Chapter 88: Magician Through and Through

"Not bad."

The control of all the mana in the air was completely neutralized in the blink of an eye.

Iffy leaped back and swung her staff.

"[Fireball Barrage]"

Dozens of fireballs mercilessly tore through the air at her cold voice. The balls of seething hot flames boiled the air and rushed toward the figure of the casually standing boy at the side.

He snapped his fingers.

"[Honeycomb Defense: Dormatio Domus]"

The dozens of fireballs reached Eugene and crashed into an invisible wall before fading away.

Iffy increased the speed of the fireballs until they covered all of the skies above the battlefield and sent them hurtling toward the boy, completely blocking his vision.

She tapped her staff twice on the ground and a wide magic circle formed over the entire arena.

"[Field of Impalement]"