Chapter 98: Let's Get Out

"W-what do you mean?" Dawn asked.

"Ah, I kinda knew it but I'm interested in the details too!" Titania said. Thinking of it, I had never explained everything to her. Our connection made it so that she could figure out most things about me and I could figure out most things about her, but the details had to be told in the end.

"Alright, I'll tell you too."

"W-who are you talking with?" Dawn asked, still surprised.

"It's my companion, the fairy!"

"The cutest fairy!"

"Right, the cutest fairy."

Dawn froze in place. She raised her quaking fingers and pointed at my shoulders. "S-she's there?"

This lady sure stuttered a lot for someone so much older than me.

"Right here," I said.

"You can summon a fairy...?" Her words weren't pointed at me as she clasped her forehead and fell on the wall again.

"Summon? Aren't you more like, living here?"

"Yup, yup," Titania nodded. "Because we're both super strong."

Dawn's shock only increased with my words. How fun.