Oww…" Lucifer said as he slowly looked towards Mark incredulously as he continued "…even my father never hit me like that."

"…" Mark just stared as he looked at the man with an impassive gaze as he stopped himself from quipping a smart ass reply right there and then.

"I just wanted a talk but somehow I got slapped instead, how did you do that anyways? Even I cannot seem to see any way to avoid that." Lucifer looked at Mark playfully with a very curious gaze as he was drawn to this universe due to a certain familiar aura on Mark.

"W-well that would be easy to answer but first would you kindly have this lovely lady to draw the sword away from my neck please." Mark said as his eyes looked down as a tip of a well-crafted sword was resting on his neck waiting to pierce through.

"Maze would you kindly be dear and let the gentleman be free of worry?" Lucifer smiled at his companion that was glaring at Mark full of daggers in her eyes.

"Free his shoulders of his head? Gladly..." Mazikeen said but before she could Lucifer waved his hands and the sword was gone.

"Tch!" She looked pissed still but she went and stood a bit away while looking at Mark full of killing intent.

"Now where were we?" Lucifer then sat in proper position again still curious how he was hit.

"You were asking how I hit you." Mark answered as he relaxed a bit, he was still surprised that the Greatest of all angels is now in front of him smiling like that slap of his didn't matter.

"Ah! Yes that, well go on. How did you do it? Even I could see my brother slashing at me with his sword and I could still parry but you, you landed a hit that I could not avoid. Is this what my father gifted you?" Lucifer was thoughtful but he still waited for Mark to answer.

"Well it is somewhat of a skill of mine actually, it somehow denies all probability of avoidance in exchange for no damage done at all. Even if I coat my hands with lethal poison, the resulting strike would be non-lethal, It is just a skill focused on precision and striking." Mark said as he used other words to describe his skill, he knew it was impossible to lie to the man in front of him so why even try.

"I see, but that does not explain the coat my father gave you. My brothers could not even see through such cloaks but maybe only I can so I got curious to see you." Samael was smiling as he looked at Mark, rarely has it did his father ever give such strong gifts to hide someone ever from the eyes of many.

"Hmm, it is more of a gift actually. A welcoming gift of sorts, I am a guest you see. A guest of this reality, I am not of this world at all nor am I a creation of your Father. It just so happens I could go to this place and was given a gift to hide me from prying eyes." Mark did not hide it at all as if there was anything that the Morningstar wanted then he could do nothing to stop him at all.

"I see, a guest. It seems I was rude to intrude with no proper introductions but it seems you know of me already. Was it my father? No, you know me from something else. Tell me what is it that you want to do in my father's creations?" Lucifer asked as he looked at Mark who was quite helpless as he knew that he could not hide his desire to the best of all creations.

"You want peace? No, you want a silent place you could just relax in. No intruders, no problems, no ambition at all, just a strong drive to survive yet somehow you are filled with urgency. Also a want to know who you really are, a story to be told I see…hmmm… and a little dream of meeting someone, many to be exact." Lucifer drawled on as he looked at Mark who was smiling bitterly how he is being read like a book at the moment.

"You are quite interesting guest, but my curiosity is sated for now, maybe I'll give you a visit later and hear more but I have a bar to run so toodle-loo" after he said that he just vanished like the wind along with the grumpy companion of his.

"Phew!! Damn, I really thought I was going gay there for a minute. He really is handsome like the devil, well he is the devil so I think it is given." Mark sighed as he relaxed like putty in the bench he sat on. He was really not sure if the lingering aura left on him by The Presence was the reason for the Morningstar to seek him out of curiosity but he felt this was not the last time he'll see of the guy.

[Somewhere in the DC Mutliverse]

"Hahaha, did you see that Maze? A attack that would land surely but not able to inflict no harm at all, maybe I should make one to tease my brothers from time to time." Lucifer was drinking a glass of whiskey as he looked at his bar that was full of customers.

"You should have let me cut of his head." Said the serious woman by the side.

"Oh, you would not be able to darling. Even my father might have trouble to take that head of…" Lucifer smiled as he said that "…just like me a being held be chains due to sin of his past, I might not have seen much but I saw enough to know he was no trifling being to be killed easily with just a sword."

Mazikeen only frowned as she heard that as she knew that Lucifer never lied, she was indeed curious as to why they left so suddenly.

"You want to know why I left do you?" Samael was smiling really wide as he just seemed to be happy about something. "No need to guess so much, I just had a pleasant conversation to the one in chains inside of him." Lucifer then laughed softly as he took a sip of whiskey.

"A really interesting fellow, but since father wanted to hide him away then I shall oblige to his wishes."


Mark was rechecking if the wards and charms he put up are still there and sighed in relief that it was fully intact. The devil just has really great senses to know where he is exactly just from the powers lingering on him left by The Presence.

'Damn, I almost shat my pants and got a hard-on while talking to Lucifer. No mistaking it, that guy is still handsome and beautiful enough to ensnare the hearts of many if he wanted to.' Mark was sweating figuratively inside that he did not even get a good look at Mazikeen, the shadow following Lucifer everywhere.

'Not that it matters now that he's gone, maybe I should focus on my investigation here. Oh, who do we have here?' Mark was drawn to a handsome and smart kid who seemed to be liked by most in the school but when he saw his ID he knew immediately who this was.

'Alexander Luthor, how could I forget him? Let's see what we got here, hmmm…' Mark then searched the database of information about Lex then found out his dad is a scientist, Lionel Luthor. Not much in found on what he gained but from what Mark remembered then the father would be working for Vandal Savage right now.

This made him think deeply, this world might be an alternate universe but somehow it was connected to the other realities, which means that there might still be the Dark dimension and the blue glowing stalker is present on the other world.

Mark shivered at that thought and felt a large sense of urgency, in terms of strength and powers he might already be a strong fighter himself but it seems it is not enough to ignore most attacks from cosmic beings.

But his gut feeling tells him that if he fully becomes a god by increasing his faith then he would have powers to make himself strong enough to stand tall against such strong enemies.

There was just this slight empty feeling that he could not figure out and knowing it just not enough but he feels that he needed to understand what it is thoroughly. As he was hacking and contemplating, the classes were done already and the children were going home from school.

Mark has learned enough to know what state Clark Kent is in but before he could move away he saw a scene like in animes with the protagonist saving the beauty from danger.

Where in which Clark saved Lana Lang from being run over by a truck but since the girl has a kryptonite necklace Clark weakened and tripped while hugging the girl.

Mark saw how the girl was surprised and dragged Clark on the side to ask him how he did it, maybe this was why Lana Lang knew Clark was Superman in the future.

Mark smiled as he flew away as he did not want to interfere much with the plot, sure he did gather a bunch of kryptonite which he found in one day. But he did not go for more as there might be drastic changes if no kryptonite would be found and no moments for Clark to be bested in the plot.

But Mark was sure enough that the scarcity of Kryptonite would not be like how every thug has one to fight the caped hero. Maybe only those rich enough but Mark would still look out for more other colored Kryptonites.

But as he flew he felt a thought was reaching out to him, something which he could not explain but he could feel it. After flying for about a good distance away from Smallville, Mark landed on an open field trying to see what was reaching out to him but as he looked closer he felt it was everywhere.

To be specific it was the plants and growths all around him, this made him realize that maybe his Martial Spirit made him able to connect to one of the fundamental forces in the DC universe, The Green.

The force that covers all plant life within the known universe and his affinity with plants enabled him to connect to it. Slowly Mark kneeled and reached out his hands on the ground as he felt the force reach out to him.

It was instinctive but he felt it, a connection of sorts enabling him to slowly understand the force that called to him. He could see, feel, hear and smell many different things all around him that he felt a bit overwhelmed but he held on as he slowly got used to the connection.

Closing his eyes he could see very far away and witness a lovely couple doing about nature's call to procreate. Quite detailed actually but Mark looked past that and saw wildlife of various assortments going about their lives.

From the boars that roam the forest to the smallest of aphids that feed of the plants. Mark felt the powers to be wonderful but there was some sort of influence that was not enough to overpower him.

Maybe it was what wrote the personality of Swampthing when he died but Mark did not care as his soul power could bypass that small feeling of change. Opening his eyes he stood up and felt refreshed as his cells screamed of power and strength.

Just a small connection but he was able to empower his body to greater lengths just at that small connection he made. But enough to be able to make him see another spectrum of colors affecting to world, from the black that presents the Rot of all things, to the Red that exist inside the living animals and people around them.

Mark was thinking that he might not have gotten what he intended to do in the first place but he did find a lot of things that made him think of more ideas. Especially when he remembered a certain creation of Azmuth that has the DNA of various Alien Species within the Ben 10 Universe.

The Codon Stream

A similar thing also exists in DC which is The Red, the Fundamental Force that entails all living beings within the whole DC Universe.

If Mark could create a device that could enable the Omnitrix to connect to the Red and access the Billions of DNA that exist upon it then he might be able to transform to the strongest alien species to exist on the DC Universe.

Just thinking about it excites him and this needed time for him to study, and time he got when he has his own place that has time faster that this world. Mark was getting more ideas but before he could a call of distress flooded his senses.

A call for help of some sorts but he could not understand why, as it was not from a living person but from plants. Mark could hear their pleas and cries as they lose their lives, it instantly burdened his mind as he disconnected with it shortly.


Mark knelt down as great pain assaulted him but then his body glowed golden as he felt a little lighter. Reaching out to his face he felt blood run down on his nose as he was almost sent to shock from all the sudden information.

"Damn, that was kinda reckless of me." Mark said as he groggily stood up and rested as he felt that he went to that hole himself.

"But it was good that I did this without anyone to bother me. Might spend my week trying to train myself in connecting to the Green, should I let vegetarians feel how plants feel? Nah, that'll be cruel to them hahaha…" Mark chuckled as he sat there in the clearing very sober from the painful experience.

In about ten minutes Mark was in top shape again but before he tried again he fiddled with his pocket computer and searched for information that might be useful.

And while he does so he was able to make more millions in dollars in assets but somehow the system won't acknowledge the money wholly as it was mostly empty money with no gold to back it up.

Not really sure how that works but Mark still got over about a hundred thousand gold coins, which was authentic money. Maybe some were laundered fake money with any gold to back it up, anyways the system would not consider some money to be worth anything.

Mark is still learning why that is but maybe it will reveal itself in the future, his theory is also most American Dollar is made from debt and credits which has not concrete resource backing it up or anything.

But as he was pondering while hacking away he got info of the satellites owned by the Wayne enterprises, Mark was silent for a few moments as a thought occurred to him.

'Wasn't Clark Kent supposed to be entrusted to Thomas Wayne by Jor-el?' Mark stood up as he remembered that fact and that a certain crystal with various alien tech blueprints was the reason for the success of the Wayne businesses.

Mark stood up as he rechecked his wards and invisibility and flew full speed at Mach 3 towards Gotham. He was excited, why develop slowly when he can just copy lots of the Kryptonian tech and make it himself.

Mark knew the General Direction because he could feel cookie still in the Wayne Manor and as he connected he could see the cat is still hiding while watching the butler and the young Bruce Wayne within the quite empty corridor of the large place.

Mark reached Gotham after a few minutes and landed on the bleak streets that paint the neighborhood. Watching it for a while Mark flew slowly towards the lone mansion on the distance, it took a moment but he was now flying on top of the place invisible and scanning the whole place of the crystal.

(A/N: It has been about a month since I updated due to my Aunt also passing away whom was buried yesterday. Midterms also was an issue but I am past that now and I hope I can write a bit regularly from now on.

This Fic is still active so just don't be angry if my updates are not that consistent, so enjoy ad have a nice summer everyone.)