Chapter 146: Eat

"Guk... kah..."

The demon I had bit through was spasming on the ground. As I jumped out of the chains binding me, I looked at the demon. Blood dripped out of its bitten neck and joined the puddle of remnants splayed over the ground.

I could slowly feel all my Mana and Ki coming back. Waiting all this time didn't just help me get in a better state after the beat down, I must have also managed to make every creature in this castle drop its guard.

That, and...

"These chains sure are interesting..." With my hand still bleeding out, I unhooked the chains and inspected them.

That Balam was too strong. Even if I went all out, I wasn't sure I could win.

"Do these chains work on you guys?" I asked the demon. Its helm moved in weird ways at my words, quite tenacious.

I pulled all the chains out and hung them over my shoulders. They weren't suppressing my strength like this, but would whenever I made two ends meet. The cuffs seemed to be the center of this mechanism.