Chapter 172: Good to be back

"How is that a small deal at all?" Keith, standing in the middle of the rubble, seemed pretty sad.

"Because it is." I shut his argument down with great reasoning. Pointing at the corpse behind me, I asked. "Who are these guys?"

"Seem like the Fonias. Who cares! The drinks!!"

I held in a sigh and walked over to Keith. He wasn't going to let this go.

"Look, I'm sorry for breaking the promise but..." I had to distract him with something else. I pointed at my neck and my chest as the long scar that stretched down revealed itself. "I got this real badass scar."

Keith leaned closer and inspected the scar. "That does look badass."


"But you're body is too riddled with wounds for it to look good. And, hey wait what the fuck! Your finger's gone too!"

"I cut that one off."