87. Beaten up

"Really?" Mark said as he silently made a spell circle as he shot Heat Vision one after the other. Suddenly he released it as the surroundings got quiet making those fighting pause a bit.

"Now I can use as much as I want." Mark said and suddenly hundreds of Mana Arrows appeared behind him and he now holds two spears on his hands. He felt his sudden strength boost when he received that Spark, taking a horse stance he flew top speed towards the red suit guy.

This surprised the others but the attackers seemed ready as they did not find it surprising Mark could exert such powers.


He slashed his spear coated with Mana and the guy in the red suit dodged then retaliated by sending his heat vision to Mark. Mark responded kindly with his own heat vision but his two hands kept busy trying to ward of the speedster that kept bugging him by the side.

"If you think all this could kill me then you are highly mistaken!" Mark sidestepped and flew towards this superman wannabe and used all his strength to punch him. This sent the guy flying far away bleeding through his nose giving Mark time to look at those around him.

Dr. Fate is having a magical standoff with this magician attired person and Donna Troy and Diana are tag teaming the large brute who looked like he was about to fall down.

"I know Lord Johnson. That is why we have a back-up!" the guy in the magician suit said and Mark reacted as he raised a shield on time only for someone to fall from the top punching with devastating force.

"Ughh!" Mark was shocked looking at the two people attacking him. It was Power Girl and General Zod, he could not understand how they are here but he looked at the man in magician attire.

"Citizen Abra! So you all came from the future!" Mark said as he put two kryptonite in his hands and opened the shield to punch power girl and Zod away.

"As always, you never cease to amaze me. Like in the legends you are gifted with wisdom and knowledge, you even knew who I was just the few moments we talked." Abra smiled as he kept Dr. Fate busy.

"Three Kryptonians, no two and the other one is a Daxamite. Two conduits of the speed force as well and a brute. It seems you have planned extensively…" Mark was giving left and right punches to the two in front of him until a blur hit him on the sides making him look down and saw a golden metal spike lodged in his chest.

"Hurts doesn't it, it's made from the metal of the gods. Similar to the sword our demi-goddess here used." The speedster said as he looked at Mark.

"Savitar…" Mark growled as he looked at the four people in front of him. Then pulled out the metal spike in his side and placed it in his Inventory.

But before they could continue, Diana went to charge at Power Girl and then they started fighting. Punching blow for blow, Mark took this chance as he flew towards the Daxamite.

"Mon-El I presume?" Mark's words made the Daxamite flinch but he received Mark's attack nonetheless. The Savitar went to harass Mark on the sides while Zod sent heat vision from time to time to Mark trying to tire him out.

"You've just shot yourself in the foot Lord Johnson, we know your tendency to raise a barrier which no one could get in and get out for privacy but we have been waiting!" Abra laughed as he looked at Mark.

"You say I destroyed the world but from what I can see you talk like the villain here. Always yapping about your plans like an idiot!" Mark said as he suddenly had Reepicheep appear in his hands.

"Huh? AaghhHH!!!" Reepicheep was confused at first but he was suddenly thrown by Mark towards who he thought was Mammoth.

"Beat Mammoth up!" Mark said to his summon but his other hand has cast a healing spell on his side which now stopped bleeding.

"I'm not ready!" Reepicheep said as he flew away then he bumped to Mammoth's head who was about to land a punch to Donna. She looked at the three feet muscular rat in shock at first but was stunned when the rat suddenly crawled around to punch Mammoth in many places.

"Curse you hairy fellow! I was about to go on a date with a beautiful Beaver!!" Reepicheep was furiously hitting everywhere he crawled on Mammoth making the big guy panicked as he tried to reach for the small muscular rat on him.

"Okay…" Donna said as she looked around and saw Mon-El being sent away like a rag doll and Mark fighting both Savitar and Zod. Seeing Mon-el recover she dashed towards him and threw a punch sending him far away where Diana and Power Girl are fighting.

"Dr. Fate, why must you interfere with us? You should be helping us, this man in front of you is going to destroy the universe if he isn't stopped in his early years!" Abra said as he sent more technomagic attacks to Dr Fate.

"I am not the one to judge a person of character based upon the words of charlatans acting like sorcerers. You are nothing but a fake wizard and you show no evidence of the truth in your words!" Dr Fate multiplied but Abra responded in kind as he too became many with holographic clones.

"I know you were going to say that, but it matters not. He will die here today." as Abra said that a sudden beam of blue light hit Mark on his back after receiving a punch on his face from Savitar.

Mark was suddenly encased with ice as his body felt slow and cold. He looked back and saw two more people behind him. One was a white martian holding a cold gun and another was an Alien that looked like Darkseid.

"Hehehe… now I know you are all lying. Having Power Girl in your clique made me hesitant but seeing you ally yourself with Mongul and a white Martian makes things easier." Mark then glowed golden all over as rings appeared behind him and the grass around them grew like crazy turning into bluish snake like contruscts.

"Shit! It's that power of his using the Green!" Zod said as he threw heat visions to burn the grass but they grew faster than how they were being burned.

"Don't let the thorns touch you, they are poisonous!" Savitar said as he phased through the grasses to escape. The White Martian flew away as well as Mongul and Zod followed.

"Gottcha!" Mark suddenly appeared in front of Savitar surprising him and but before he could go his feet got tied by vines. As he was about to phase Mark instantly chopped off the feet of the speedster.

"AARGHH!!!" Savitar screamed which alerted everybody but he was suddenly injected by ten tranq darts by Mark making him faint then he tied him up with the grass around him.

"Who's next?" Mark said as he looked at the three flying enemies above.

"Die!!" Zod charged first followed by Mongul and the White Martian. Mark flew up and met Zod with a fist full of kryptonite knocking him away. He then threw a flame spell towards the White Martian but he answered with the cold gun making a large mist cover their area.

But Mark could still see as his eyes glowed purple, drawing his Mana towards his eyes he fires a purple golden beam towards Mongul. But as we was about to follow through he was tackled by Zod and received a full powered Kryptonian punch on his face making Mark dizzy for a bit.

But this elicited a flurry of beat down from the three powerhouses making him more beat up. Then he was subjected to the three heat vision of the attackers making a large explosion with him in the middle.

This made the others stop in their battles as they watched where Mark stood and as the smoke cleared they saw him standing there bloodied with his whole armor broken to pieces and only his pants are left of what he wore.

"Hehe…you all really prepared for me didn't you?" Mark smiled with bloodied teeth and looked at the three floating on top of him.

"You all wanted something, for the lot of you to come to the past and risk having the timeline change means something I have or something I did force you all in the corner. Still not sure how you convinced Power Girl though, but I'll find out once I break every bone in your bodies…" Mark then pressed his Omnitrix as green light flashed.

"STOP HIM!!" Abra widened his eyes as he noticed Mark's actions.

Mongul and the others reacted and flew down as fast as they could. Three of them could overwhelm Mark already but what greeted them was four fist flying towards their faces.


"You, are really annoying." Mark said as his other hand held the neck of the Martian while Zod and Mongul was sent far away with broken noses.

"Now burn!!" Mark four eyes glowed as he held the white Martian who was about to shape shift away then sent four purple golden heat vision point blank. His one hand took the cold gun and placed it in his inventory.

"KRAAGHHH!" the white Martian screamed his voice hoarse making those watching stunned as Mark now looked very different. Red skinned and four armed with four eyes.

"See this Sorcerer? He is no hero, he will destroy the world if you all let him be." Abra said slyly as he still kept Dr. Fate busy. He just said these things so Kent would hesitate a bit and not help Mark as they fought, but he never thought that two of them already is out of the fight this soon.

"Stop it!!" Zod shouted as he sent his heat vision along with Mongul towards Mark but he countered it with his own. Having four eyes really improves thing up, his hand is now holding a charred body of the White Martian too weak to even fight again. Throwing it back and sending it where Savitar is he tied them both up in grass snakes after making them unconscious with tranq darts.

Mark then proceeded to have a brawl with Zod and Mongul not even using kryptonite anymore as he fought blow for blow making the earth shake as they fought.

Meanwhile Reepicheep is still annoying Mammoth as he skittered about on the giant of a man.

"Haha!! You can't handle the great and awesome Reepicheep!!" the rat was having the time of its fighting a strong person like Mammoth but he slipped a bit giving mammoth a chance to send a right hook towards him sending him towards where Diana and Donna are.


His body plowed the earth as he arrived where the women are fighting. He stood up unscathed but a bit dizzy, he looked around and was suddenly hit with the falling body of Power Girl.

"I do not know who you are warrior but this ends now!" Diana said as he sent her lasso to power girl and tied her up.

"Tell me who are you?!" Diana asked as she made Power girl stand up but the face of the kryptonian woman was just silent as ever looking like a statue.

"I am Reepicheep, the most handsome rat and master's favorite pet!!" a voice sounded out behind Power Girl making Diana look behind and saw a large muscular Rat tied up on the back of Power Girl.

"What manner of creature are you?" Diana didn't see Reepicheep being thrown earlier so she asked.

"Me, I am a creature of good manners! Master taught me how to handle the shop like a professional butler!!" Repicheep said as he looked proud while being tied up.

"Who's you master?" Diana asked but her eyes were drawn to the shockwaves made by Mark's battle.

"That's my master!" Reepicheep said, but as Diana was about to ask any further she saw her apprentice having trouble fighting Mon-El. She then punch Power Girl hard enough on her chin that it made her unconscious and took her lasso away to help her apprentice.

"Hubba hubba, this girl looks pretty enough. I'll take her to master, maybe he'll like her." Reepicheep then dragged the unconscious Power Girl towards Mark's direction.

But as he saw the devastation of the battle he paused and looked around, he then saw Mammoth charge at Diana and fight her but she was too strong for him to handle alone thus Mon-El helped and the battle became 2 v 2.

"Hmm… that man's suit is cool looking. I think I'll borrow it for a bit." Reepicheep looked at the battle of Dr. Fate and saw Abra's attire. He then carried Power Girl towards there unnoticed as Abra was paying attention to Mark's situation.

He was calm as he saw what is happening as he knew that whatever happens here will not be known by those outside. He still has a trump card left that'll take care of this problem they have in the future.

He wanted to get rid of Mark as he was the largest obstacle of many in their plans of World Domination, him and that young Bat who they will take care of after this. But as he was fighting and thinking of what to say to deter the Sorcerer Supreme from interfering he was suddenly hit by a strong force behind him sending him down to the ground.

"Hmm?" Kent stopped as he just saw the bipedal Rat use Power Girl as a club to hit the enemy that he was facing.

"Oohh… his clothes looks better at close." Reepicheep walked to the unconscious Abra who was hit unawares with his full force. His M-wand might be really powerful but he has no strong defense against blunt force, he could do some minor reality manipulation but he didn't expect he will be hit by a rat using his teammate.

"This thing looks good, I could use it as my cane." Reepisheep held the M-wand and pocketed it, then started to strip Abra of his clothes as he too pocketed them.

"Whoa! Shiny Helmet, can I have that?" Reepicheep said as he looked at Dr. Fate who floated nearby.

"This is not a toy Mr. Rodent." Dr. Fate said to the muscular Rat.

"I'll trade it for you? Look I have shiny coins here!" Reepicheep showed some coins he has on his pockets.

"No." Kent said but still he felt something was still wrong, his enemy was too calm even when Mark was getting foothold on his battle. He looked at the four armed being fighting who ever these people are but he can feel it, as Mark said they are from the future.

"Mr. Rodent, would it be okay for you to protect me while I prepare something for the moment?" Dr. Fate said to Reepicheep.

"Uhm, sure thing!" the Rat then placed Power girl and Abra to his side while folding the clothes he just got.

On the distance Mark was raining down punches and mana arrows to his foes as he fought. Zod and Mongul now looked worse for wear as they were bruised all over trying to defend. Diana and Donna are also getting traction in their fights.

But as Mark was fighting he had been gathering Mana silently inside of him, there were no indications yet as his body has no hair but he is now ready to fire his strongest attack as of yet to his enemies.

Yet he didn't, he felt there is something else. Something he's missing, Abra could travel through time but he certainly is not the one who planned this situation.

There must be someone who extensively studied him in the future and felt his was the best time to attack and kill him. Whatever he did in the future forced this guy to call upon many heavy hitters and even had someone to stop Dr. Fate.

So he just kept giving the two in front of him a beating, as his mind wandered on why was Power girl with these people. But in a moment he was able to notice something, he looked at Zod and Mongul's eyes.

They were blank, for a while he had been dishing out punches to their bodies but they had never shown pain or anything for that matter. He had been in a hurry, since he was urgently planning to go back to his world he did not notice immediately.

He had felt his first soldier die earlier and he went all out with using the omnitrix as well as his powers. But now that he thought about it there was something really wrong, he suddenly swerved his head to where Savitar and the White Martian was but all he saw were empty grass cages.

Instincts on overdrive Mark instantly flew towards his foes and grabbed them in their neck then used them as shield to a large beam suddenly going towards him. Mark was pushed back as his eyes saw a portal appear behind where he was which was sending out the beam.

Mark's eyes glowed as he pulled all the mana he gathered and shot it forward after throwing the burnt up Zod and Mongul. He was able to stop the large beam for a bit but he felt that he'll run out of Mana before the beam so he flew up while the beam followed him.

Whatever or whoever controls that portal means that he/she has great control over it being able to adjust it as he flew to the sky. Mark was shocked as he kept flying as he saw another portal appear and an old green guy with glowing circle things on his head and three faces on his back appeared.

"Brainiac?" Mark said as he pulled over every Ambient Mana in the air to keep his beam on as it weakened slowly as seconds go by.

"As sharp as ever, but this will be your end your Majesty, I will get rid of you early and I'll be rid of the largest obstacle in my path!" Brainiac said as he looked at Mark in the sky.

Diana was shocked as she looked up but Mammoth and Mon-El still fought fiercely against her and Donna. She looked at her Apprentice and nodded at each other then went to fight more fiercely against their opponents.

Mark strained as he fired his heat vision to full force but he reached out his hands to touch his chest but suddenly the White Martian appeared behind him and bound him with his body preventing Mark to reach out to the omnitrix.

"Immolate!!" Mark screamed as his body burst in flames but somehow the White Martian just screamed and did not let go.

"You want to die so bad then die!!" Mark then stopped his heat vision and turned around letting the beam his the White Martian. The being died in an instant and it hit Mark too sending him upwards but he was able to press the omnitrix and transform.

The Beam still went on but somehow it was not enough to harm that gigantic silhouette above as Mark fell from the sky as WayBig. Mark turned around and blocked the beam with his arms crossing sending abeam out to fight back.

But as he did so Mongul and Zod recovered and flew to hit his large frame from the sides.

"ARGH!!" Mark shouted in pain as he felt his ribs break.