Chapter 95: Negotiations are done with a sword

"As you wish."

"AAAH!" Dawn screamed as her back hit the ground.

"Good job! Just because she's an inhuman beauty does she think she can fling your kindness around like that?" Titania harrumphed. Was she praising her or insulting her? I couldn't tell to be honest.

The sounds of the Arachne's feet (dozens of them) entered my ears from the distance. I had flung them into a passageway away from the waterfall. It wouldn't have been possible to drop them down into the water from my angle.

"So, that's that. All the best," I said to Dawn. Just using the shields was straining my heart, I doubted I could pull any other magic for at least another fifteen minutes. It might seem short, but in a battle, each second highlighted the thin line between life and death.

"Tsk, just go if you're leaving," Dawn said, pulling back her words almost immediately. "It's better that way. Go and get help, this is not something we can do?"

"Oh yeah?" I said, puzzled.