93 Deamon Princes

(A/N: Hey I'm back, got to apologize since school has started again and I still haven't finished my Incomplete subjects. At least I was now able to take the cast of my arms and write a bit but when I did try my mind went blank.

The stream of knowledge from school seems to have made me a bit forgetful of some things in Warhammer Fantasy so I had to research again in my free time.

But this was all I could make, only two chapters but maybe once I could completely comply my Incomplete Subjects then maybe I can update more frequently. For now I'm sorry if my update speed is quite slow, hope you enjoy the chapters.)

For hours, charge after charge the forces led by Mark whittled down the forces of Chaos. Though seemingly showing impossible feats, Mark still felt pain as he received more souls within him as more of his believers fell on by one.

Drums thrummed in the air, blood splattered as hooves run over the dead bodies of their enemy. Roars of rage, swords like teeth and daggers for fangs yet the beast of Chaos cannot push back the fearless charge of humanity's finest.

The dauntless warriors of Kislev, the courageous men of Bretonnia and some brave souls of the Empire now fought with renewed vigor as Mark led the charge.

For every man of Kislev there would have been ten deamons that have been cut down, for every warrior of the Empire at least five have fallen from their blades yet those under Mark's orders seem to not tire out as they cut down droves of the worshipers of the dark.

Yet even then there would be those that died to quickly for the support given by the young speedster to arrive. But somehow even when she pulled their cold body back they died with faces seemingly having a peaceful nap.

Mark felt hurt, as each death was felt like a cold splash of water pouring over him. He knew these people trusted him and did not regret dying since he made them his duty.

But he still did not relent as he made sure to take down every Deamon that dared to target his lands. He knew he could not do much substantial damage towards the Chaos Gods since their forces would just resurrect anyways but it would gain him time.

Time which will make him more prepared and ready to fight more battles in the future that is yet to come. In the Keep Diana and Carter watched as hundreds of Cavalry made minced meat out of the enemy.

They had realized the past few days that somehow Mark's men seems to capture the men and women of the enemies and place them into the dungeons for something only Mark could know and would not disclose.

But they did not dwell much on the matter as they were alert in case some crisis should happen in one of the defensive lines. Carter was looking up and was amazed at the Great Hawks being ridden by the Elves.

"Elves, many people back in our world would really love to meet these graceful beings." Carter looked into the horizon as he watched out for larger and more dangerous flying beast.

"Of course they would be interested, but most would not have good intentions at all. It is better for them to stay here, they have enough problems for themselves as it seems." Diana wanted to jump over and help already but there was this feeling she has that made her stay within the Keep.

Judy on the other hands was a bit disheveled as she saved more and more soldiers while a team of halflings was cooking her desserts as she ate them on the go while running around.

"My, what a hearty appetite she has." Said a halfling.

"Her appetite is what you noticed? Not her running around faster than sound?" another Halfling looked at his fellow seemingly surprised.

"Well that too but the surprise does fade out after a bit, our Lord has a dog as fast as that too don't you remember?" the first Halfling said as he took out a tray of newly baked pie from an oven.

"Yeah, now that you mention it, it's been awfully peaceful when the three miscreant pets of our lord is absent." The other Halfling said.

But even with their support, the young speedster was feeling a different kind of exhaustion. She was a hero but she is young and seeing a full blown war starting to take a toll in her psyche, good thing Mark had made sure to give at least enough attention on the mental states of the three heroes that came with him.

Though he is battling he is multitasking as he made a path of carnage towards the five Deamon Princes behind the large army of Chaos. He knew that the presence of the three foreign entities might have gotten the interest of the Chaos Gods for a bit.

But he has this deep feeling inside of him that he somehow felt it was a good idea to have them know of his situation. He has a lot to digest in the amount of loot he has found in the DC world and maybe, just maybe the presence of foreign souls would take off some attention focused upon him.

Mark knew that it was a bit manipulative but after learning that the entity inside of him has done a lot for him and now is supposedly gone then he might need more time to gain more strength to defend himself.

His mental skirmish with Slaanesh was not only thanks to the Chaos God looking down on him but also the spark that his other self has left for him.

And right now, even when surrounded by enemies, Mark felt free more than ever. The System which worried him greatly now felt transparent and no longer mysterious.

He slashed, he stabbed and he charged with controlled precision as he led the cavalry to break the lines of the Chaos army. Sending this much Deamon prince definitely took a toll within the forces of Chaos within the Mortal world.

So Mark gritted his teeth as he drew forth mana deep within himself and made a curtain of mana arrows behind him. Waving his hand forward the enemies in front of him were blanketed by the thousands of arrows he just released.

"Hans, you take the lead and make sure no one disturb my fight." Mark looked at his loyal knight who nodded towards him and led the thousands of cavalry to make a large circle where Mark and the few underlings of the five Deamon princes including them are left.

Mark then jumped off of Gideon who kept running and trampling deamons under his hooves without slowing down. Mark then landed in front of the elites of the Chaos army where the five big honchos are waiting.

"Hoohoo… an enigma, a godling not bound by the treaty of Godheads. Something worth studying…" A tall lanky looking deamon prince with root like protrusions on its head looked at Mark intently as he seemed very interested at the entity that is in front of him.

"A being too clean to be added to the Lord's plague banners, but a god nonetheless." An overly obese horned being with putrid puss oozing out of his skin as well as a gaping maw with razor sharp teeth in his stomach growled as he looked disgusted with Mark.

"He houses the heretics of blood within him yet his being smells all so delectable, I feel the urge to battle!!" a brown skinned winged muscular Deamon roared as he walked forward ready to strike, his body screamed strength and carnage as his horns seem to have blood caked upon them.

"Such power, such divinity found in mortal lands. And it is all ours for the taking…" the Slaaneshi deamon prince with its symbolic purple skin licked it's lips as she/he hungered to eat a body of a god.

"A gift for the almighty chaos he is, as his divine blood shall signal the downfall of humanity!!" a grey skinned deamon that looked similar to Bel'akor drew his large sword and walked towards Mark who seemed to be waiting for their actions.

"Hah… quite arrogant as always, you all really think that you can take me on just by yourselves?" Mark smiled as he rolled up his left sleeve showing the omnitrix.

"We are the chosen of the great Chaos godling, we are not something a newly risen god could erase." The Deamon prince of Chaos undivided looked down to Mark who smirked at their direction.

"I've been waiting to do this for quite some time, finally I can try this feature." Mark said as pressed the omnitrix, the bright flash of green light shone all over the place making most chaos beast flinch earning more victims for the trampling hooves of the large cavalry.

"Big Swampfire!!" Mark had been fiddling with the omnitrix ever since he received it and he had only found out about the hybrid function recently. And only two pairs of aliens were deciphered by him, that was a combination of Fourarms and XLR8 as well as the combo of Swampfire and Waybig.

Spirit Rings then flashed behind Mark making him look like a gigantic deity descending to lay judgement. The five large Deamons looked up in shock as they were only about close to the knees of the larger being in front of them.

"Rot and Decay are fuel of life!!" Mark said as roots and vines sprouted out instantly trying to wrap around the five smaller giant deamons. They instantly reacted by trying to slash and cut the vines but the growth rate was so fast.

Mark also punched down as he target the servant of Nurgle, this was something he cannot let out for longer. His fist landed on the large blob making the earth shake at the sudden destructive force.

Mark did not speak as he attacked in a frenzy, this mode is not yet stable as he cannot hold this form for quite long. So he rained a barrage of punches towards the Deamon prince of Nurgle.

It was then the heralds who had dodge the attacks of the vines tried to help but Mark just swatted them away. He did not let himself be stopped as the four other demon prince tried to attack him.

But the regeneration rate of Swampfire kicked in as well as his martial spirit powers that made his wounds vanish in an instant. Only one that could have found a way to lessen his regenerative powers was a strong pathogen from a nurgle prince.

"KrAAGHH!!!" ARGHH!!!" the deamon prince screamed as plants spouted in its pores as they grew from eating off the plagues and puss within its body.

Mark kept tenderized the deamon who was too hurt to even do anything and planted a lot of seeds on it. He then used the full extent of his powers to make the seeds grow instantly making a large forest like area in the middle of the battle field.

"Become nutrients to the earth prince of decay…" Mark said as he looked to the other four who had backed up and now seemed to be preparing large scale attacks on him.

"Might of Khorne!! Blood for the blood God!!" the brown skinned bloodthirster screamed as his whole body slowly reddened as if blood was poured over its skin as he wielded his axe that shone with deadly radiance ready to rend flesh and bone.

"Spell Breaker!!" the prince of Chaos undivided slammed a dark ord of magic on the ground sending waves of it all around the battle field, this caused magic within many others to stir as magic was sucked back towards him.

"Foul winds rise and swirl, cold winds bring forth the wrath of the skies. Crackle and flash, descend the anger of the firmament, Thunder storm!!" the deamon prince of tzeentch casted a large scale spell that called forth large amounts of thunder clouds in the sky to gather and swirl above their battle field.

(A/N: This is totally a random set of lines I made up so it might seem the deamon really casted a spell. My research seems to not find if they do chant to cast spells but since it is a fantasy world setting I just made some things up.)

"Mystifying winds…" the purple skinned Deamon danced as violet mist spread in the area making Mark feel a bit sluggish but he held on as he extended his right arm to form a large sword made of wood and slashed down towards the four but his attack was hit by a barrage of lightning.


The place was a total mess as Mark duked it out with his all as he waved two gigantic wooden swords to fight back, even when he is larger the Deamon prince of Khorne seemto eb able to keep up with his strength and the Slaaneshi deamon kept harassing him with his/her more dexterous attacks.

The prince of Chaos undivided also harasses Mark as well as the prince of Tzeentch, but even then they all struggle to keep up as Mark started to put more pressure in his attacks.

He made the vines keep growing and kill the heralds as well as the the other lesser deamons. From Plaguebearers, to Deamonettes, Pink horrors and Bloodletters.

Mark made sure to prevent them from releasing the Deamon prince of Nurgle as he was almost done with having the plants consume the large being. It was then another bone chilling sound was heard as a large force of beasts of Chaos could be seen charging towards the battle field.

"So they are here… let the war beast loose!!" Mark looked over a bit as he parried the attackes on him and sent a counter attack. His voice echoed back to the keep where Diana was about to jump towards the battle field to help.

Carter had already left to help the Aerial Battles, Screamers and Rotflies fought the Great Hawks as well as the few who rode some Great Owls. They were not elves but rather women with pale countenance, they were the aerial force prepared by Neferata.

"War beast?" Diana looked confused but it was then another large could of dust could be seen where roars and bellows could be heard.

Her eyes focused and saw the gigantic beast that looked like a dinosaur leading the charge. Behind that were other gigantic beast from bulls, boars, wolves, bears, mammoths, rhinoxen, goats as well as snakes.

Some were ridden by former Norscan raiders that were now converted by Mark, mostly the Mammoths as well as the Rhinoxen who were besides the gigantic Bastialdon.

They were animals from the backyard that were given some variant compound-V which had the effect of making things grow a bit faster and break their species limits of size. It was the prototype of the Compound-V Giant which could not make the user go back to their initial size, they will just stay large.

But right now hundreds of gigantic beast charged towards the hordes of Juggernauts, Fleshhounds, Plague Toads, Steeds of Slaanesh as well as Fiends of Slaanesh.

There another rumble ensued but the large Bastiladon wreaking havoc was too hard to miss. It just trampled those under its feet and smashed any foul being that comes in the way of its large clubbed tail.

The Bastiladon was now the size of about four twenty ton ten wheel trucks and was a total tank in the battle field. It's hide now thicker and strength much formidable, it could now make even the larges predators in the forest of Lustria wary of its strength.

The other animals were also making great damage in the enemy's ranks as they too were given some diluted Compound-V Tank type, which made them more durable and could fight back teeth to claw against the beast of chaos.

It was then the Gospodars of Kislev cheered as they saw Great Bears in the beast that fought, a symbol of their people and gave them more vigor in fighting. Somehow Mark could feel a weird energy favoring these bears flow through them making them more ferocious.

He knew that it might be the Kislev patron God Ursun who is helping but he didn't mind, so he kept beating the deamon princes balck and blue as they could not totally defend from the onslaught of Mark's attacks.

They also noticed how the vines and plants seem to give some sort of paralytic poison that hindered them as well as the lesser deamons around them.

It was then the ground in the keep surged making Mark notice but was being kept busy by the four Deamon princes, yet he did not panic. There was a heavy hitter waiting there, Diana or Wonder woman landed in front of the crumbling earth near the gates of the keep.

Then the land burst as dozens of bipedal rats jumped out but they were greeted by the Amazonian princes who clashed both her bracelets making a shockwave halting the surprise attack of the rats.

"You're even dirtier than the pet rat of mister Mark." Diana drew her sword and held her shield as she faced the rats gaining time for those in the keep to take in positions.

It was enough to prevent more confusion as more parts of the ground burst apart as more rats poured out of the holes. Yet it was then a special group of knights appeared wearing heavy grey armor all over and stood about seven feet tall with glaives as well as repeating crossbows in their hands.

They have been waiting in the corner of the keep and as the Skaven showed themselves they came out to exterminate them. They did not care of the attacks of the small rat creatures as they trudged forward ignoring the flimsy swords that struck them.

"For the Lord! Kill the Vermin scum!!" the heavy armored knights charged into the bailey where the skaven came out in droves. Other than that a group of women in dark clothes could be seen throwing knives and darts to kill the rats in the shadows.

Wonder Woman was amazed at how Mark seemed to have predicted that there would be an attack in the keep seeing that there was a response team waiting within.

But she did not mind much as she made sure the rats does not attack the servants as well as maids that are handling the wounded in the keep.

"Sis Diana! Did you see? Did you see? They have a dinosaur!!" Judy Garrick came running back as she jumped around in glee showing her excitement forgetting the gloom she had been feeling already.

"Focus Judy!" Diana waved her shield blocking a few arrows that were about to hit the overly excited speedster.

"But they have a dino!! I wanna ride it!!" Judy ran around and knocked the rats that were on the surface making them easy prey to the grey knights and the Dhampirs.

"Well ask later, hyagh!!!" Diana banged her bracer to her shield sending a line of shockwave into the rat tunnels making it unstable inside.

"Yey!!" Judy then ran back into saving more wounded as well as giving simple first aid to the wounded beasts in their side.