Chapter 118: Two Birds with One Stone

How? Why? Since when?

Dozens of questions flew past Anatolia's mind. Had it been before she had grown, she would have blanked out almost immediately. But now, even as her heart beat faster than her body could handle and her breaths grew more hastened than she could exhale, she didn't lose track of her thoughts.

Her eyes trembled. Her lips pressed down. She wanted to clench her teeth and fists but held herself from doing so.

He had changed. Incomparably so.

Scars ran down his neck to his chest, a missing finger, hair long and sharp with a build that wouldn't surprise her to be a result of years upon years of hard work. It was something unimaginable for the scum of a man she knew who couldn't even do anything but harass women and then scream when he was shown his place. But there was no mistaking that face.

She couldn't mistake those hateful eyes.

The one who ruined her life, who killed her with his own hands, who abandoned his humanity and spurred the world toward destruction.